Kentucky Couple Pleads Guilty to Adoption Fraud

By on 4-14-2011 in Adoption Fraud, Domestic Adoption, Janie and Michael Young, Kentucky

Kentucky Couple Pleads Guilty to Adoption Fraud
“Birth parents in Ulysses, Ky., pleaded guilty Friday to charges stemming from the defrauding of a prospective adoptive couple in Alpharetta.Janie and Michael Young will be sentenced May 13 in Lawrence County, Ky., according to Kentucky state prosecutor Tony Skeans.

The Youngs accepted about $12,000 in living expenses from Tracey and Jeff Scholen, of Alpharetta, beginning in late 2008. At the same time, they received money from an adoption agency in Massachussets.

The Youngs promised their unborn daughter to both, but didn’t follow through with either placement.”

Couple Pleads Guilty to Adoption Fraud

[The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 4/12/11 by Andria Simmons]
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