June 2005 from the JCICS Files

By on 2-08-2011 in Guatemala, Haiti, JCICS, NCFA, Romania

June 2005 from the JCICS Files

June 17, 2005
JCICS Membership
These minutes explain who actually comprises the JCICS membership. This organization likes to advertise that they are working for birthparents, orphans, and adoptive families–but the reality is that 83 percent of the membership at that time was comprised of adoption agencies. Medical clinics and advocacy/parents rounded out the final 17 percent.

Also listed was the revenue paid to them by members. A resounding 97 percent of JCICS revenue comes from adoption agencies. Money makes decisions. Make no mistake about who the JCICS really represents.

JCICS had influential meetings with decision-makers in Guatemala. It is important to note who represented the JCICS at that time: ”Chris Hubber [sic]” of Families Through International Adoption (FTIA) agency, ”Marlys Ubben” of New Horizons Adoption agency, one member of Christian Alliance for Orphans, and “Hannah Wallace” of Focus on Adoption (FOA) (see http://www.childlaw.us/2008/02/focus-on-adoption-a-rogues-gal.html for further connections of this group to FTIA, Masha Allen, and Elizabeth Bartholet of Harvard.)

Romania was not open to international adoption in 2005, but there were many “pipeline families.” The JCICS has very high-level connections with the EU and US. Curiously, it stated: “Also, there are several EU parliamentarians from within the U.S. government that serve as direct liaisons” [emphasis Rally]

Concerns of bribes and unethical behavior abounded in 2005. The JCICS does not like that the “current director by presidential appointment for IBESR (social services in Haiti)” was abiding by the actual adoption laws on the books. JCICS claimed that these are “old adoption laws that require 10 years of marriage for a childless couple to adopt.” But the reality is that was not an OLD law, but the CURRENT law. In fact, it is the CURRENT law in 2011. It is the most rigid marriage requirement of any international adoption process between the US and another country. The reason it hasn’t been changed is because of the utter instability of the Haitian government.

As for bribes, there was this comment: “For pending cases, he is getting a ‘dispense’ from the president for families with no more than three biological children. The cases that are released appear to be in random order, which raises the question of bribes.”

Other Alliances
Also sent were congratulations to the National Council for Adoption (NCFA), the evangelical Christian adoption industry organization.

An action item to try to gain new members by liaising with FRUA (Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption), an adoptive family support group, was discussed.

Full June 17, 2005 notes here: http://poundpuplegacy.org/files/jcics/June%2017,%202005%20Minutes.pdf.

For all 2005-2009 board meeting minutes, see http://poundpuplegacy.org/node/46329.

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