Open Letter to Adoption Service Providers

By on 3-24-2011 in Adoption Service Providers, Ethics

Open Letter to Adoption Service Providers

This is an open letter addressing each and every person who works or has worked in the adoption profession in any capacity who either knowingly or unknowingly placed children who were harvested, laundered or otherwise sought out through unethical means for purposes of adoption. It is addressed to those who allowed children to be placed in unsafe homes, who falsified or in some cases destroyed records.

I have been waiting close to a decade for you to come forward and say, “This was wrong and we are going to work to make things right.” I’ve been waiting for that even if you did not know at the time that this was going on in your programs. I have been waiting for those who solicited children from families to recognize what you have done. I have been waiting for some indication of remorse or human emotion toward the children and families affected. I have been waiting to see just one person step forward and say, I am going to set things right as best I can.

I am still waiting. I could name names. You know who you are. Many of you have appeared in news reports and indictments. Others have been discussed on adoption chat boards and forums. Some of you have openly defended your practices and businesses while others suffer.

Still I hold to the belief that someone, somewhere has some sense of goodness in them and wants to start the amends process. I would love to have the opportunity to shake your hand and extend sincere grace to you.

I can think of many ways to start. An apology, assistance in retrieving stolen identities and unraveling bogus paperwork. The return of money and fees acquired through fraudulent adoption programs. Making good on promises made to birth families globally that were not kept and were not meant at the time to be kept.

It is never too late to make amends and you can start today. I am waiting.

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  1. Love it! "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

  2. I'll start by giving out a few names. And you can quote me.

    1. Denise Hubbard – Building Blocks Adoption Service
    2. Margaret Cole-Hughes – European Adoption Consultants
    3. Brenda Henn – Small World Adoption Foundation
    4. Linda Perilstein – Cradle of Hope
    5. Snow Wu – Great Wall Adoption
    6. Nina Kostina – The Frank Foundation boondoggle
    7. Linda Brownlee – Adoption Center of Washington
    8. Carol & Bob Mardock – International Family Services
    9. Jim & Cindy Harding – defunct World Partners
    10. Mary Mooney – International Adoption Guides
    11. Larisa Mason – International Assistance Group
    12. Orson Mozes – Adoption International Program
    13. Kerry Palakanis – Project Oz Adoptions
    14. Lin Strasser – 1st Steps Adoption
    15. Cathy Harris – Ukrainian Angels
    16. Lori Scott – Little Miracles
    17. Aviva Cohen – formerly Tree of Life
    18. Bianca Marcu – Tree of Life
    19. Bob & Sandy Roberts formerly of Tree of Life
    20. Keith Wallace – Families Thru International Adoption
    21. Sue Hedberg – Celebrate Children International
    22. Nancy Bailey – Semillas de Amor
    23. Scott & Karen Banks – Focus On Children
    24. Danalee Thornock – Focus On Children
    25. Dellory L. Matthews – Focus On Children
    26. Lisa Novak – Claar Foundation
    27. Ivan Jerdev – Yunona
    28. Reece's Rainbow – Andrea Roberts

    Some of us remember and haven't forgotten.

    Elizabeth S. Case

  3. Thank you for sharing, Elizabeth!

  4. To even think that a "business" would be born that cultivates innocent children and their bio families!

    It has been years since the Focus on Children child stealing business was exposed, yet as a child adovocate, the trickle down affect of these poor children from both Eastern Europe and Samoa has become a thunderstorm of placement disaster even to this present day.
    Both children and families that used Focus on Children have paid heavily for using this so called adoption agency. Children live in homes, where they are still not adjusting and do not feel as though they are in their "forever homes", others have been shuttled out of their first adoptive homes, while others have matured and have been "enlighten" on their "birth story". These children in particular are unsettled, confused and now very angry. I have had contact with several families dealing with these situations, it is heart breaking for all. Rightfully so.

    I applaud E. Case and Reformtina..and others who will not let this injustice of children be swept under the carpet and forgotten forever.

    We should pause a moment to remember Baby Heta, who died while in the process of adoption, in Samoa, let her not die in vain. We should pause for the unsettled lives of the adopted children of Scott and Karen Banks that were shuttled from their own homes to live in Samoa.

    Let us also pause for all of the children who have suffered at adoptive parents that ended their lives, and for all of the bio families who are still seeking to find their children who were taken from them world wide.

  5. Thank you for sharing your information about Focus on Children and Baby Heta. For the rest of our readers, Heta's story can be found at and

    I would like to add that Ethiopia is looking more and more like what you have described as happening in Samoa.

  6. I absolutely agree that Scott and Karen Banks and everyone involved with Focus on Children should get started making amends now because they have a very long list of victims to attend to.

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