Kinship Care and Grandparents Rights

By on 2-09-2011 in Foster Care Reform, Grandparents Rights, Kansas

Kinship Care and Grandparents Rights

Grandparents testified at a Kansas Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday for rights to be interested parties when grandchildren are placed in foster care.

“Sen. Oletha Faust-Goudeau, a Wichita Democrat, has sponsored a bill that would automatically make grandparents interested parties in cases when their grandchildren have been removed from their homes.”

The dangers of foster care were highlighted. “One grandparent told of how her grandchildren lived with her for four months after they were taken away from their mother, only to be traumatized by state agents who came to the grandmother’s home and forcefully removed the children from her, too.

The children were put in foster homes, and granddaughter later was molested and got pregnant in foster care.”
[The Kansas City Star 2/8/11 by Associated Press]

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