FacePalm Monday

By on 3-14-2011 in Both Ends Burning, FacePalm Friday, Offensive Adoption Merchandise

FacePalm Monday

This is where your hosts will list their top picks for what they learned or read about this week that caused them to do a facepalm (the expression of mixed humor and disbelief or disgust or shame as depicted in our Rally facepalm smiley).

We invite you to add your facepalms of the week to our comments. Go ahead and add a link, tell a personal story, or share something on the subject of child welfare or adoption that you became aware of this week that made you facepalm

There were so many to choose from since our last post. Your hosts have selected just 4 from the long list for today.

(1) Hong Kong Disneyland as a cultural transition
Yes folks, with all those special focus children coming home from China now, don’t forget to transition them to their new life with you by stopping at Hong Kong Disneyland on the way back home. They too can be cultural ambassadors! Forget about that orphanage trauma or exposing Disneyland-goers to possible TB, you are now a parent and it’s time to show off! Time is a-wasting!


“It blends aspects of Chinese culture with the classic Disney experience. The builders incorporated feng shui into the park’s design to prevent the escape of chi (good energy) into the sea. I know absolutely nothing about feng shui but I guess this is a good thing.”

(2)Talk about a pound pup legacy….
Why not run a puppy mill and give the profit for child adoptions? West Sands clients, here is one for you…


And the name is so catchy too. The “Golden” part is for the puppy mill dog and “Dawn” is the name of the adoptee who died.

“To date Tilli has contributed 45 pups to help raise funds for our grants.”

(3)No puppy mill available? No problem! Try Craig’s list for your fundraising needs!

Yes, those Haiti adoptions are expensive. Those children do need some rescuing and the fundraiser needs a spelling lesson ( I am sure you will all understand that spell-checking takes too much time when you are busy printing t-shirts.)

“I am asking for help with a pending Haiti adoption. We are rescuing a child from Haiti and need $7000 to complete. I am not asking for a lot, but would like as many peope as possible to donate $5-10. For every donation of $20 or more, I will send you a Matthew 25:40 T-Shirt (see picture). Thansk for considering. God Bless. “

Laura Silsby? Is that you?  And don’t forget to visit their blog and share that link with ALL your Facebook friends!

(4) The ever popular Cross-Pollination guy…this 30 minute video is painful to watch. But Craig Juntunen from the Both Ends Burning Campaign did actually deliver this address at the 8th annual Adoption Policy Conference, held in New York a short time ago. Yes, the new Rosa Parks he is!



  1. PAP from the Netherlands here. It's not Laura Silsby on no.3, it's Stephanie Sansom Culp. And yes: she's on Facebook.

  2. Thanks Mirjam! Glad to have you as a reader! We never like to let an opportunity to poke fun at Laura Silsby slip by us as her "rescue mission" in Haiti was an embarrassment to missionaries worldwide. That ad sounded like something she might say-we know it isn't actually her 😉

  3. I know, just wanted to guide the dear readers to Facebook… ssshhh don't tell, you're blowing my clueless Dutch cover… 😉

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