By on 10-06-2011 in Adoption Reform, Child Welfare Reform, Foster Care Reform


We poke a lot of fun at the offensive and stupid merchandise sold in the name of adoption and for fundraising even when it goes against foreign country rules.


What if people wore merchandise that represented reform? What would that look like? What might people say? Would it open up conversations about corruption, trafficking, lack of postadoption support, lack of adoptee access to their own records and information?


Whether you think we are stupid, offensive, effective, or hilarious, we are here to bring the hard stuff to light because not many others give a rat’s behind enough to explain

  • how the adoption industry marketing has gone unchecked
  • how the industry can drum up media campaigns to sway the masses quickly due to their deep connections to politicians and the press
  • how few regulations there really are
  • how people can easily buy their way around regulations
  • that postadoption is not all flowers and rainbows
  • that not all adoptive or foster parents are safe and best matches for the adoptee
  • that corruption and trafficking did and still does occur with adoption and in foster care
  • that coercement still is a part of domestic adoption
  • the ineffective enforcement of regulations (see yesterday’s slap-on-the-wrist, business-as-usual updates here and here.)

We have a lot of posts already, but we are just getting started. Viva REFORM!



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