FacePalm Friday

This is where your hosts will list their top picks for what they learned or read about this week that caused them to do a facepalm (the expression of mixed humor and disbelief or disgust or shame as depicted in our Rally facepalm smiley).
We invite you to add your facepalms of the week to our comments. Go ahead and add a link, tell a personal story, or share something on the subject of child welfare or adoption that you became aware of this week that made you facepalm.
This picture is worth much more than 1,000 words…and they aren’t pleasant words either for this “birthmother” pendant.
Crabbina says: Tie a Ribbon ‘Round It.
Reformatina says: There are no words.
Rally says: Speechless.
“Adoption, infertility & surrogacy are hot topics these days. By request, I’ve created a piece which honors those selfless women who carry babies for other families. No one can argue that giving to another person or couple, the child that you have carried & birthed, is a heart-wrenching thing to do, but there is joy in the pain. A new family is born or completed, a child is loved & welcomed by so many people who have yearned & ached for this little being.
She has a bow around her large belly, representing the enormous gift she bears for someone else. We honor the woman who has given so much of herself already & then finds the strength within to give just a little more.
Available with or without nipples, although I will put them on by default, unless you specify otherwise in “message to seller” upon checkout. Can be created in any color or skin tone. Bow can be any color.”
It looks like a muppet!