Noelle Wolak case

By on 7-18-2011 in Indiana, Noelle Wolak

Noelle Wolak case

From Cedar Lake, Indiana, foster mother Noelle Wolak, 35, charged in June 2009 with two counts of sexual misconduct with a minor and single counts of delinquency of a minor and child seduction, has had those four felony charges dropped.

“The teen was one of five siblings placed with Wolak in December 2007, according to court documents.

The children were removed in August 2008, but the boy is alleged to have run away from his new foster home to be with Wolak.

The boy told police Wolak gave him alcohol in January 2008 while watching the Super Bowl after which he and Wolak had unprotected sex, court records state.”
Sex case against foster mom is abandoned by prosecutors
[Cedar Lake Community 7/15/11]

2009 Articles

“Reportedly, the boy fathered a baby Wolak gave birth to last fall.

Wolak has been charged with sexual misconduct with a minor, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and child seduction.

Court records indicate Wolak and the teen were watching the 2008 Super Bowl at a friend’s home and Wolak gave him alcohol and he consumed quite a bit. The teen told police he woke up at a motel in Schererville wearing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Wolak told him they had unprotected sex and that she might be pregnant.

Wolak also rented a room for them in May or June 2008, the teen said.

Police confirmed that Wolak rented rooms at the Schererville motel on Feb. 4, 2008, and May 8, 2008, court records state.

After Wolak and her husband split up, Wolak moved the teen into her bed.

Authorities removed the teen from the Wolak home and placed him in a foster home in Chesterton, but the teen ran away from the Chesterton home and Wolak picked him up in Burns Harbor and brought him back to her home. It was then Wolak told him she became pregnant and had a baby in October.

If convicted of the charges against her, Wolak faces a possible 20 years in prison.”
Indiana Woman Accused of Sex with Foster Son
[Interested Participant Blog 6/23/09]

“According to court records:
The teen boy was one of five siblings placed in Wolak’s home, which was licensed by the state of Indiana, in December 2007.

The children were removed in August 2008 when the teen boy began to miss school on a regular basis, and clothing and hygiene were found to be unacceptable among all the siblings in Wolak’s care. But on Feb.19, 2009, the boy ran away from his new foster home and told his case manager that he stayed at Wolak’s house for a week and at a park before turning himself in to authorities March 10.

The boy subsequently told authorities that in January 2008, he and Wolak were at a friend’s home watching the Super Bowl when Wolak gave him alcohol.

He later awoke at the Comfort Hotel in Schererville, where he contends Wolak told him they had unprotected sex. Wolak allegedly threatened the boy, saying if he told anyone she would claim he raped her.

Authorities’ interviews with the boy’s brother indicate the brother confronted Wolak, who admitted she and the boy were having sex. The boy reportedly confessed to police that he was 15 when the sexual relationship began and about 2 1/2 weeks later, Wolak’s husband left home to stay at his mother’s house. After that, the relationship progressed, and the boy stopped going to school because Wolak would let him stay out as late as he wanted, court records show.”

Cedar Lake foster mother accused of having sex with teen boy
[Northwest 6/24/09 by  Susan Brown]

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  1. this is not true, as they have dropped charges…its people like you that make it hard for this poor foster mom to move on wiht\\th her life. remove this!!

  2. We state that charges were abandoned in the first few sentences. Are you saying that the children were not removed in 2008 like the news reports state? She is still a foster mom?

  3. what a shame that there are real cases out there that you could focus on but choose to highlight the one that was made up. most foster children have some form of mental instability and the boy involved here just couldn't keep his story straight.this was not the first time the boy had done this either. it its so sad that that poor woman had typo go through a life changing event because of a mentally ill child.

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