How Could You? Hall of Shame-Rafael Pearson case

By on 4-28-2011 in Abuse in foster care, Bittersweet Justice, How could you? Hall of Shame, Rafael Pearson, Washington DC

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Rafael Pearson case

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Washington DC, 6-year-old Rafael Pearson received $5 Million of his $10 million settlement in November 2010.

Rafael was born to a drug-addicted mom in September 2005. His family asked that he be placed into foster care while they figure out which family member could take care of him. The grandmother had already adopted one of his siblings and his uncle had adopted another already.

Social services placed Rafael with Tanya Jenkins, a new foster parent who was an unemployed single mother living with her boyfriend. Tanya had recently sent back another infant after caring for her for 5 weeks due to her inability to take care of the child’s health issues.

Rafael was only with her for 43 days. Social services only visited one time, instead of weekly for the first 8 weeks like the procedures require. Rafael was beaten and shaken and now suffers catastrophic brain damage.  According to the 2007 Washington Post story, “In court papers, prosecutors said Jenkins told police that she shook Rafael and struck him in the face on six different days and that she dropped him on his head more than once, albeit, she said, by accident.” “Rafael had bled heavily around his brain and behind his eyes. An MRI showed that his cerebrum, the thinking part of the brain, was full of holes, where cells had died. The brainstem, which controls basic body functions, was not as badly injured.

So Rafael can breathe and swallow, and his heart beats. He can make sounds and respond to voices around him. ”

Rafael Today

“He was on life support for days, not expected to survive. More than five years later, he remains profoundly disabled. He can sense light and shadows and movement but otherwise his vision is extremely limited. ”

“But with a lifetime of round-the-clock care ahead of Rafael, the settlement is hardly a windfall, his attorneys say – the agreement is structured to ensure that Rafael’s needs are funded for as long as he lives.”

In 2007, Tanya was tried, convicted and sentenced to 12 years for cruelty to children.

D.C. settles for $10 million in foster care abuse case
[Washington Post 11/8/10 by Henri E. Cauvin]

In 43 days, A future Shattered
[Washington Post 4/23/07 by Henri E. Cauvin]

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