Catholic Church in Australia Issues Apology Over Forced Adoptions

By on 7-25-2011 in Australia, Catholic Church, Coercion, Domestic Adoption

Catholic Church in Australia Issues Apology Over Forced Adoptions

“The Catholic Church in Australia has issued a national apology over past adoption practices that have been described as a “national disgrace”.

The apology was prompted by an ABC investigation into claims of abuse and trauma in Newcastle.

It is believed at least 150,000 Australian women had their babies taken against their will by some churches and adoption agencies between the 1950s and 1970s.”

“The chief executive of Catholic Health Australia, Martin Laverty, says he is sorry for what happened.

He says the organisation is committed to righting the wrongs and wants to develop protocols to assist women affected.

Mr Laverty became aware of the past practices after the ABC began its investigations.”

Forced Adoption Stories

  1. A 16-year-old in 1970 “”My ankles were strapped to the bed, they were in stirrups and I was gassed, I had plenty of gas and they just snatched away the baby,” Ms Clough said. “You weren’t allowed to see him or touch him, anything like that, or hold him and it was just like a piece of my soul had died. And it’s still dead”
  2. A 17-year-old in 1975 “Straight away he was taken out of the labour ward. By the records it only took 13 minutes to transfer him from the labour ward to the nursery, so he was gone,” she said “
  3. “The women claim they were not told about single parent benefits or their rights to revoke consent for adoption.”
  4. “Women have told stories about going into hospital not realising that they were going to have to give up their babies, but that pillows were put over their faces, that curtains were put up so they couldn’t see the baby,”
  5. “Women have also told the ABC they were given milk suppressing drugs that have now been linked to cancer, as well as barbiturates that caused sedation and in some cases delirium.”
  6. “Women have told the ABC there was pressure to sign adoption papers well before consent could legally be obtained, and in some cases documents were forged.”

Previous Apologies

“The Catholic Church’s adoption agency has previously apologised for misguided, unethical or unlawful practices, after an inquiry by a New South Wales Parliamentary committee in 2000.

Last year the Western Australian Government also apologised, a move Senator Siewert says was extremely empowering for thousands of women there. ”

Church says sorry over forced adoptions
[The Australia Broadcasting Corporation 7/25/11 by Giselle Wakatama]

We will continue to follow this story to see what protocols are developed and to see if other countries like the US, who engaged in similar activities, will investigate.

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