Ohio Bills Would Add Dyslexia to Learning-Disabilities List

By on 6-02-2011 in Dyslexia, Education Reform, Ohio

Ohio Bills Would Add Dyslexia to Learning-Disabilities List

“Dyslexia would be added to the state’s official definition of learning disabilities under a bill sponsored by two central Ohio lawmakers that passed the House last week.

In addition to clarifying the definition of learning disabilities, House Bill 96 also would create a pilot project at the Ohio Department of Education in which one urban, one suburban and one rural school district would partner with a local library system to provide early screening and intervention services.

The project is designed to determine the effectiveness of early reading assistance programs for children with dyslexia and to evaluate whether the programs can reduce special-education costs. After three school years, results would be submitted to the legislature.

“Many times the proper diagnosis of dyslexia is what holds students back from receiving the kind of educational instruction most appropriate for their individual situations,” said Rep. Ted Celeste, D-Grandview Heights, who sponsored the bill with Rep. Andrew O. Brenner, R-Powell.”

“The bill passed 93-1, sending it to the Senate.”
Bills would add dyslexia to learning-disabilities list
[The Columbus Dispatch 5/31/11 by Jim Siegel]

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