How Could You? Hall of Shame-Kathyrn and Kenneth Kreier

By on 9-20-2011 in Abuse in adoption, How could you? Hall of Shame, Kathryn Kreier, Kenneth Kreier, Wisconsin

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Kathyrn and Kenneth Kreier

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Juneau, Wisconsin, adoptive mother, Kathryn Kreier, 46, and biological father (who had custody for 15 months) Kenneth Kreier, 46, “pleaded no contest to charges related to the abuse of the child that took place in their town of Clyman home between September 2007 and December 2008. Kenneth Kreier, 46, was found guilty for failure to protect a child from harm, child neglect and disorderly conduct, while his wife, Kathryn Kreier, 46, was found guilty on two counts of child neglect. Each will serve one year of probation. In addition Kathryn Kreier will serve 60 days in jail while Kenneth Kreier was ordered to serve 30 days in jail, ” according to the Fond du Lac Reporter.

The reason that the Dodge County District Attorney Kurt Klomberg decided to enter a plea was to ” spare the child the trauma of reliving the events while testifying during a jury trial. ”

“Klomberg told the media that the Kreiers’ parental rights had been permanently terminated and the child had been adopted into a “loving home where she is safe and thriving.”

Prior to the plea hearing, the Kreiers’ attorneys had convinced the court to grant them access to several years of confidential psychological treatment history of the child.

“This meant that not only would a trial require the child to relive and recount the abuse she experienced, but the child’s cross-examination by the defense would include the private and intimate thoughts, diagnosis and experiences of her psychological treatment history,” Klomberg said.

During the 13-month period the girl, now age 15, was in the care of the Kreiers, she lost nearly 25 percent of her body mass, going from 91 to 70 pounds. Child welfare investigators were tipped off about the girl’s condition by school officials. A subsequent investigation of the Juneau residence revealed that Kathryn Kreier had allegedly locked the refrigerator and cupboards to prevent the child from accessing food, according to the criminal complaint.

The woman went as far as prohibiting school officials from giving hot lunch to the girl, according to the complaint.

The girl told police that she was often locked outside and forced to sleep outside naked. The Kreiers adopted the girl in 2008, according to the complaint.”

Jail ordered for Dodge couple who abused foster child
[The Fond du Lac Reporter 9/19/11 by Colleen Kottke]

A WISN story from January 2010 about this case indicated that Kathryn was facing 15 YEARS in prison and Kenneth was facing 12.5 YEARS in prison. The 12-page complaint said “Kathryn, the girl’s step-mother, locked the family’s refrigerator door and cupboards to keep the girl from getting food.

According to court records, the girl weighed 98 pounds when she was 12 years old. The documents show her weighing just 70 pounds a year later. A doctor who examined the girl says she had the appearance of a “concentration camp survivor.”

Police said Krier eventually pulled her step-daughter out of school because the “school gave the girl breakfast when she was hungry.”

Court documents show that the girl had been seen by numerous doctors and social workers but the problem was not discovered for years because “Kathryn Kreier manipulated information and misled service providers, the school and social services.”

Prosecutors charged the girl’s father, Kenneth Krier, because they said he did nothing to help his daughter.”

Parents Accused Of Starving Daughter
[WISN 1/21/10]

“The adoptive mother of a 14-year-old girl is accused physically abusing the child in Dodge County by withholding food, forcing her to sleep outside naked and fracturing her fingers.”

” The girl was removed from the home and is living with her grandparents.”

UPDATE: Mother Accused Of Starving Child
[NBC 15 1/23/10]

“Dodge County Judge Steven Bauer found probable cause in the charges filed against the Kreier’s following a three-hour hearing in which Dr. Barbra Knox testified that she diagnosed child abuse in the 14-year-old victim when she evaluated her in November. That was more than a year after the victim had been removed from the Kreier horse farm at W7088 Hogsback Road.

Knox also testified that in about a year living with the Kreiers, the victim had “dropped off” growth charts for children her age, and lost about 20 pounds. Knox also said she diagnosed a partially healed finger fracture the child alleges to have been caused by Kathryn Kreier yanking on it.

The Kreiers’ attorneys argued that there was no nexus between the child’s allegations and physical evidence that proves the Kathryn Kreier subjected her daughter to physical abuse; and that Kenneth Kreier, an over-the-road truck driver who spent many days away from home, saw it and failed to intercede.

However, Dodge County Judge Steven Bauer said that while it wasn’t a “clear” case, he found probable cause to believe crimes had been committed and ordered the Kreiers to stand trial.

The Kreiers entered not guilty pleas in the courtroom of Dodge County Judge John Storck Wednesday morning. Storck granted 30 days for attorneys to file motions. Storck also ruled that Kathryn and Kenneth’s cases will proceed together, unless one of them requests to sever.”

Kreiers plead not guilty to abuse charges
[Beaver Dam Weekly Citizen 3/17/10 by Aaron Martin]

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