Detailed Look at Sierra Leone Adoption Trafficking UPDATED

By on 8-11-2011 in HANCI, MAPS, PEAR, Sierra Leone

Detailed Look at Sierra Leone Adoption Trafficking UPDATED

E.J. Graff of The Schuster Institute of Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University penned an article published in Slate on Tuesday August 9 discussing the Mosley and Meers cases and HANCI and the MAPS agency.

Be sure to read all three pages of information at the following links:

The Makeni Children: In 1998, Americans Adopted 29 Children From a Town in Sierra Leone. Their Birth Families Say They Were Stolen.

The Makeni Children: “That Was the Last Time We Ever Saw These Children”

The Makeni Children: How Flawed Is the International Adoption Process?

Our coverage of the HANCI trial can be found here. E.J. reports that the trial is now on hiatus. “One person I spoke to claimed that the commission was set up to appease the birth families, and that no follow-up action would be taken. But Kabia painted the commission as a serious body, and Abu Bakarr and Smith told me they considered it the Makeni families’ last hope for justice. ”

Judi Mosely’s story is also told in a post from June 2010 on the PEAR blog.

Update: EJ Graff has published a letter from some of the parents who will be staging a protest at the end of the month in Lies, Damn Lies, and Adoption [The American Prospect 11/17/11]

“One of my most persistent sources was the birth families’ central representative, Abu Bakarr Kargbo, who has continued to send me materials about the case. These adoptions have become a national scandal. As I completed my articles, a high-level, presidentially appointed commission was hearing testimony under oath. Abu Bakarr and his supporters told me that they were hoping for real justice from the commission. Others suggested to me that testimony was being taken just to let the families feel heard and that nothing would change.

Yesterday morning, Abu Bakarr sent me a letter of protest that he and the other two leaders in this pursuit are sending around. I have pasted it in, below. In the past, these families have occupied Sierra Leone government offices demanding justice. They say they will do so again. It has not been clear to me what justice they hope for, as I make clear in my articles, above. At a minimum, I think they want a government commission to investigate who they were, to name the malefactors, and to be able to see and talk with their lost children before they send them back to America forever. But I may misunderstand. I certainly have had evidence that some of them have not been entirely truthful.

Here’s what I am certain of: These 29 children should not have been solicited for international adoption during a civil war. And times of great crisis — natural disaster, civil war — are not times to adopt children who are said to be orphaned, no matter how much their pictures tug our heartstrings.
I will be keeping my eye on whether these families ever do receive justice, and if so, what that justice might look like.

Abu Bakarr’s letter, below:

14th November, 2011.
The Inspector General,
Of Police,
George Street,
Dear Sir,
We the parents of Children trafficked by Help a Need Child International (HANCI) write to express dissatisfaction in the manner in which the Justice Adeliza Shower’s Commission of enquiry is handling the issue regarding our trafficked children.
Significantly, we are anxiously worried about the snail pace at which the Commission is moving, because according to the then Minister of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs Dr. Denis Sandy in his open remarks on the 1st of March 2011 stated that the Commission would last for three (3) Months, and now we are in the ninth Month already.
Furthermore, it is against this backdrop that we the Parents have decided to stage a protest on the 28th, 29th, and the 30th of November, 2011 in the diverse locations, State House, America Embassy, The British High Commission, and The E.R.S.G (UNIPSIL) in a bid to vent out our dismay.
Our contact Numbers as biological Parents are listed below should you want to contact us. We are looking forward to your Co-operation.
Yours Faithfully,
Abu Bakarr Kargbo
Mr. Sulaiman Suma
Mr. Kassim Kargbo”



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