How Could You? Hall of Shame-Australia-Facebook Foster Care case UPDATED

By on 9-12-2011 in Abuse in foster care, Australia, Barnado's Find A Family Program, How could you? Hall of Shame

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Australia-Facebook Foster Care case UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Australia, a six-year-old male foster child with pseudonym Campbell was removed from his foster home due to being “dressed in girl’s clothes by his lesbian foster parents and the humiliating photo was posted on Facebook, court documents have revealed.

One of the Australian women was preparing for a sex change to become a man – while her girlfriend was having fertility treatment, according to a Sydney newspaper.”

The Facebook picture has been removed.

The paper said the boy’s story, described as one of the saddest in New South Wales, was revealed in a Supreme Court judgement posted in a document called Childlren’s [sic] Law News.

The boy’s birth mother had tried but failed in the Supreme Court to win back custody of her son.”

“But it has been learned that the new foster parents who now have him in their care have said they want to adopt him.

Campbell was 18 months old in 2006 when he was taken into care with his four stepbrothers and two stepsisters after complaints of physical and mental abuse by their parents.

In 2009 Campbell and his sister ‘Abby’ aged 12, were placed with the lesbian couple.

Because things did not work out for Abby she was moved from the couple and it was later that Campbell was dressed in girl’s clothing and his photo posted on Facebook.”

Lesbian couple ‘dressed adopted son in girl’s clothes and posted photo on Facebook’

[Daily Mail 9/12/11 by Richard Shears]

“Given the name Campbell by the courts, he was taken into care in November 2006 at the age of 18 months along with his four stepbrothers and two stepsisters after the oldest son went to the police with complaints of serious physical and mental abuse and neglect at the hands of their parents, the Supreme Court heard.

The court was told how the mother hit some of the children with weapons including a cricket bat, made them stand in the corner for hours on end, eat nothing but Weetbix for breakfast, lunch and dinner for three weeks and made one of them eat their own vomit. They sometimes went to school in pyjamas.

Criminal charges against the parents were dropped when the older boy withdrew his allegations.

Only one of the siblings, who is profoundly disabled, confined to a wheelchair and requires 24-hour care, has been returned to the parents.”

Same-sex parents should foster, not play politics
[The Daily Telegraph 9/13/11 by Janet Fife-Yeomans]

Update: “Campbell and Abby were placed with the lesbian couple in 2009. The boy was about 3-years-old and his sister 12 when they were placed with the foster parents, selected by child welfare agency Barnado’s Find-a-Family Program.”

“According to court documents, “Campbell was placed with a same sex couple who were experiencing instability in aspects of their relationship.”

The findings of a clinical psychologist regarding the lesbian couple were referred to during the court proceedings, which revealed.”

“”Overall, [names not published] impressed as a young couple who have had quite a turbulent period through the course of Campbell’s placement. This period has included a separation and reconciliation, ongoing difficulties with Abby resulting in a subsequent breakdown of her placement, a large wedding and honeymoon, fertility treatment and preparation for gender transformation for [name not published], as well as a current house move.”

“Families Minister Pru Goward was among child welfare officials who were demanding an investigation of Barnardos.

“I am seeking advice from Barnardos to confirm that care arrangements were appropriate and the wellbeing of the children was paramount,” Goward told News Limited.”

The court documents revealing the details of Campbell’s case were related to his mother’s attempt to regain custody of the child. Her request was denied.

Public response to Campbell’s treatment at the hand of his foster parents has been mixed.

Some reacting to the story have questioned Barnardo’s selection of Campbell’s foster parents, while others insist the issue is whether the boy was psychologically harmed by being put in girl’s clothing and having his photo taken.

Campbell was placed in a new home in 2010.”

Lesbian Foster Parents Publish Photos of Boy Dressed as Girl, Child Agency Under Fire
[Christian Post  9/13/11 by Nicola Menzie]

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