The Evangelical Adoption Crusade UPDATED

By on 4-22-2011 in Alabama, Bethany, Both Ends Burning, BridgeStone, Christian Adoption, CWA, Ethiopia, Haiti, JCICS, Laura Silsby, NCFA, Russell Moore, Unethical behavior

The Evangelical Adoption Crusade UPDATED

This incredible article clearly explains the issues surrounding the Evangelical adoption movement. From connections between JCICS and the Both Ends Burning campaign to the alliance of JCICS and  the Christian Alliance for Orphans to Russell Moore, Laura Silsby, NCFA, Ethiopia, Senator Landrieu’s and Senator Klobuchar’s key involvement and the failed BridgeStone Haiti “hosting” program.

We strongly recommend reading the entire article and googling the people and organizations for more background information.

The Evangelical Adoption Crusade
[The Nation 4/21/11 by Kathyrn Joyce]

Update: This commentary is worth reading.

Are Christian Advocacy Groups Hiding Behind Jesus to Steal Babies
[The Atlanta Post 5/16/11 by Charing Ball]

Her conclusion: “”What instances like these should remind us is that there is an undercurrent of morally and superior arrogance even under the so-called best of intentions. This call for adoption only increases demand, which in turns fuels the trafficking of children and turning orphans into a commodity to be traded on the black market. While Christian pro-adoption groups might really care about these children, they should also be just as concerned about the tactics that some countries and adoption agencies implore to place children with these “good Christian families.” ”

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