Trafficking Tragedies: Bulgaria and Greece

By on 1-27-2011 in Bulgaria, Greece, Trafficking

Trafficking Tragedies: Bulgaria and Greece

Eleven people including a doctor, lawyer and leaders of an organized crime group were arrested in Greece and Bulgaria for allegedly selling newborn babies for 25,000 € to Greek clients in a cross-border baby trafficking scheme.

“The joint operation, dubbed “Babies”, followed a several-month investigation, prompted by a tip-off from one of the 14 mainly ethnic Roma victims of the gang. The woman reportedly gave birth to a baby girl in Greece, but refused to leave it for adoption and the gang took the child from her by force. She managed to escape and return to Bulgaria.”

“[T]he lawyer, who is married to a Greek …allegedly supplied the birth certificates and the faked adoption documents”

[SE 1/26/11 via CNN, Herald Sun, Standart – 26/01/11; Sofia News Agency, The Sofia Echo,, Mediapool, eKathimerini, Bulgarian Interior Ministry – 25/01/11]

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