FacePalm Friday

By on 5-13-2011 in FacePalm Friday

FacePalm Friday

This is where your hosts will list their top picks for this week’s FacePalm moment—something they learned or read about this week that caused the FacePalm to happen (you know, the expression of embarrassment, frustration, disbelief, shock, disgust or mixed humor as depicted in our Rally FacePalm smiley).

We invite you to add your FacePalm of the week to our comments. Go ahead and add a link, tell a personal story, or share something that triggered the FacePalm on the subject of child welfare or adoption.

Your Hosts’ selection this week is based on conversations of heads-in-the-sand-ends-justifying-the-means adoptive parents on a multitude of topics. We encounter this weekly, but with Nepal closed, China about to implode (long overdue exposure of the filth there), Ethiopia slowing down, Vietnam possibly reopening, and UNICEF as a convenient straw man for all bad in the adoption world etc it was just a bit too much even for the strong stomachs here at Rally Reform.
So let the puke fest examination begin!  This week, we are adding some descriptive adoptive parent terms to the adoption lexicon for your reading pleasure:

AAS –Angel Agency Syndrome angels-and-demons Smileys Nothing bad can be said about the agency because their status has been raised to Angelic levels. God is always on their side and nothing can be wrong. Also commonly used in ends justifying the means in that the AP can guarantee something bad will happen to the child if they don’t adopt the child.

BITS – Bible Thumping Syndrome – This is at epidemic proportions in the Christian agencies who are unethical and corrupt yet blame all adoption delays and issues on Satan instead of looking at the process, players in the country or in the mirror.

EJUS – Ends Justify the Means Syndrome. This is a horribly contagious condition where prospective as well as adoptive parents are convinced that getting an (alleged) orphan adopted to the USA is so worth it that any illegal, immoral, and unethical means of doing so can be justified. confused smileys

EUBS– Eternal Unicef Bashing Syndrome. The ultimate strawman. APs come out for this fight like these guys sick smileys smileys character smileys free smileys Smiley

FAUX Syndrome – as in Facts Are Useless, X them out. Adoptive parent feelings become more important than anything else. Anyone who argues with facts is wrong, unsupportive and gossipy.

GADS-Generalized Adoption Derangement Syndrome. This occurs when anything “bad” is brought up about anything to do with adoption. It may not even effect you or your family, but the mere discussion or accusation sets the person to crazed DON’T YOU KNOW THIS IS GOING TO SHUT DOWN ADOPTION mode.

IDS– Insecure Derangement Syndrome where the couch is the truth about what has happened in your child’s country of origin smiley emoticons

**Beware of the combination GADS/IDS. This has been displayed in talks about the Chinese CRIME VICTIMS who learned that their child who was abducted off the streets in 1992 was actually subsequently adopted to the US. These CRIME VICTIMS only wish to make contact with their *gasp* ADULT child. Disgustingly, the general consensus from the China AP community is that these CRIME VICTIMS have NO right to know anything about their child. Who’s more important—the whining, selfish, monsters who dare call themselves decent adoptive parents, or the rights of the adopted child and his biological parents to KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?

IIFTCS –this is an adoption agency/ministry syndrome where the most common symptom is “We’re In It for the Children.” Sure you are. And you’re in it for the money, power, glory, and kudos from all of the infected parents with all the conditions on this list!  

IKMAIES – This affects a vast swath of prospective and adoptive parents, because it stands for “I Know My Agency Is Ethical” Syndrome. Of course these parents ”know” what’s true or not because their agency says so, not because their agency supplied them with any hard evidence.

KMAS– A particularly painful condition that requires an AP to continually do this to their adoption agency regardless of any fact that comes out.

MIBS – Last yet most nauseating, the Mind-numbingly Idiotic Blogger Syndrome. This common condition is spread by the bloggers who usually name their site “Journey to _____________” and praise every stupid lie their corrupt agencies fobs over to them. (See IKMAIES.)

The good news is that there is an experimental treatment for all these conditions– to continue reading REFORM Talk and our links.

The bad news is that a cure cannot be guaranteed, but we promise to keep trying and will keep sharing our “vaccines” with the world.

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