How Could You? Hall of Shame-Sandra and Jeffrey Weller and Lawsuit UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.
From Vancouver, Washington, international adoptive parent Sandra Weller, 48, and her husband Jeffrey Weller, 42, “face second degree assault, unlawful imprisonment and criminal mistreatment charges” for abuse of their Filipino 16-year-old twins. Sandra adopted the boy and girl from California when they were two years old. They were homeschooled. Sandra and Jeffrey were arrested October 12 “after police got a tip from Child Protective Services.”
“Court documents say the couple kept food under lock and key and fed very small amounts to their adopted 16-year-old twins an average of once a day. The twins told police they had to constantly steal food to survive. When they were caught, the Wellers forced them to take off their pants and underwear and lie on the kitchen floor while Jeff Weller beat them with a 42’’ wooden stick, often making them bleed, according to court documents.”
“The twins told police the abuse went on for as long as they could remember. They are now in protective custody.
Court documents say the couple removed the interior door knob from the twins’ bedroom seven months ago and installed an alarm that activated when the door opened. They were not allowed to leave their bedroom other than to do chores and occasionally eat, court documents said.
There was no clock or electricity in their bedroom. The window was locked as well, documents said.
The twins were not allowed to touch other family members, sit with them or use the same utensils, documents said.
Recently, the 16-year-old boy stole some food and the “good utensils” and took them to his bedroom for him and his sister to eat. When Jeff Weller discovered it, he assaulted his adopted daughter by hitting her with a stick approximately 20 times, according to the documents. Documents say he also pushed her to the floor and strangled her until his wife Sandra told him to stop. He then hit Sandra, who said she was just trying to keep him from going to jail. Jeff Weller replied this one would be worth it, documents said.
Police said officers were allowed to look inside the Wellers’ home, located at 14118 NE 17th Circle, and said it was very dirty and extremely cluttered. The refrigerator had a bicycle lock on it, and the pantry doors had key locks on them. Jeff Weller kept the keys to those locks, police said.
Officers also discovered a large, boarded up hole in the twins’ bedroom that connected to an adjoining room. Police said the twins told them other children in the home used the hole to pass them food.
Court documents say when officers interviewed Jeff and Sandra Weller, they told police the twins hoarded food and eat a lot so they had to lock up the food. When police asked about the twins’ emaciated state, the Wellers replied the two are skinny because of their Filipino heritage.”
The Wellers posted bond and were released after their first court appearance on Oct. 13. They will be arraigned on Oct. 27.
“”My home, our property. No one likes to be falsely accused,” said Jeff Weller as he and his wife charged passed the reporter and into their home.
Neighbors said they’ve heard yelling, loud noises and have even seen some bizarre behavior from the teenagers in the middle of the night. They didn’t want to get involved but are now horrified to hear how prosecutors say these teens were tortured.”
Couple accused of beating, starving, imprisoning adopted twins
[KATU 10/18/11 by Max Barr]
There is no information yet on the other children that passed them food in the home. How many? Were they also adopted? Answer revealed in Update below.
Update: Jeffrey and Sandra Weller were charged with five counts of second-degree assault and two counts of unlawful imprisonment.”
” Both suspects already made a first appearance in Clark County Court and were appointed court attorneys. ”
“Child protective services case workers had ongoing concerns about two adopted twin children of Jeff and Sandra Weller long before the children were taken into protective custody earlier this month.
Child Protective Services Spokeswoman Sherry Hill said the state’s division logged eight separate allegations of child abuse involving the Weller’s since 2004.
Hill said case workers were concerned about the low body weight of the Weller’s adopted twins. They also voiced concerns the children were in danger of being abused. But when case workers interviewed the children they both denied being deprived of food or being abused.
That made it difficult for case workers to act even though they suspected the adopted twins were being mistreated.
Finally on Oct. 7, case workers responding to another alleged abuse allegation, concluded the children “needed help” and were removed from the Weller home. ”
Jeffrey’s Alleged Physical Punishment
“As punishment for stealing food from the home’s kitchen, the court probable cause documents allege the children were beaten by 42-year-old Jeff Weller, always under the supervision of his wife Sandra, 48.
“As a ‘punishment’ both are made to lie on the kitchen floor with no pants or underwear covering them and are struck in their buttock region repeatedly with a wooden stick, often making them bleed,” reads the documents.”
Child protective services had concerns about abuse of Vancouver twins
[KOIN 6 10/19/11]
“Now neighbours in the quiet suburban street are regretting not acting earlier…Last month, one neighboring family discovered three large containers of Greek yogurt missing from their refrigerator, and another family discovered ripe tomatoes had been snatched from their vines. Both neighbors assumed the culprits were the skinny twins.
They were saddened to learn the Wellers have been accused of beating them, confining them in a room with no doorknob or electricity and withholding food.”
“Yelena Makhanov, 24, who lives across from the Wellers, told ‘It’s heart-breaking. I feel guilty that this was going on 30ft away from our front door.’
“It was the 16-year-old girl who slipped a note to an authority figure about the alleged abuse on October 5.
Sherry Hill, spokeswoman for the Children’s Administration in the Washington Department of Social and Health Services said the note launched the ninth investigation of abuse.”
The Other Children in the House
Similar to the other ongoing How Could You? Cases in Washington, the Hana Williams Case and the Trebilcock Case , only the adopted children had these inhumane punishments.
“This time, after interviewing the twins at the house on October 7, child welfare workers removed them from the home, along with 14 and 12-year-old sons from Jeffrey Weller’s earlier marriage, a 10-year-old son from Sandra Weller’s first marriage and a four-year-old boy from the Weller union. ”
“The twins were adopted as toddlers in California by Sandra Weller and her first husband.”
In addition to the removal of the doorknob and alarms in their room, there was “no electricity inside the room; the fuses to the outlets had been removed and there were no working lights, police said. ”
Couple accused of beating, starving and imprisoning adopted teenage twins [Daily Mail 10/20/11]
Jeffrey’s Alleged History and How His Family Tried to Get the Kids Help
“According to court documents in Jeff Weller’s divorce and custody case with his ex-wife, Weller told the court his ex-wife had “a pattern of abuse against her children and neglected them.”
His ex-wife’s mother, the boys’ grandmother, said it was Jeff Weller who was abusive.
“If he would talk his dad would beat him with a board.”
The boys’ grandmother, Beth, agreed to speak with KATU News if we did not use her last name or show her face.
Beth said she is sad about what happened to her grandchildren and she is mad at the system.
According to a January, 2008 Department of Social and Health Services report, one of her grandsons told a social worker the Wellers punished him by forcing him to stand in a corner for days.
He also said he was “going without food in his father’s home.”
“My grandson was telling me how his dad would give him one apple a day,” said Beth. “That’s what he got to eat for an entire day.”
“Beth said what’s most upsetting to her is the state of Washington knew all of this, but a guardian appointed by the court took the boys from their mother in June and placed them in the Wellers’ home.
In July, the boys’ great-grandmother told the family law court that Sandra Weller abused one of the boys by lifting him up against the wall by his throat. She also said Sandra Weller confined him in his room for a month.
The boys remained in the home until the Wellers were arrested Oct. 12 on abuse charges related to their adopted twins. They are now with their mother in Battle Ground, Washington.”
‘If he would talk his dad would beat him with a board’
[KATU 10/19/11 by Thom Jensen]
“The twins’ father, Tim Graf, told KPTV that he plans to attend a Vancouver juvenile court hearing Thursday to support his children and address his ex-wife.
Graf, a pilot in Utah, fought for custody of the twins and a son from his 15-year marriage to Sandra Weller during a messy seven-year-long divorce.
In a Dec. 20, 2004, divorce document, Graf said he believed “that the children need to be rescued.” The document goes on to say: “His hope is that some day, CPS will eventually get enough evidence to remove them.”
On Wednesday, neighbor Makhanov said she regretted not intervening.
“I’ve seen her smack some of the kids around but not over the top,” she said. She and another neighbor discussed calling child welfare authorities; the other woman called in a complaint about how the children were treated a few days after the Wellers’ arrest. ”
Vancouver couple accused of beating teenage twins, confining them to room without electricity
[The Oregonian 10/19/11 by Kimberly A.C. Wilson]
CPS Access Previously Denied
“According to a spokeswoman with the Department of Social and Health Services, eight past allegations were brought forth from 2004 to 2010 involving the children’s weight, medical neglect, physical abuse and the children being left home alone.
Abuse allegations of Vancouver twins date back years
[KPTV 10/20/11 by Natalie Brand]
Neighbors Tell of Escalating Violence and Odd Chores
“Neighbors told FOX 12 they long suspected something wasn’t right because of what they describe as constant yelling and fighting at the home.
Vancouver couple accused of locking twins in bedroom
[KPTV 10/19/11]
“Inside the children’s bedroom was also a small boarded-up hole, where apparently some of the other children in the house would sometimes try and sneak the twins something to eat.”
“The Wellers were released from prison after posting $100,000 bond.”
Jeffrey and Sandra Weller, Vancouver Parents, Charged With Routinely Starving and Beating Adopted Twins
[Seattle Weekly Blog 10/19/11 by Curtis Cartier]
Update 2: Neighbors DID report them to CPS as early as 2004.
“Chunks of hair missing on the children’s scalps. Late-night screaming matches. A sickly skinny runaway twin.
Child Protective Services reports and neighbors’ 911 calls reflect a pattern of alleged abuse by Vancouver parents accused of locking up and starving their adopted twins that dates back to at least 2004.”
“Residents surrounding the Weller home in an upscale cul-de-sac of Vancouver’s North Hearthwood neighborhood also said they called the police several times over the past six years to no avail.
“I could hear the kids screaming. I could hear the abuse,” said Kim, who’s home is behind the Weller house. She asked that her last name not be used for fear of retribution. “I’m happy for the kids that they’re out of the situation, but sad that it took so long.”
Kim said she’s called the police at least five times, including once when she heard Jeffrey Weller shout “he was going to kill his whole family.”
“She called all the time. It’s heartbreaking,” echoed Alice Glessner, who lives around the corner from the Wellers. “Those kids took enough abuse.”
Jeffrey Weller, a production specialist at Wafer Tech, and stay-at-home mom Sandra Weller were arrested Oct. 12 on suspicion of five counts of second-degree assault and two counts of unlawful imprisonment.”
“The Columbian has filed public records requests for the CPS reports and police reports in this case; the requests have yet to be answered, as public agencies have some time to respond.”
“Of the eight referrals to CPS, six were “concerns (the twins) were physically abused in some way, or that they were very underweight and seemed malnourished,” said Sherry Hill, spokeswoman for the Department of Social and Health Services.
Hill said most referrals were made by people who are mandated by law to report abuse or neglect.
In the referrals, the agency couldn’t take action, she said, because the twins would deny abuse. Also, in many of the cases, CPS workers weren’t allowed inside the home, so they were unaware of the living conditions, she said.
The case hit a turning point Oct. 5 when one of the twins passed a note to an authority figure detailing the abuse. The official reported it to CPS, which called in Vancouver police — something they hadn’t done previously because “they didn’t have enough information in earlier referrals,” Hill said.
Still, neighbors said they had tried to alert police before.”
The Children Were in Public School Until One of the CPS Complaints!
“Glessner remembered one of the twins as a very skinny boy who would walk to Hearthwood Elementary School with her granddaughter six years ago. She recalled that he had large chunks of hair missing. The boy said he was told to say it was cancer treatments, she said.
Glessner’s family was so concerned about possible warning signs that they told a school counselor, who referred the report to CPS, she said. The Glessner family never heard anything more — but then the boy was quickly removed from the elementary school, she recalled. Police reported the twins have been home-schooled.”
“In hindsight, Glessner said she wished she would have pushed harder. “I feel like I let the boy down without knowing him. But I just didn’t know,” she said. “Those kids went through another six years of torment.”
Her neighbor, Kim, said in the four years that she’s lived in the neighborhood, she constantly heard screaming coming from the house. One night six months ago, she said she heard a distinct smacking sound.“I could hear a slap from my house, hand to skin,” she said. “It was that hard.”
Earlier, about eight months ago, she said one of the twins, the girl, ran away from home late at night. She turned up at Kim’s neighbor’s house. Kim’s neighbor called her over to help.
“She said she was being locked up, not given food and (was) hit,” Kim said.
The neighbors called police. “Two officers responded and said her parents were very concerned,” Kim said, adding that the officers took the child back home.
Another Case Where CPS Tries to Play Cop
A common issue in many of these cases is that the police are not called often enough.
“When reached Thursday, Kim Kapp, spokeswoman for the Vancouver Police Department, said there have been three police calls to the Weller home this year and several others in previous years. However, she said according to the department’s records, only one call concerned an allegation of abuse. That was in 2007.
She said reports were forwarded to the Children’s Justice Center for review. The results of that investigation weren’t immediately known; a deputy prosecutor said he couldn’t find record of receiving the report.
Kim, the neighbor, said she has hope for the twins’ future safety now that they’re in foster care.
“I was happy and, at the same time, it was disheartening that it took so long,” she said of the investigation. “But I was happy something had been done about it.”
CPS, neighbors reported abuse suspicions starting in 2004
[The Columbian 10/20/11 by Laura McVicker]
Update 3: Tina Toth is the mother of two of the four children. She lives in Battle Ground, Washington. Those children are currently in her custody while the twins and other two children are in foster care.
“”I can’t say this wasn’t predictable … deep down, I knew at some point there would be a major incident,” she said.
Toth was so concerned about CPS ‘ inaction that she took her husband’s advice to have a GAL appointed. In December 2010,Vancouver attorney Meredith Graff was appointed as a GAL in the hopes that Jeff Weller’s visitation would be restricted.
“Graff’s report, filed with the court in May, concluded that Toth – and not Weller –posed a safety risk to the children.
“The children in this matter … are at extreme risk of harm if they remain any longer in the mother’s home … they should be removed immediately,” the report states.
In contrast, Graff stated she had “no reservations” about having the children reside with Weller.
Graff’s recommendations were given despite a 2007 psychological evaluation listing what one local psychologist stated should have been a “warning flag for serious abuse.”
Per that evaluation, as quoted by Graff, Weller has “issues with chronic and intense anger;” and is “over-controlled with brief, impulsive episodes of acting out” coupled with “a subtle paranoia” that can make Weller “hostile when criticized.”
The same doctor also evaluated Sandra Weller and concluded she is “aggressive” and “defines her view as the correct one and assumes that to disagree with her is simply a demonstration of one’s lack of understanding,” per Graff’s report.
Rather than be concerned by the psychological evaluations of the Weller’s, Graff stated Toth’s children would benefit from exposure to both Jeff and Sandra Weller.”
Battle Ground mother speaks out: ‘the system failed’
[The Reflector 10/26/11 by Marcus Griffuth]
“Jeffrey Weller, 42, pleaded not guilty to five counts of second-degree assault and two counts of unlawful imprisonment. His trial was set for March 26.
Trial for Sandra Weller, 48, is in limbo, as her attorney requested a mental health evaluation to determine whether her client is competent to proceed. Sandra Weller will be evaluated at Western State Hospital. Clark County Superior Court Judge Robert Lewis set a review hearing for Nov. 29.”
“Lewis also granted a request by the defense to allow the Wellers supervised visitation of their four other sons, excluding the twins. A no-contact order is in place barring the parents from seeing the 16-year-old twins, a boy and a girl.
The judge said he would allow visitation with the other four children, as long as it didn’t interfere with the dependency matters in family court.
The judge’s decision angered the former spouses of both Wellers, who attended Thursday’s hearing.
“It’s unbelievable and we will be taking steps to protect our children,” said Tina Toth, Jeffrey Weller’s ex-wife, who shares two sons, 12 and 14, with him.
Tim Graf, Sandra Weller’s ex-husband from Colorado, flew in for the hearing. He shares a 10-year-old son with Sandra Weller. The two were married when she adopted the twins 14 years ago in California. Outside court, he said he simply cares about the children’s welfare.
“We’re concerned for the kids’ safety — concern for their safety and sense of safety,” Graf said.”
“Both Wellers are free on bail. ”
“Graf said he saw the twins two weeks ago and they seemed “surprisingly good.” He described them as special needs children, but couldn’t identify specific diagnoses or conditions.”
Couple accused of starving, imprisoning twins appear in court
[The Columbian 10/27/11 by Laura McVicker]
Update 4: “Judge Scott Collier said the two 16-year-olds will stay in their separate foster homes, in Woodland and Stevenson, respectively, until December. At that time, he will decide whether to place them together, per attorneys’ request.
The judge had initially placed them in separate homes, as one of the twins wanted to be temporarily apart from his sister. The male twin’s attorney, Maggie Smith Evansen, told the judge he had expressed a change of heart.
The male twin was present for the hearing, but declined to speak to a reporter because the criminal investigation against his adoptive parents, Jeffrey and Sandra Weller, is pending.
“I’m doing much better now,” he said outside the courtroom, standing next to Evansen.
At Monday’s hearing, the judge also denied a request for the Wellers to have supervised visitation of their four other children, excluding the twins.
The four boys are currently placed with family members or in foster care.
Collier said he is waiting on a letter from the Children’s Justice Center that outlines whether the Wellers face additional criminal charges relating to the other children before deciding on visitation.
Several attorneys in court had hinted of the possibility of more charges. A review hearing on that matter is set for Nov. 22.”
Imprisoned twins to stay in foster care for now
[The Columbian 11/14/11 by Laura McVicker]
Update 5: “Family law attorneys hinted of the possibility of additional charges against the twins’ adoptive parents, Jeffrey and Sandra Weller. Assistant Attorney General Cindy Gideon said in court that there was evidence the Wellers exhibited manipulation and control over the four children — all boys ranging in age from 4 to 14 — not currently named as victims by prosecutors.’
“After the hearing, Senior Deputy Prosecutor Dustin Richardson said he could not yet say whether more charges would be filed, but confirmed there’s an active investigation against the Wellers relating to the other children.
Also in court, attorneys raised concerns about one of the twins’ stability. Attorneys and social workers said the twin, a 16-year-old boy, who is in a foster home in Woodland, may be involved in gang activity. They said he was just suspended from high school for tagging on school grounds and marking himself with gang signs.
Outside the courtroom, the twin — skinny, not gaunt, and wearing a backwards hat and baggy pants — told a reporter, “I’m doing much better now.” His twin sister was not present for the hearing; she has been placed in a foster home in Stevenson.”
“The judge said he expects to set a trial on all six children’s permanent custody sometime next spring. A hearing to schedule the trial was set for April. 19.
Trial for Jeffrey Weller, 42, in the criminal case is set for March 26.
Trial for Sandra Weller, 48, has not yet been set; she has a review hearing Nov. 29 to determine whether she’s mentally competent to proceed.”
New charges possible in alleged abuse of twins
[The Columbian 11/14/11 by Laura McVicker]
Update 6: “Sandra Weller, 48, appeared in Clark County Superior Court Tuesday for review of a Western State Hospital evaluation on whether she’s competent to assist in her own defense.
The review was postponed until March 6, after attorneys heard the state hospital wouldn’t be able to evaluate Weller until next year.”
Mental check postponed for imprisonment suspect
[The Columbian 11/29/11]
Update 7: Sandra and Jeffrey both go to trial on June 25, 2012.
On Thursday January 19, 2012, “Sandra D. Weller, 48, pleaded not guilty to five counts of second-degree assault and two counts of unlawful imprisonment.”
“After a series of postponements, Weller received a new attorney, Suzan Clark, who dropped the request for a mental evaluation, clearing the way for Weller to be arraigned.”
“The twins were placed in foster care; the other four children in the Weller home were either placed in protective custody or with another family member.
A trial to determine the children’s custody will be set this spring and is expected to follow resolution of the defendants’ criminal cases.
Mother in child-imprisonment case arraigned
[Columbian 1/19/12 by Laura McVicker]
Clark County Superior Court public case record search reveals that on 2/1/12, Sandra was assigned a trial date of June 25, 2012. She had motion hearings on 3/5/12 and 4/6/12.
Clark County Superior Court public case record search reveals that on 2/1/12, Jeffrey was also assigned a trial date of June 25, 2012. On 3/9/12, he requested a substitute in counsel and it was granted on 3/15/12. His attorney filed for discovery for CPS records and on 6/1/12 this motion was filed “To Suppress All Evidence Seized From The Deft Residence For Failure To Obtain Warrant , Failure Of State To Show An Exception To Warrant Requirement.”
REFORM Puzzle Pieces
Update 8: A search of the Clark County public court case records shows that on June 11,2012 a court date of October 8, 2012 was set. On July 23, 2012, a motion to suppress the interviewing of the minor children was asked for. On September 12, 2012, a motion hearing was set for January 31, 2013 and a trial date of February 4, 2013 was set.
Update 9: “The trial of two parents who investigators said imprisoned, abused and starved two teenage twins began Monday [February 4, 2013] with jury selection.
Jeff and Sandra Weller face second degree assault, unlawful imprisonment and criminal mistreatment charges. They were arrested Oct. 12, 2011, after police were tipped off by child protective services.
Jeff Weller pleaded not guilty to all the charges last year. His wife Sandra was ordered to undergo a mental evaluation before she could enter a plea.
The twins are now in foster care and the Wellers have not been allowed any contact with them. However, the couple did get supervised visitation rights with their other four children.
Court documents said the couple kept food under lock and key and fed very small amounts to the twins an average of once a day. The twins told police they had to constantly steal food to survive.
When they were caught, the Wellers forced them to take off their pants and underwear and lie on the kitchen floor while Jeff Weller beat them with a 42-inch wooden stick, often making them bleed, according to court documents.
In one incident, court documents said Jeff hit the female twin with the stick about 20 times.
The twins, who were home-schooled, were adopted by Sandra Weller in California when they were 2 years old. The twins told police the abuse went on for as long as they could remember.
Court documents also said that early in 2011, the couple removed the interior door knob from the twins’ bedroom and installed an alarm that activated when the door opened. They were not allowed to leave their bedroom other than to do chores and occasionally eat, court documents said.
There was no clock or electricity in their bedroom. The window was locked as well, documents said.
Court documents indicated Sandra was also the target of some abuse by Jeff and detailed numerous other instances of abuse, including strangulation, directed at the teenagers.”
Trial of parents in Vanc. child abuse case begins today
[KATU 2/4/13]
“When investigators crossed the threshold of Jeffrey and Sandra Weller’s home to do a welfare check on Oct. 7, 2011, the tidy living room appeared to be a model of suburban family life. But as officers stepped into other rooms in the North Hearthwood house, they began to see signs of something more sinister, said Clark County Senior Deputy Prosecutor Dustin Richardson.
Richardson’s description during an opening statement Monday kicked off the trial of the Wellers, accused of imprisoning, starving and beating their 16-year-old adopted twins. The couple faces nearly a dozen charges of unlawful imprisonment and physical abuse of the twins.
The allegations are expected to be strongly contested by the Wellers’ attorneys.
“Pay close attention and careful attention and keep an open mind,” Suzan Clark, who represents Sandra Weller, told the jury. “The allegations in this case are false, and in the end, we will ask you to return a verdict of not guilty.”
After rejecting a plea offer in the case, Jeffrey Weller was slapped with an additional five charges of physically abusing four other children in the household. They include two biological sons, 14 and 12, of Jeffrey Weller and his ex-wife, a 10-year-old biological son of Sandra Weller, and a 4-year-old biological son of Jeffrey and Sandra Weller.
Richardson said investigators found a well-stocked kitchen pantry under lock and key. The refrigerator was locked with a rubber-coated bicycle lock. Upstairs, investigators found the bedroom that belonged to the twins, one boy and one girl. It lacked electricity, lights and floor covering. The bunk beds were missing one mattress. The door was locked from the outside, and there was no handle on the inside so that the children could let themselves out.
The twins told police that they were locked in their room, isolated from others and fed no more than once a day, Richardson said. They were prohibited from dining with the rest of the family. Instead, they were fed a can of vegetables, usually spinach or collard greens, with a spoonful of shortening. They had to eat it, standing, out of the can, Richardson said.
Because they were hungry, the twins often took food without their parents’ permission, he said. Their siblings would find the keys and give it to the twins, he said.
“When they were inevitably caught, this was when they would get this horrendous punishment,” Richardson said.
The 16-year-old girl took most of the blame, he said. Following Sandra Weller’s instructions, Jeffrey Weller would force the girl to remove her pants and panties and lie on her stomach on the kitchen floor, Richardson said. Jeffrey Weller then struck her with a piece of scrap lumber, measuring 1 inch by 2 inches by 42 inches. On one occasion, he also attempted to strangle her, he said.
Richardson said he would present evidence of marks and scars on the girl that are consistent with this type of punishment. He said forensic evidence also would show that her blood was on one end of the board, and Jeffrey Weller’s DNA was on the other part, which would have been used as a handle.
The other four children, interviewed by police, corroborated the twins’ story and added their own accounts of abuse, including being thrown across a room for keeping a messy bedroom, the prosecutor said.
Defense attorney Clark said Sandra Weller denies abusing the twins and denies encouraging her husband to do so.
Clark said unlike the prosecution’s claim, the twins, who were home-schooled, were not isolated. She said they participated weekly in home-school social events outside the home.
“(They) were very much part of this family,” Clark said. “The children bear Mr. Weller’s last name (even though they were adopted by Sandra Weller and her ex-husband). They by choice wanted to adopt … the surname, Weller.”
Clark said the allegations of abuse happened after a change in the family dynamic: Jeffrey Weller’s sons from his previous marriage came into the home in June 2011 after a custody battle. Those children had behavioral issues, Clark said.
Monday began with jury selection in the case. Fifty-five candidates were whittled down to a jury of 12 with one alternate. Testimony is expected to begin today.”
Details emerge in child-imprisonment trial
[The Columbian 2/4/13 by Paris Achen]
Update 10: “A Child Protective Services investigator testified today that 16-year-old adopted twins were very thin and had dark, sunken eyes when she saw them on Oct. 7, 2011, during a welfare check at the Weller home in East Vancouver’s North Hearthwood neighborhood.
Kim Karu was the prosecution’s first witness in the trial of Jeffrey, 43, and Sandra Weller, 50, in Clark County Superior Court. The couple is accused of imprisoning, starving and beating the twins. Jeffrey Weller also has been charged with abuse of biological children in the home.
Karu described bicycle padlocks on the family’s kitchen cabinets and refrigerator. She said at the top of the stairs were food cans that appeared to have been jimmied open, rather than opened with a can opener.
Vancouver police officer Sandra Aldridge followed Karu on the stand just before 10:45 a.m., corroborating that account and adding more details.
“To me, it looked like (the cans) had been opened by any means necessary,” Aldridge testified.
Karu said the twins’ room was unlike any teenager’s bedroom she has seen as a social worker. It had no electricity or doorknobs, and there was a lock on the outside of the door, she said. There was no consistent flooring; it was a patchwork of floor boards and carpet scraps, she said. Photos entered into evidence showed a secret passageway between the twins’ bedroom and that of the two of the other children. The passageway was covered with a board and a pile of clothing. Previous reports by The Columbian indicated that the biological children used the passageway to sneak food to the twins.
Aldridge echoed Karu’s description of the twins’ bedroom. She also noted that it was cluttered, filthy and had a keyed lock on the window.
Defense attorney David Kurtz during cross-examination asked Aldridge whether she had seen other children’s bedrooms that were that cluttered.
“I have seen cluttered bedrooms,” Aldridge replied. “(The twins’) bedroom is the worst I’ve seen in 16 years.”
In contrast, the couple’s other four children’s rooms has electricity, flooring, colorful decorations and age-appropriate toys and games, Karu said. The other children also were “chubby” and appeared to be normal children, she said.
Alridge’s testimony also introduced a key piece of forensic evidence in the prosecution’s case: a piece of lumber Jeffrey Weller allegedly used to strike the twins until they bled.
At Senior Deputy Prosecutor Dustin Richardson’s direction, Aldridge unwrapped the piece of wood from police evidence packaging. She said the children referred to it as “the stick.” She said she found brown stains on one end of the stick that appeared to be blood stains.
In Richardson’s opening statement Monday, he said the prosecution would present evidence that Jeffrey Weller, at Sandra Weller’s urging, would beat the twins with the stick.
“That’s not the stick,” Sandra Weller murmured to her attorney. But after looking at some photographs, defense attorneys Suzan Clark and Kurtz made no immediate attempt to challenge the authenticity of the item. Clark is expected to cross-examine Aldridge after the lunch break.”
Investigator: Twins in Weller home very thin, with sunken eyes
[The Columbian 2/5/13 by Paris Achen]
Update 11: “A forensic scientist testified Wednesday that blood stains on the end of a piece of scrap lumber allegedly used by Jeffrey Weller to repeatedly beat his adopted twins match the DNA of the twin boy.
The testimony marked the third day of the Vancouver couple’s trial on charges that they imprisoned, starved and beat their adopted twins. Jeffrey Weller also is charged with physically abusing three biological children in the family’s east Vancouver home. The charges are restricted to the time period of Oct. 7, 2010, to Oct. 7, 2011, though the twins, now 17, allege the abuse began years before that.
Through their attorneys, the couple deny abusing the children.
Heather Pyles, a forensic scientist at the Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory, testified that she made DNA profiles for three swabs of blood taken from the wood piece, and all three samples matched the DNA of the twin boy. The likelihood that someone else’s DNA would match blood samples is one in 13 sextillion, she said.
Pyles also testified that a mixture of DNA likely belonging to Jeffrey Weller and the twins was found on the opposite end of the wood piece, the area that most likely would have been used as the handle.
Pyles’ testimony followed another key prosecution witness: the twin girl who was allegedly abused. (Her twin brother testified on Tuesday.)
She testified that she and her twin brother were treated differently than the other four children, who all were biological children of Jeffrey and/or Sandra Weller.
The twin girl said she was expected to stay in her room except for chores, meals and schoolwork. She said there was no lock on the door to keep her inside, but there was an alarm that went off when the door was open. Her twin brother shared the room with her but sometimes was allowed to sleep with another brother for what the Wellers considered to be good behavior.
She testified that she and her twin brother were fed moldy food, including bread, while the rest of the family ate good food. When she refused to eat the food she was given, she said, she was punished. Her parents would force her to hold hot spices in her mouth, she said.
Child abuse physician Kim Copeland of the Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center’s Child Abuse Assessment Team, who evaluated and examined the girl, testified that the girl said that when she refused to eat food the Wellers gave her, she was forced to hold a spoonful of a hot or salty spice in her mouth and then swallow it without anything to drink. Spices included steak pepper, chili, salt, cayenne pepper and others, Copeland said.
“Her mouth would be swollen and bleeding inside,” Copeland said. “She said, ‘It felt like a hole in my cheeks.’ ”
She also disclosed that Sandy Weller mixed moldy food, dead and alive flies and bacon grease in her food, Copeland said.
“She would throw up often when that happened,” Copeland said.
During cross-examination, David Kurtz, Jeffrey Weller’s attorney, asked whether the twin girl was ever fed hot dogs, burgers or steak in the Weller home. She said that she had been.
The 11-year-old son of Sandra Weller later testified that the twins were only allowed to share food that the rest of the family ate when there were guests in the household.
The food in the household was locked up, all the children testified. There were locks on the refrigerator and on kitchen cabinets.
The 11-year-old testified that he and the other biological children would smuggle food to the twins or find ways to get the keys to cabinets, unlock them and tell the twins to go get food from the cabinet.
“I felt kind of bad about (the twins) eating rotten food,” the 11-year-old testified. “One day, we decided that’s not fair, so we decided to get real food for them.”
When the Wellers found out food had been stolen, they punished the twins by beating them with “the board,” which is what the children called the piece of wood.
The twin girl said the beatings caused splinters and bleeding. Sometimes, she said she was whipped with the cable-style bicycle lock that was on the refrigerator. She also described one occasion when Jeffrey Weller tried to choke her. Sandra Weller stopped him.
The 11-year-old said the twins’ beatings usually happened after he went to bed. He said he found out about the beatings because one time the sounds of one of the twins screaming woke him up.
He said Jeffrey Weller did all of the beatings, but Sandra Weller would tell him how many times to strike.
Copeland testified Wednesday that the twins showed signs of malnutrition and had scars consistent with being repeatedly beaten.
Copeland said the twin boy had a broken arm that never was set and had healed with a bend in the bone. The boy told her that the injury happened when Jeffrey Weller was beating him with “the board,” she said. The boy said the board hit his arm when he tried to protect himself, she said. She said the injury was consistent with that description. She said he also had skin discolorations consistent with being repeatedly beaten with a board.
Copeland also said she found scars on the twin sister’s back that were consistent with being whipped with a cable-style bicycle lock.
She said both of the twins were underweight. She said the twin girl was 5-foot-5-inches and 89 pounds, about the fifth to seventh percentile of weight for her age and height. The twin girl testified Wednesday that she now weighs 138 pounds.
At 119 pounds and about 5-foot-9 inches, the twin boy was in the 10th to 25th percentile for his age and height, she said. He testified Tuesday that he now weighs 145 pounds.
The physician also gleaned other details about the alleged abuse from evaluations and examinations she did on the twins and three biological children in the home.
Jeffrey Weller’s son, now 13, told her that the children were bathed only once a week. They also had to share the bath water because the Wellers didn’t want to waste water, she said.
She said the twin boy had disclosed that his twin sister had soiled the floor in their bedroom because she couldn’t get out of the room to go to the bathroom. Her twin brother said his sister had to stay in her room about 22 hours per day, Copeland said.
He told Copeland that the soiled area was cleaned up with bleach, she said. After the bleach was poured, he told her that he and his twin sister were forced to sit in the room for 15 minutes with the door and window shut, she said.
“He described it as being hard to breathe and choking,” she said.
Pieces of particle board, carpet scraps and rugs were then thrown over the spot, she said.”
Forensic scientist, child abuse expert testify in Weller trial
[The Columbian 2/6/13 by Paris Achen]
“The trial of a Vancouver, Wash., couple accused of abusing adopted twins is in the hands of a jury after both the man and woman took the stand to deny beating the children.
Clark County prosecutors say Jeffrey and Sandra Weller imprisoned, beat and starved the boy and girl in 2011 before they were removed from the home. Jeffrey Weller also is charged with physically abusing three biological children.
KATU-TV reports ( ) that Jeffrey Weller acknowledged hitting the boy once as discipline. The station says Sandra Weller testified Thursday that she saw her husband “use a belt one time” but she said she never hit the children.
The now-17-year-old twins both testified. The girl said they were fed moldy food and she was beaten with a cable-style bicycle lock.
Dr. Kim Copeland testified the girl has scars on her back and the boy had a broken bone that was never set after he said he was beaten with a board.
Copeland said both teens were malnourished but have since gained weight.”
WA child abuse trial goes to jury
[San Francisco Chronicle 2/7/13 by Associated Press]
Update 12: The jury came back with guilty verdicts on Friday afternoon.
“Clark County Superior Court jurors convicted Jeffrey and Sandra Weller on multiple counts including second-degree assault with a deadly weapon, unlawful imprisonment and third-degree assault causing bodily harm, The Columbian reported (
Jeffrey Weller was also convicted of choking the twin girl and assaulting his biological son and Sandra Weller’s biological son.
The couple testified Thursday in their own defense, denying the charges.
“I didn’t do it. I was framed. I will appeal this,” Jeffrey Weller declared Friday as he was taken away in handcuffs. Sandra Weller’s lawyer said her client would appeal as well.
Sentencing was set for March 12.
The Columbian says the six children in the family were removed from the home in 2011.
Five of the six children testified during the five-day trial, including the twins, now 17. The twin girl said she was beaten with a cable-style bicycle lock.
A doctor testified the girl has scars on her back and the twin boy had a broken bone that was never set after he said he was beaten with a board.
The twins and their adoptive siblings testified that the Wellers fed the twins only once a day with moldy food or bowls of canned vegetables served with shortening. The other four children were fed hot prepared meals at the dining room table, testimony showed.
The refrigerator and cabinets were locked, the children said. The six children worked together to access food in the cabinets for the twins to eat by unscrewing cabinet hinges, swiping their parents’ keys and smuggling food through a hole they cut between their bedrooms, they said.
When the Wellers found out, the twins were beaten with a scrap of lumber until they bled, the twins said.
Jurors were told that outside of the daily meal, chores and schoolwork, the twins were expected to remain in their room, which was monitored by an alarm over the door.
The twins now live in separate foster homes in different parts of Washington.”
Wash. couple convicted in adopted twins abuse case
[Seattle Times 2/8/13 by The Associated Press]
Three remaining issues: Why are the twins separated? Why didn’t the noncustodial adoptive father gain custody of them? Was this a private, domestic placement; a California foster care placement; or international adoption. Some agency or attorney was involved in this placement and needs to have accountability as well.
Update 13: Hat tip to commenter TAO for answering question 3-info pasted below. Now the questions are who was the homestudy agency and placing agency? Did US DOS report this to the Philippines?
“AD and BD- 16 year old twins
AD and BD, teenage twins, were adopted internationally when they were approximately 2 years old. There is significant CPS history on the family prior to the children being placed into protective custody. Previous allegations included: multiple allegations of physical abuse and other inappropriate discipline,parents withholding food, and concerns about the children being under weight and overall well-being.
When interviewed the adoptive mother spoke with open hostility about the children. The motherdescribed that the family no longer attend certain community events due to people making commentsabout how sad and malnourished the adopted children looked. The children were homeschooled as the mother did not want the teachers feeling sorry for them because they are “all sad” and looked like theyare starved at home. The mother referred to the adopted twins as “monsters” and reported that one child had multiple mental health disorders. Previous contacts with the child’s school did not substantiate the behaviors reported by the mother.
The adoptive mother and her current husband physically punished the adopted children with a boardmade of splintered wood. When law enforcement found the board, the bottom third was covered indried blood. In addition to being physically punished, the twins were subject to discipline”
Update 14: The sentencing was supposed to be on March 12. That did not occur. I checked the public court case record and it was rescheduled to March 20 at 3 PM.
Update 15: Jeffrey was sentenced to 21 years in prison. Sandra was sentenced to 20 years in prison.
“The sentences were delivered before a standing-room-only crowd by Clark County Superior Court Judge Barbara Johnson. Jeffrey Weller, 43, and Sandra Weller 50, were dressed in navy blue jumpsuits. The twins, a boy and girl now 17, sat in the front row.
The Wellers showed no visible reaction to the sentence.
“They got what they deserved,” the boy said after the sentencing. “Now it’s time to put it behind us and for me and my family to move on.”
Jeffrey and Sandra Weller were convicted Feb. 8 of three counts of second-degree assault with a deadly weapon, unlawful imprisonment, second-degree assault, and four counts of third-degree assault causing bodily harm. Jeffrey Weller was also found guilty of strangulation of the girl twin, another count of third-degree assault and two counts of fourth-degree assault.
“I’ve seen tears, I’ve breathed the meaning of agony,” the boy twin wrote in a victim impact statement read aloud Wednesday by his attorney, Maggie Smith Evansen. “I’ve watched long nights of hurt and sorrow that can only come from a lonely hell. Yet still, we pushed on, waiting for a light at the end that took so many years to come.”
That light appeared on Oct. 7, 2011, when Child Protective Services removed him, his twin sister, and four other siblings from the Weller house.
In the trial, the twins and their adoptive siblings described that “lonely hell” in graphic detail. The twins, their adoptive brother, and another sibling all wrote victim impact statements to the judge, as did the couple’s ex-spouses.
The Wellers fed the twins only once a day with moldy food or bowls of canned vegetables served with shortening. The twins were ordered to eat it while standing up. Meanwhile, the other four children were fed hot prepared meals at the dining room table.
If the twins refused to eat what they were given, they were punished. For instance, the twin girl said she was forced to hold a spoonful of hot spices in her mouth and then swallow them without anything to wash it down.
All of the cabinets and the refrigerator were locked, the children said. The six children worked together to access food in the cabinets for the twins to eat by unscrewing cabinet hinges, stealing their parents’ keys and smuggling food through a hole they cut between their bedrooms, they said.
When the Wellers found out, the twins were beaten with a scrap piece of lumber until they bled, they said. On rarer occasions, Sandra Weller whipped the girl twin with a cable-style bicycle lock normally used to secure the refrigerator, the twins said.
“We all grew up in a place where the people who are there to protect us were the monsters that other children fear,” the boy twin wrote. “The people who were there to hold us drew our blood on a regular basis.”
Outside of the daily meal, chores and schoolwork, the twins were expected to remain in their room, they said. The Wellers monitored the twins’ movement with an alarm over the door and over the staircase between the bedrooms and kitchen, and a lock on their window, they said.
The girl twin soiled the carpet in her bedroom because she was unable to leave, her twin brother said.
Clark County Deputy Prosecutor Dustin Richardson had recommended a sentence of 20 years each for the couple. Under standard sentencing guidelines, the couple would have faced no more than 10 years in prison, but the jury found that there were aggravating factors, which allowed for an “exceptional” sentence. Among the factors were that the abuse was on par with torture.
Judge Johnson said she found that an exceptional sentence was appropriate. Jeffrey Weller received an extra year in prison because he was convicted of also assaulting his biological son and Sandra Weller’s biological son.
Johnson said the trial was “one of the most difficult” she had heard since she became a judge in 1987. Juror Deanna Imri, who attended the sentencing, echoed that sentiment.
“That was the roughest thing we’ve ever gone through,” Imri said.
The couple claim they were framed. They plan to appeal their convictions, their attorneys have said.
The male twin said he now lives with a foster family in Carson, where he eats ice cream every night. His twin sister lives in Olympia, and they are able to visit each other occasionally.
“I’m glad it’s over,” he said.”
Vancouver couple sentenced for imprisoning, beating adopted twins
[The Columbian 3/20/13 by Paris Achen]
“I love my children and would do anything for my children,” Sandra Weller said in court. “I wish the truth would come out.”
They were convicted by a jury last month. Jeffrey Weller was found guilty on multiple counts of assault, assault of a child and unlawful imprisonment. Sandra Weller is guilty of assault and unlawful imprisonment.
The jury found each of them not guilty on one count of unlawful imprisonment.
“We didn’t do what we’re charged with,” Jeffrey Weller said. “I always loved my children and always will.””
“Tim Graf originally adopted the twins with Sandra Weller years ago. Last month, he said the kids, now 17, were put in a good home and are getting counseling. He did not plan to seek custody.”
Couple convicted of child abuse sentenced to 20 years
[KPTV 3/20/13]
“In February, Jeffrey was found guilty on 14 out of 15 counts of assault and unlawful imprisonment. Sandra was found guilty on nine out of 10 counts.
A judge told the couple the abuse suffered by the twins was “torture,” adding later that their acts were “incomprehensible.”
Jeffrey Weller’s attorney requested a 74-month sentence. Sandra Weller’s lawyer asked the judge for a sentence of four years and two months.
The victims were in the courtroom for sentencing Wednesday when the Wellers spoke, still claiming they were innocent. Their attorneys have already announced plans to appeal.”
“Sandra acknowledged during the trial that the kitchen cabinets with food were locked and said that was to prevent the twins from pilfering junk food. The twins’ bedroom doors were also locked. Sandra said it was to keep them from climbing onto the roof of the home.
Tim Graf had strong words against his ex-wife, Sandra, when he read a statement in court.
“Sandra Weller is by far, the most brazen, dangerously evil and manipulative person that I have personally known. She is a criminal mastermind,” he said. “We’re glad we don’t have to worry about them creating havoc in our lives for a long time.”
Another dramatic moment came when Sandra herself was speaking in court and several of the victims’ family members stood up and walked out. The Wellers blamed their ex-spouses on the way out of court, saying they were framed.
Juror Deanna Imri returned to the courtroom to hear the sentencing, and said it was appropriate.
“I’m glad they got that. I wish they would have gotten more,” she said. “Because those children are going to be damaged for the rest of their lives.”
Abusive Vancouver parents sent to prison
[KGW 3/20/13]
“The prosecution asked the judge to sentence both Wellers to 20 years in prison, citing an “ongoing pattern of psychological or physical abuse.”
Judge Barbara Johnson said the exceptional sentence was appropriate. He told the twins in court, “do not let these experiences destroy you.””
Husband gets 21 years, wife gets 20 in Vancouver abuse case
[KATU 3/20/13]
Update 16: “Five children who were abused by their parents in Vancouver have filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the state, alleging that the Department of Social and Health Services failed to adequately respond to dozens of complaints about their welfare over an eight-year period.
Jeffrey and Sandra Weller of Vancouver each were sentenced March 20, 2013, to two decades in prison for imprisoning, starving and beating their adopted twins. A Clark County jury found Sandra Weller guilty of nine separate counts related to the twins’ abuse; Jeffrey Weller was found guilty of 13, related to both the twins’ abuse and assaults against the couple’s biological children.
The children’s Seattle attorney, David Moody, filed the lawsuit on behalf of the children Friday in Clark Superior Court.
One of the children’s teachers alone warned the DSHS a dozen times about possible abuse of the children and urged that they be removed from the Weller home, Moody said.
“He has documents he kept,” Moody said Friday. “He has voice-mail messages. There are a number of educators from the local school district who voiced serious warnings to DSHS over a period of years.”
“Those concerns were ignored every time,” he said.
The lawsuit follows a $54 million tort claim the children filed Dec. 18 with the DSHS. Tort claims give public agencies a 60-day notice of a lawsuit and allows them an opportunity to settle a case before litigation.
In this case, the children received no response, Moody said.
John Wiley, a DSHS spokesman, said the agency often does respond to and resolve tort claims prior to litigation.
“However, this case is complex, involving numerous plaintiffs alleging negligence based on activities that occurred over a number of years. As such, it requires more than the statutory 60 days to analyze and investigate the merits of the plaintiffs’ claim,” Wiley said. “It would not be in the taxpayers’ best interest to quickly make a settlement offer on a $54 million claim without a reasonable and diligent investigation into that claim by the state.”
Wiley said the agency has no other comment on the lawsuit at this time.
“We’ll let the court decide the merits of the case,” he said. “We don’t comment on the merits of the case.”
The lawsuit also alleges that the DSHS failed to obtain Sandra Weller’s Child Protective Services history in California, where she adopted the twins with her ex-husband. There were seven referrals about Sandra Weller’s possibly abusing and neglecting the twins and some other foster children who were in her care between 1998 and 2002, the lawsuit states. At one point, the state of California revoked her foster care license and took the twins into protective custody, according to the lawsuit.
Some of the complaints that Washington caseworkers allegedly ignored included allegations of threats against one of the twins’ lives and withholding food as punishment, according to the lawsuit.
For example, in April 2004, the DSHS received a complaint that Sandra Weller had told the 8-year-old female twin that, “If I had a knife right now, you would be gone,” according to the lawsuit. A month later, the agency received another complaint that the twins were “so stressed they are literally pulling their hair out,” the lawsuit states.
In September 2004, there was a complaint that the Wellers locked food cabinets in the house and locked the children in their room, which had an alarm on the door, the lawsuit says.
DSHS social workers visited the Weller home in October 2004. On Nov. 1, 2004, the social worker concluded that the allegations of negligent treatment or maltreatment were “unfounded,” according to the lawsuit.
The DSHS finally removed the children from the Weller home Oct. 7, 2011, after one of the twins left a note about their abuse at her therapist’s office.
“Please, help,” the twin wrote. “Behind the laundry room door is a big wooden stick covered in blood. They use it on me and (my brother) … If you leave without us, we’ll all ran (sic) away.”
The twins were substantially underweight and malnourished when they were taken into state custody, according to testimony at the Wellers’ trial.
They also testified at trial that Jeffrey Weller, often at the instruction of Sandra, regularly beat them with a 42-inch-long piece of scrap lumber. Police investigators found it stained with blood.
Moody, the children’s attorney, specializes in civil litigation against the DSHS related to the abuse of children or vulnerable adults. He said he won the largest jury verdict award against the DSHS — $17.8 million — in February 2000 in a vulnerable adult abuse case in Pierce County in which he demonstrated that the DSHS was negligent by inadequately investigating abuse allegations.”
Weller children file lawsuit against state DSHS[The Columbian 3/7/14 By Paris Achen]
Do you have any petitions organized or contact information for the judge so we can email or call to demand strict sentencing (to the fullest extent of the law) for these actions?
they did not do it
this is a scam from their Xs to get custody bribing the kids to say those things and set them up
So if this was done because the Ex’s wanted custody, why did Sandra sign off legal custody of the twins. Jeff signed off legal custody of his two boys in jan before he was charged with abuse of them? If they were innocent of these charges and loved their children, knew that these were all lies, why would they give up their parental rights? Innocent people don’t quite on their children! There is so much about this case that the general public doesn’t know. The families spent 9 years in the court system of family court, divorce courts and CPS. What was the connecting factor, Sandra. No one understands the evil this woman spread to everyone she touched.
Are you insane? Those children were tormented a..a.starved and beaten …how can you side with those culpable ? 30 plus reports from multiple sources… sweet Lord ‘a..they were covered in marks and emaciated ! Horrific!
Anonymous, well since you seem to know so much about this case, I hope you have called the police and told them all you know. Did the ex-spouses also bribe the neighbors who heard yelling, screaming and death threats? Were the chunks of hair missing and emaciated state made up as well? And denying CPS into the home? Also a lie? 9 investigations were all falsified? Wow, you will have a lot to testify to. I hope you uncover their scam. We would be happy to report that, so go for it.
As of 3:45 today they were found guilty and in jail. Justice was served.
Your last question re was this private. foster care, international. Here is the description in the Severe Abuse Report form WA state – pg 39.
“AD and BD- 16 year old twins
AD and BD, teenage twins, were adopted internationally when they were approximately 2 years old. There is significant CPS history on the family prior to the children being placed into protective custody. Previous allegations included: multiple allegations of physical abuse and other inappropriate discipline,parents withholding food, and concerns about the children being under weight and overall well-being.
When interviewed the adoptive mother spoke with open hostility about the children. The motherdescribed that the family no longer attend certain community events due to people making commentsabout how sad and malnourished the adopted children looked. The children were homeschooled as the mother did not want the teachers feeling sorry for them because they are “all sad” and looked like theyare starved at home. The mother referred to the adopted twins as “monsters” and reported that one child had multiple mental health disorders. Previous contacts with the child’s school did not substantiate the behaviors reported by the mother.
The adoptive mother and her current husband physically punished the adopted children with a boardmade of splintered wood. When law enforcement found the board, the bottom third was covered indried blood. In addition to being physically punished, the twins were subject to discipline whichincluded:”
Thanks so much for finding that! I had a feeling that they were IA but even the reporter who was investigating this that I corresponded with did not know. I will make note of it on the post and on the IA cases summary where I questioned it.
I know the facts and history in this case. These people were set up by their respective exes who used the kids to further their vindictive agenda. Too bad the Court didn’t want to hear the entire history.
Set up? Are you saying that the children were not starved and abused? The DNA on the bloody stick was what…planted?Are you saying that the children lied?The neighbors who heard horrifying sounds in the middle of the night…are they lying?That is a lot of conspiracy. If you have evidence of a setup, you should go to police ASAP.
Mary. Sounds like you know something that the entire world does not. Why did you not testify on their behalf and set the record straight since YOU have the facts and h/o the case. Why is it that no doctors, no DNA specialists, no psychologists, NO ONE testified on their behalf?????? Maybe, just maybe, there were no facts to support the defendants testimony. I was there for the trial. I heard all the facts submitted from the prosecution and ONLY heard the parents say it was wrong. The DNA evidence on the board was not faked. In fact, I believe it was stated that the blood was one in one (some unbelievably large #) number) proof positive the victims. I was there when all the kids testify. Let me tell you, NO kid can hold the same lie for over a year . In fact, the female defendant could not keep her lies straight under cross examination and she was the adult and you expect the viewers to believe the kids could do this under cross-examination. I was there when the jury was asked to leave , because the female defendant was trying to “control” her children while they were testifying. Were you there at all????? Or is this just truly speculation on your part. If you had the TRUTH, it was your moral obligation to testify, but you did not. So, you do not get to say it was all a lie and NOT provide the truth.
Thank you for sharing your first-hand knowledge of the trial
Wow…. Were you there throughout the trial? Did you listen to ALL of the testimony? Did you follow this from the beginning? I did. I find it very interesting that NO ONE testified on behalf of the defense. The Prosecution had Forensic Scientists, Doctors, Police, DCFS, and the children ALL collaborating the same facts.
I would want to know if YOU have the facts, why did YOU not testify???? It might have helped. If you have facts to support the defense it is your moral and legal obligation to contact the police. Did YOU? Are you saying that EVERYONE lied on the stand? Are you saying the DNA evidence is falsified? Are you saying the pictures of the scars on their backs were false? Are you saying the inappropriately healed broken bones were lies, too. If you are, you better be able to back it up or it becomes “liable” in the eyes of the law. You would be accusing the prosecuting attorney, the doctors, DCFS, the forensic scientists, the police of not telling the truth in court.
Are you saying ALL the children lied. Let’s face it. Most children, no matter what age, cannot keep their lies straight (in general) and to ask them to hold true to that lie for over a year, WOW they are good. Even the younger ones, WOW.
Were you there when the mother testified? She could not keep track of her lies. And then the husband could not remember when he went to bed. 8:00 am, 6:00 am, 11:00 am, which one was it. One of them was not quite telling the truth when it came to when he worked. The mother said “he was home every weekend.” How is that when he testified to 4 days on and 3 days off. So, which one is it? I find it hard to believe someone when they do not tell the truth on the little things,. How am I to believe them when it comes to the big things.
I find that I cannot put any weight to your statements, since you either cannot or refuse to provide “factual”, “provable” statements to the contrary. In summation, if you were there, you need to go to the police. IF you were not, provide the public with the evidence to back your statements, like the prosecution did in this case.
Thank you
Thank you for sharing your first-hand account of the trial
Mary, Are you willing to comment on the record about your assertions? I can be reached via The Vancouver Vector, a newspaper in Vancouver WA that is covering this topic.
Mary might just be the Weller’s friend – a person who homeschooled, as well. But, as most people know, those who abuse due it in the privacy of their own home where no one can see. They usually also appear to be “awesome” and nice in the outside world. Good luck
I see that Mary has not yet replied to The Vector’s Request. I see that it is much easier to blame people instead of taking responsibility for one’s own actions. Shame on you, Mary. You had a moral obligation to report your evidence and you did not. Please do not use this forum to blame others without having the guts to provide the evidence. I have checked with the State’s Attorney’s office, as well as others on this case and no one, and I MEAN NO ONE has stepped to provide alternative FACTUAL information to help the parents.
Sentencing is on March 12th and I for one will do EVERYTHING in my power and limited resources to be there. I was there from the beginning and need to be there for its completion. I need to see that justice is TRULY served. I pray that the parents are humble and realize the damage that they have done for their own sakes. I pray that the children and the extended families will get peace soon and can start the healing process. I pray that the children will continue to get any and all help they need to heal.
So if the ex spouses set these people up Mary wouldn’t you think that a police investigation would have addressed that, not only on the criminal side but on the civil side too I.e. CPS. So what’s your valid explanation and or any factual basis for making a statement like that. The question I have for you is did you attend the trial and listen to the evidence presented not only by the prosecution, but testimony from the children, and to top it all off professional witnesses. The vindictiveness from this whole thing is is reversed its the defendant’s those proven guilty by a jury, whom feel the system failed them. When in all respects those two found guilty failed their families and most of all their children. Innocence is only had once and all it takes it one person to destroy it not only in a child’s mind but in these kids mind for the rest of their lives.
I just want to say I pray for the kids and the extended families. I hope this has brought them together. All the kids need good strong role models. They will need to learn to trust those in authority. It is unimaginable how they must feel. The ones that were supposed to protect them, did all this to them. You cannot even say that they only did it to the “adopted” ones. They hurt there own flesh and blood. Those adopted children should have been loved, and treated as their own flesh and blood, not less than human. Cannot wait until sentencing. I hope they get the maximum jail term and I hope they are stripped of any parental rights for the future.
Thank you Rally for having a site like this. It allows those of us who are not as computer literate to find the information in one spot. Keep up the good work
Well, we are still waiting for sentencing on this one. The parents are still in jail, but the sentencing hearing has been moved to next week some time. I do not have the date, but can someone get this to end. The kids need peace. I can only imagine what they are going through. Thinking this may end literally. Let’s hope this does end soon.
I checked the public court record. The sentencing has been moved to 3 PM March 20. Thanks for the heads up. I will add it to the post
So Jeff Weller got 21 years and Sandra Weller got 20 years. All the people that thought they did nothing how do you feel now! I know the kids and they are safe and will be loved and they are very happy kids. As to Jeff and sandy they get to spend time thinking about what they did.
We have updated the post with all the current articles. Unfortunately, this case will go on as they are appealing the “exceptional” sentencing. Apparently 10 years would be the “normal” sentencing but the judge cited the torture involved as the reason to give the harsher sentence. The twins are separated in foster care and the original international adoptive dad is not seeking custody. Glad to hear they are coping ok now.
Okay. So glad to hear they got 20 and 21 years. As to the “adoptive dad”,. He is not seeking custody because he knows the twins need more help than he can provide. He has been there for them every step of the way, though. So good job of stepping up. The other ex has stepped up all the way too. She has been there for all of the kids since day one and continues to be there even now. This has made a family. A family of the kids and the ones who truly care about them. Dustin Richardson said it best “as a family of kids who triumphed over diversity”. Mistakes were made, but overall Thank you DCFS and CASA for doing the right thing and helping these kids. Thank you Dustin Richardson for taking the time to make sure these people did not get away. On a sad note, I am sorry for Sandra and Jeff’s parents. They must be in a horrible place now. Let us not blame them but give them support wherever they may be. Let them have peace knowing that all their grandchildren are safe. Do not blame the innocent children.
“It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.”
― Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker
Thank you Rally for having all the information here. It has helped to see everything in one spot. The “sentencing” was tough. To listen to the victim statements was hard. 6 guards were there. The kids leaving when the “Sandra and Jeff” (can’t rellay call them parents can we?) spoke told everyone in the court what they felt. What about that woman who was moved from the first row? What did she do? Why was she starring with daggers at the children? Was she a relative? No one was suppotng Sandra and Jeff b4. I hope the kids are alright. I saw them leave, so let us hope the continue to be helped now that this part is over. Rally: Can people write to the judge about this appeal??? Does popular opinion help in theis case??? What can the common person do???
They have not appealed yet. Anyone can write a judge-obviously non threatening letter, but since they haven’t filed for appeal, no one knows which court it would be in. They have publicly claimed that they have been framed, but that may not be the reason that they write into their appeal. (I find that defense to be completely nuts as there was physical evidence.) I would think that a letter from someone who knows the children would have much more weight to it than the general public but it probably wouldn’t hurt.
Rally, I’d like to thank you for this forum. Even though I have been involved in this case from the beginning I found it difficult to listen to the children and their years of abuse. After speak to a juror after the sentencing, she stated how difficult it was for the jury to deal with the testimony and she is haunted by the children’s testimony.
This case took 18 months to come to trial. There were numerous, and I’m mean numerous proffesionals on the criminal side and the CPS side that would have discovered evidence to prove theses claims. This isn’t the first case of abuse so they are trained to seek and find lies by either side. Where was ANY proof from the parents side. Neighbors, homeschool teachers or friends, church, all the medical practitioners just to name a few that Sandra was involved with did not step up to defend them. Why couldn’t they find ONE? Isn’t that curious. Why didn’t the defendants have medical proof of the children’s medical issues of such low weight, something! Because there was none.
They were very careful in this case to make sure no mistakes were made so that an appeal will not be validated.
I am grateful to see such improvements by all the kids and are surrounded by many many loving people. They have all touched my heart and I will never be the same because of this case on so many levels. God bless them all and helping to move them forward and out of this nightmare.
Thanks RALLY for the sound advise. I am sure both exes will continue to support the children and to make sure this case does not go to appeal. It makes sense that the families have more weight than the general public. Let’s hope all the extended families write what is necessary. What about contacting State Legislature and getting them on board, would that help too? I feel we ALL can do more to stop ALL of this abuse from happening. Now is the time to act, now that all these cases. Trebilcocks, the Georgia Case and now the Weller case are so prevalent in the news. Let’s just NOT complain, let us come to arms and have these children be the poster children to stop future crimes against children.
Well, I just found out that the system is finally going to court to set a date for termination of parental rights. I hope it is for ALL the children. This happened last week some time. Do not know who the judge will be, or the date, but if I am in the neighborhood, I can tell you I will be there. I saw this case from the beginning and was also there at the sentencing. I cannot allow them to get a hold in any of the children’s lives. I know they had aa 6th child, but can only hope and pray that he/she is with a loving family and far away from Sandra and Jeffrey. I cannot in good consciense call them mom and dad. I can also hope and pray that the youngest one was never abused. Bless the family who has him/her and know that there are a lot of people out there who thank you for helping that child.
I wonder if Sandra and Jeffrey still state they are innocent? I wonder if they still feel that they did not wrong? I know that I would at least act humble and sorrowful for the children. I cannot imagine them still thinking that they were framed. Please keep up with this case and please people – do not forget these children or any other child that was abused. It is when we become complacent, that the abusers win. They wait for us just to give up.
Thank you for sharing this information with us.
WOW AJohnson. Sounds like you know a lot about this case. You are right that the public should not allow any person found guilty of abuse and “torturous” at that to have any rights to any other child. These people (cannot say parents) should never be allowed to be near any of these children. These children need time to readjust to a “real” life, have a chance to be loved and to feel safe. Too bad Ido not live there to be present, but I will do the next best thing. I will be there for any abused child and work to change legislation – to not allow convicted felons “of abuse” have any rights to children. They should be treated like the “sex registry” and be tagged as such. Not to be allowed near children and must stay so many feet away. I
Thank you for sparking something positive in me
RALLY can you keep up-to-date on this case to see what happened to these children and to see if the parents lose parental rights???? I am sure it would be an important follow-up – no matter what the outcome
Thank you
Concerned public, I don’t have access to family court records, but I can tell you that they have NOT appealed yet and that 4 no contact orders were issued right after the verdict, so that points to several termination of rights to me. Maybe there will be an article in the media about it.
Thank you rally, for that information. That does make me feel better, but was there not 6 children??? Do you know what happened to them? Are they in foster care? Are they with the exes?
I kept up with my promise to do mroe for the abused children. I do not think that the convicted abuser should have any rights to any other child in their house. Once an abuser, ALWAYS an abuser (personal opinion and child of an abuser). I have some friends in Washington State and they were telling me of a law that passed in May 2012. Washington State has a law that starts to allow conviected felons rights to their children. I am trying to find out more information on that Lawf,, but I hope this law does not apply to the convicted abuser. To add insult to injury, they would get rights to write letters to the kids they abused, or the other children who saw the abuse. Worse yet they could fuse the legal system to force a visit w/ those children. IF that is the case then the law must change.
Why have they not terminated the parental rights already. These parents have been found guilty of tortuous imprisonment and abuse. They have been sentenced to 20 and 21 years respectively. Confused as to why their rights have not been terminated to all the kids. There were 6 kids and they should have no rights to any of the kids. Kids need to closure, I think. I hope. I pray for them all the time. Please people, do not allow them to get their hands on any of the kids. thank you
Appeals going slow for these two. The judge was quite clear during the trial telling both attorneys that “everything will be done by the book, and that we do not want ANY slip ups to allow an appeal.” The judge even had a panel review everything before sentencing as an added measure. So, let’s hope and pray the appeals will fall short. Termination of Parental rights should be done soon too. -A-
For Rally and those interested –
Termination of Parental Rights for these two lovely individuals scheduled for April 21 – 23rd 2014. This is to removal parental rights for the youngest child so that he can
move on with a new and loving family. Please pray that the right decision will be made by the court and allow the youngest one to move on and heal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you
Glad to see that the kids took back their lives. Read the court document of all the times that DSHS was called. It is one thing to say “all the calls came in from the exes,” but that is not the case. Directors, Principals, Teachers, Nurses, School Secretaries, Doctors and CASA – all filed complaints. This “really” should have brought serious attention to this case. This was not exes bickering to hurt each other. There were serious claims of neglect, abuse, derisive comments, starvation years ago. I am glad that the kids can be heard.” It will be very interesting to hear the defense in this case to see how they counter these accusations. There are always two sides of a coin.
So, does this mean that the State can use all this to file MORE charges against the “lovely” (sarcastic) parents?????
Well “thosee” parents did it again. The termination of parental rights has been postponed to late in August. I think the 24th. They are using everything to keep the last child in their clutches. Good news Rally. Washington law is clear. If you are found guilty of assault on any of the children (and they were found guilty of at least 2 each, then the State has the right to terminate parental rights on any other child in the house. The law is in the child’s favor. Poor child, though. This little one has been in Foster Care for almost 3 YEARS. He cannot learn to attach to anyone because all his parents think about is their own selfish needs. I am sorry. If I had that child and I knew the law, I would have to put my BIG GIRL pants on, and finally do what is in my child’s best interest.
Well, it is now September. Parents are still in jail. No appeal granted as of this date. The kids are moving on with their lives, but will always have the pain of what they lived through for all of those years. Termination did not happen in August. It has been moved to early October. Unsure as to the date. Please everyone. Do not forget these kids, especially the youngest one. Let us pray that the parents lose ALL parental rights and termination goes thru. Let us pray that the youngest child can finally be adopted to a new and loving home out of the state. Let us pray that his name is changed so that the parents can no longer find him. Let us pray that all the kids can have happiness in their lives. Love in their lives and Live Life.
Update: As per the Washington Court System, the Court of Appeals will listen to oral arguments on December 1, 2014. Unsure as to what will be discussed, but believe it would probably be the same old argument that the Wellers said in court, “the infamous board is not admissable” and that the police nor DCFS had the right to be in their house, even though everyone (but the Wellers) testified that Mrs. Weller invited them in on this emergency wellness check. The evidence and testimonies clearly showed that Mrs. Weller not only invited them in, but was abusive to the children in front of them. Since this is a public court, I think I will attend. Mr. and Mrs. Weller need to know that they are NOT forgotten and that the kids are not forgotten. I would hope that none of the children would have to be present for this. They have been through enough already.
In Mid-January, Termination of Parental Rights will begin. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The youngest child cannot move forward until this is done. I am sure there are wonderful families just waiting to start their lives with him, if only the parental rights were terminated.
2 years in jail would most definitely count as no bond with the parents. Sentenced to 21 years and 20 years in prison would not allow the parents to be in this child’s life.
Let’s be honest, is Prison really a place that children should go to visit a convicted “violent” criminal who abused and starved his brothers and sister? I would honestly like to believe that people can learn from their mistakes and become better, more productive members of society. I just would not wish to take that chance with a 7 year old child in the hopes that they had changed?
By all accounts the other 5 children were buffers to this little boy. Now that they are all gone, do we believe that these angry, frustrated felons would not take their angers out on this little boy? I would not take that chance with my nieces and nephews.
Thank you
Dear Rally Viewers,
For those who are interested, the Wellers (well, their attorneys) had their day in the Court of Appeals Monday, December 1st. It was a 44 minute discussion where the viewers can hear it themselves through the Washington Courts at
Let your viewers decide. It can now take 90 days to 6 months for the Court of Appeals to make their ruling. Gotta love public records. You can find this real easy, as well as Mrs. Weller’s 22 page rant on how everyone was against her from the police, DCFS, Doctors, therapists, the kids, the court and the exes. It is called 447266 Statement of Additional Grounds. Mostly, it was a 22 page rehash of the case and Mrs. Weller’s interpretation of what she thought she heard in court. This Court of Appeals was to listen to oral arguments for two items only: 1) the admissability of the now infamous “board” and the removal of the “exceptional sentence for Mrs. Weller” Listeners beware. Mr. Weller’s attorney start with insinuating that the “twins” are now millionaires because of their lies about their parents. That is all I will say and let you decide. Thank you
I’ve looked everywhere and don’t seem to be able to cassAndra Weller’ s Statement of additional grounds.for appeal case #447266. Is it available online?
Thank you Rally for having this forum to inform everyone of each case and issues. On Monday, December 1st at 10 am (PST) the Wellers (well, their attorneys) got to give oral arguments in the Court of Appeals. To listen to the whole 44 minutes of the event, you can see in through the Washington Courts Mrs. Weller took the time to add her own additional brief (of 22 pages. It was a quite interesting read where over 90% of it had nothing to do with the two oral arguments the COA was to hear: The admissability of the board due to inappropriate warrant and the “exceptional clause” for both the Wellers. This decision on the appeal can take anywhere from 30 days to 6 months. Thank you
Thank you
March 9, 2015 is the “NEW” date set for termination of parental rights. I was there for the trial. I was there at sentencing. I was there for everything. I will be there for the “termination” trial. It started as a homework assignment and has become my passion. Because of this case directly, I have now changed my major from Journalism to Law with a minor in child psychology. More needs to be done for the “abused” children of the world, but I can start with this state. Let’s RALLY together to educate families and to empower children, like these, to stand up and free themselves from their abusive caregivers.
JUSTICE HAS PREVAILED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The termination of parental rights trial is done. Both parents had their parental rights terminated with no visitation effective 3-12-2015. The parents tried to shed blame and confusion onto CPS and CASA by stating “they had personal vendetta against them” and by stating that “they stood up in the sentencing hearing of the criminal trial, high fived each other, hugged each other and yelled YAY, they’re going to jaiiilllll.” Yeah, like ANY judge would allow that to happen. All that tells me is that they were more concerned about what people were saying about them than actually worrying about their own child. All they were ever asked is to help their son by validating all that he remembers. They refused claiming “the 5th”. They challenged the psychologist and his “diagnosis” of narcissism for Mrs. Weller stating that he never asked about her childhood. I am not a psychologist and can tell you that this woman only EVER cared about herself. Years of knowing this woman, hearing the screaming coming from that house….Come on…. hurting the kids for Munchausen by proxy? I read all the CPS reports from the children’s civil trial….
Any way…. What really matters is the final, youngest child can finally have a chance at a new life. Hopefully he can find a new home, loving parents, and can get the therapy he needs to help deal with ALL the abuse he witnessed in that HOUSE OF HORRORS.
GOOD JOB to all those that put all the children’s needs above their own selfish desires. Huzzah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you
I have to tell you, this completely disgusts me. I just sat in prison with this woman for three years listening to her go on about how the system has just ruined her whole life and about how she would be getting released on appeal any day. I will say for myself, I made and take full responsibility for my own mistakes. I’m not perfect but I am a good person and a mother who adores her children, and after three years of listening to her, I’m so happy to know the truth. I want all of you to know that at least to this date, there is no possibility of reform for that woman. She goes on like she’s the one who was abused, she’s the one who had all these lies spoken against her. I wish she could have been given life, anyone who can hurt a child deserves so much more than they get. thank you for speaking the truth here, so I can actually know the real story.
Just a note here please watch Dr phill on November 18 as 2 of 6 children and the biological mother of the 2 boys speak out as to this case….I want to thank all of you for your support for the kids and family.
After watching the Dr. Phil show, I must admit that my heart broke. The girl, Christa, you could see the damage that was done to her. Such a brave young girl to stand up and speak. She spoke eloquently. I cannot see her as a “monster child” as depicted by the so-called adoptive mother. As a grandmother, I can only say that I would support the children in this case. If my own daughter did those despicable things, it would not only be my moral obligation, but my legal obligation to protect those children from the atrocities they had endured. Where are the grandparents in this case? Why did they not speak up for those children? Were they abused, as well? I am from a different time, where you protect the children. More people need to stand up for what they know in their heart is a wrong act. Stand up for the children. Support the children. This “mother” is a mother in name only. How can she sleep knowing that she has put all the blame on the children. I went so far as to buy the CD of this case and I listened to it all. I think one of the worst statements to come from Mrs. Weller was “they destroyed my home. I spent a lot of money on my dream home and they ruined it.” I was almost sick upon hearing those words. Of course, I am paraphrasing. I cannot see how anyone could not see what was being done to these children. The families should have intervened and said enough. Enough is enough. Now that I have said that, I must say that I hope ALL of the children are safe and getting the help and love they need. And what of the youngest child? The one no one seems to speak about? Has he found a loving home with parents who are willing to help him through all of his trauma and can teach him what a “loving” family really is? I pray all the children have found peace and can move on and I pray for Sandra and Jeffrey Weller. I hope they have seen what they have done, have become remorseful, and change their ways. AMEN