Nepal and NCFA

By on 2-06-2011 in NCFA, Nepal, Trafficking

Nepal and NCFA

The ongoing spin continues in the following article. Though the Department of State has warned multiple times about the unreliability of Nepali orphanage paperwork, the adoption industry organization is still trying to strongly influence the suspension.

“As a voice for orphans, The National Council for Adoption has always accepted additional regulations being imposed upon adoption programs. However, we cannot accept a suspension of the Nepal program, as it will result in more children being harmed because they are denied a family.” says Chuck Johnson, President and CEO of National Council for Adoption, an adoption advocacy nonprofit organization based in Alexandria, Virginia.”

He further says,”“I don’t think this is a case of child trafficking. I think these children were intended for adoption, they just lack the documentation to prove it.”

He can add channeling original family intentions to his resume, I guess.
[Asian 2/6/11 by Cathy Crenshaw Doheny]

REFORM Talk has covered the Nepal Suspension issue here:   and

NCFA has been covered here:

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