How Could You? Hall of Shame-George Joseph England

By on 4-21-2011 in California, Florida, George Joseph England, How could you? Hall of Shame, Jackie Zudis, Trafficking, Vietnam

How Could You? Hall of Shame-George Joseph England

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Fort Lauderdale, Florida, George Joseph England, 66, was sentenced to 30 years in prison for “buying a young Vietnamese girl in the early 1970s and abusing her as a sex slave from age 5 until she was a young adult.”

The victim, Jackie Zudis, now 43, was purchased from her mother in Vietnam at age 3. England brought her to the US falsely claiming that he adopted her.

“A man allowed to give his name only as David also briefly spoke at the hearing. He was the son of England and Zudis, given up for adoption when Zudis was 13.

“It left me wondering my entire life what my heritage is. I’m still fighting that fight,” he said.”

“Trial testimony showed that England repeatedly had sex with Zudis beginning at age 5, and also had her invite friends to their home so he could molest them as well. Court documents show that England even had a concealed camera near a bathtub so he could spy on the girls while they bathed. Later, he used alcohol to make Zudis and her friends more compliant.”

CBS reports that “Zudis testified that England impregnated her eight to nine times, five times before the age of 16, making her give up her first child for adoption when she was 13 and abort the rest, reports the paper.

In 1977, while awaiting sentencing in southern California after being convicted of sexually abusing Zudis’ friends, England reportedly took the identity of a deceased baby and took Zudis with him to south Florida, reports the Post.

At age 18, Zudis threatened to commit suicide if England molested her again, states the paper. She later escaped and confessed everything to her second husband.

In 2005, FBI agents caught up with England in south Florida as he attempted to get a passport. Federal charges were filed against him five years later in March, after he had already spent 14 months in prison, and served the California term, reports the Post. ”

Sex Slave’s 20-Year Ordeal: Fla. Man George Joseph England Convicted
[CBS News CrimeSider 1/6/11 by Naimah Jabali-Nash]

Convicted child molester gets 30 years in prison
[Yahoo news 3/25/11 by Curt Anderson/AP]

The case details are explained by the Orange County Prosecutor here.

“George England, was convicted of four counts of child molestation 28 years ago, but fled the state after his conviction and prior to sentencing when the judge allowed him time to “settle his affairs”.

“The People asked the court to consider multiple factors in sentencing England. In addition to molesting Jane Does #2, #3, and #4, England is accused of the continuous abuse of Jane Doe #1 for 11 years and victimizing and grooming more than a dozen other girls. Many of the incidents went unreported to authorities. England is accused of molesting one unreported 10-year-old victim more than 50 times over the course of three months, and taking nude photos of her. He is accused of similar molest of a 6-year-old victim.

At the time of his arrest in 2005, England is accused of possessing over 60 graphic, sickening child pornographic movies on his computer. The People argued that England has not shown remorse for his crimes. ”

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