France Announces the Resumption of Haitian Adoptions

By on 7-20-2011 in France, Haiti, International Adoption, US

France Announces the Resumption of Haitian Adoptions

In their announcement, they specifically mention how they WILL comply with President Martelly’s announcement to end independent adoptions. This is in stark contrast to the complete blackout of US media coverage of the end of independent adoptions AND the US Department of State’s announcement  that ONLY warns of risks of delay and fraud with independent adoptions.

The announcement can be seen here and is pasted below”

“Haiti – Resumption of adoptions (July 18, 2011)

France had suspended international adoptions in Haiti following the earthquake on January 12, 2010, since it felt that local conditions no longer safeguarded the best interests of the adopted children.
The situation in Haiti has now changed. The Haitian authorities have specifically pledged to comply with the timetable to update their legislation with respect to adoptions and the ratification of the Hague Convention. That’s why, after consulting with the other States that traditionally receive Haitian children, France decided to gradually resume adoptions in Haiti.
This decision, deemed necessary in order to offer those children deprived of their families, notably those children who were orphaned as a result of the earthquake or abandoned in children’s homes, a brighter future, will enter into force following the adoption of a decree by the Haitian president to end individual adoptions. In fact, President Martelly officially announced that Haiti would no longer handle any individual adoptions. France has taken note of this decision by the president and will comply with it.
The resumption of adoptions will initially take place on a trial basis in order to ensure that the procedures fully comply with the rules governing international adoptions. This trial period will benefit the families whose adoption requests were suspended following the earthquake. France would like it to lead to the complete reopening of international adoptions from Haiti in the near future.”
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