Ecuador Alert Regarding Joshua Tree Adoptions UPDATED

By on 8-31-2011 in DOS, Ecuador, Joshua Tree Adoptions

Ecuador Alert Regarding Joshua Tree Adoptions UPDATED

The DOS alert can be viewed here and is pasted below


August 29, 2011

Alert: Adverse Action taken by Council on Accreditation towards Joshua Tree Adoptions, Inc.

On August 26, 2011, the Council on Accreditation temporarily suspended the accreditation of Joshua Tree Adoptions, Inc. for failing to maintain substantial compliance with the Hague accreditation standards. This agency operates in Ecuador. During this suspension, Joshua Tree Adoptions, Inc. must cease to provide all adoption services in connection with cases covered under the Hague Convention. If you have an open case with this agency, please contact the adoption service provider directly to find out how this will affect your case. This suspension does not prohibit the adoption service provider from  providing adoption services in connection with cases involving non-Hague countries.

The suspension will begin on August 27, 2011 and conclude when the accrediting entity has determined that the adoption service provider has completed the necessary corrective actions. Updated information will be provided on the website.”

Joshua Tree Adoptions dba American International Children’s Alliance

Their homestudy services tab of their website says “August 27, 2011

Joshua Tree Adoptions is currently not accepting any new home study clients. We anticipate availability in late September/early October. Thank you for your interest! Check back soon.”

The founder/director (according to their website) Jacqueline Lorento and her husband Christopher, the public relations director (according to their website) adopted two children (non-siblings) from Ecuador in July 2011. Their story can be seen here.

Official officers of the organization are different names–Richard E. Murdock , Pamela Ware and Richard J Forrest  . Richard E. Murdock is also treasurer and director of Florida Committee for Prevention and Child Abuse .

Update: This article Family with local ties hoping to adopt ‘sister’ [Daily Review Atlas 9/16/11 by Marty Touchette] explains that Reece’s Rainbow is connected with this agency. Reece’s is not an adoption agency but lists children on their site, a “ministry”. Interested PAPs must then contract with the agency in which the child has been assigned. We will have much more to say about the lack of due diligence and deflection of guilt that Reece’s has towards the people that they are affiliated with in the coming weeks and we will detail the several facepalms in this article at the end of the week.

This article connects to this family’s blog which gives more information about Joshua Tree’s suspension.

“”According to our agency, a minor complaint was filed in 201[sic] that caused the accreditation agency to look closed at all policies, procedures, and programs that Joshua Tree offers. Joshua Tree got the necessary documents to them and the complaint was resolved. However, since it cause the accreditation people to look very closely at all of Joshua Tree’s policies and procedures, they have been asked to make some very specific changes to these policies and procedures, and then submit that to the accreditation agency…so until these new policies and procedures are approved and in place….everything is on hold….sigh….”

The spin to classify any agency complaint as “minor” and/or “bureaucracy” continues…

Update 2: From October 4, 2011 DOS

“Supension of Joshua Tree Adoptions Inc. lifted

The Council on Accreditation (COA) has announced that effective September 27, 2011, it has terminated the suspension of the Hague accreditation of Joshua Tree Adoptions Inc. that was imposed effective August 27, 2011. Joshua Tree completed its corrective action plan to COA’s satisfaction and COA has determined that Joshua Tree is now in substantial compliance with applicable U.S. accreditation standards. Joshua Tree may resume providing adoption services in Hague Adoption Convention cases as of September 27, 2011.

If you have further questions, please contact Miki Stebbing, the Accrediting Entity Liaison, who may be reached at (202) 736-9119 or by email at or LaTina Woolen, who may be reached at (202) 663-3119 or at in the Office of Children’s Issues.”

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