Vietnamese Adoptee "spent his entire adult life searching for his long lost family"

By on 10-02-2011 in Adoptee Search, International Adoption, Vietnam

Vietnamese Adoptee "spent his entire adult life searching for his long lost family"

From the video embedded at Child Saigon evacuee reunited with long lost mother after 30 years [Daily Mail 10/2/11], regarding the reunion of Johnathon Freeman, who was part of Operation Babylift when he was 7 years old, with his mother:he had an “instant connection” with his mother and his advice to other adoptees:”Keep searching. It’s never too late.”

“Mr Freeman said of the reunion ‘It was worth it. The word was that the North as going to come down and kill all the mixed race kids.’

One of the planes evacuationg the children crashed and Mr Freeman’s mother belived he could be dead.”

“Speaking to Fox News he described how he was about to give up the search before coming across a website specifically for orphans of the daring missions.

On meeting his mother he told Fox: ‘It was amazing. It was like I was seven years old again.

‘I can’t even describe it..

He wanted her to come back to the U.S. with him, but she insisted on remaining in Vietnam.”

He continues to speak every week with his mother.”

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