How Could You? Hall of Shame-India

By on 4-14-2011 in Domestic Adoption, How could you? Hall of Shame, India, Parveen Banu, Unethical behavior

How Could You? Hall of Shame-India

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Coimbatore, India, “[a] man and his wife are on the run with their adopted child after the Madras High Court ordered them to return the six-year-old girl to her biological parents who complained that she was taken away from them by deceit.”

In 2005, Parveen Banu gave birth to a girl in a Coimbatore hospital. Hospital staff involved in an adoption racket “told her that the child was terminally ill and would not survive for long.” She gave custody to the hospital in order for the child to receive care. Instead of the hospital taking care of the “dying” girl,  a Chennai couple-the wife was a senior official in the child welfare department-adopted the healthy girl.

“[F]ive years later the couple got a shock when the district child welfare committee (CWC) officials informed them that their daughter was being brought up by a Chennai family after adoption.

The department had learnt about the child’s whereabouts in the course of an elaborate investigation of an adoption racket involving the Coimbatore hospital.

When the biological parents made attempts to retrieve their girl, the foster family stiffly resisted. Now the Madras high court has dismissed the petition filed by the foster mother and ordered her to surrender the child to the state child welfare committee (CWC).”

“CWC chairperson P. Manorama said, “We are unable to locate the foster parents and the baby. It is important that we must implement the court order without further delay so that the little girl can lead a peaceful life without being shuttled between various courts and different parents during its tender age.”

Adoptive couple flee with child
[Deccan Chronicle 4/14/11 by Pramila Krishnan]

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