February Through July 2006 from the JCICS Files

By on 2-09-2011 in COA, JCICS, NCFA, Ukraine, Yunona

February Through July 2006 from the JCICS Files

February 2006
The JCICS was asked for feedback on facilitators for the trial due to the investigation into Yunona. Christian World Adoptions (CWA), a JCICS and Hope for Orphans member umbrella-ed for them. (see http://poundpuplegacy.org/node/10556)

The missing post-placement reports were affecting JCICS member agencies’ business, so they “consulted with the attorney, who indicated that the Federal Privacy Act does not apply to JCICS,” in order to try to get client information.

The JCICS decided to get state child protective services involved with putting pressure on adoptive families. “Discussion was held about the possibility of notifying each state’s child welfare authorities; Ellen Conway indicated that Maura Harty is signing letters to child protective services within each state.”

March 2006
The JCICS was still stinging over agencies choosing to join NCFA over JCICS.

“It has been brought to Meghan’s attention that NCFA was requesting these agencies to join NCFA so they could provide a list of members accredited in Russia and better speak on their behalf. Some agencies were not comfortable with that and did not want to join due to domestic adoption policy differences. NCFA is no longer requesting agencies to join, but NCFA has invited the Prosecutor General from Russia to attend their conference, being held the week before the JCICS conference.”

Interagency Agreement
For those who think these agencies don’t work together, think again.

“Rick obtained suggested language for an Interagency Agreement from Kristine Altweis-Nicholson, Keith Wallace, Children’s Home Society, and Karing Angels. The document still needs to be edited and reviewed by the board, then it can be posted on the member’s only site for agencies to use or not use as they see fit.”

Kristine was employed by Hawaii International Child Agency, Keith with FTIA, and the other 2 listed were separate agencies.

June 2006
The JCICS continued to be concerned for their competitive edge with NCFA.

Mega Issue: How does JCICS make sure it is maintaining a competitive edge but also remain focused on its mission and goals instead of being reactive?
“Historically the NCFA focused on domestic adoption, but has shifted over the past several years to an increased focus on international adoption as well. There is some concern that they mimic Joint Council’s efforts.

“NCFA has shared that they will be sending a large delegation to Russia and Ukraine at the end of July. JCICS shared with NCFA of Tom DiFilipo’s trip to both countries as well.”

Sponsoring COA“Benefits

– Participate on Sponsor Advisory Council

– Members receive 25% discount on full COA Accreditation (not Hague)

– Formalize relationship with COA

– Serve on COA Board Committees and Task Forces (but not BOD itself)

– Join other sponsoring organizations such as NCFA, CWLA, Alliance for Children &Family, Association of Jewish Family & Children’s Agencies, Catholic Charities USA, etc.”

As we previously discussed, the president of the JCICS did end up on the Board of Directors of the COA.

At least they were honest here: “Discussion was held about the tangible versus political benefits.”

Surprise! The JCICS was (and still is) interested in political benefits.

July 2006
International Image
“One comment received on his [Tom DiFilipo] recent trip suggested that all agencies do is assist families in compiling dossiers.”

You can read more about what agencies do and do not do here http://reformtalk.blogspot.com/2011/01/international-adoption-is-two.html.

For February 2006 full notes: http://poundpuplegacy.org/files/jcics/February%2014%202006%20minutes_Final.doc

For March 2006 full notes:


For June 2006 full notes:


For July 2006 full notes:


For all 2005-2009 meeting minutes, see http://poundpuplegacy.org/node/46329.

REFORM Puzzle Piece


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