Medical Visa Turns Into Adoption-Liberia Edition

By on 12-02-2011 in Angel's Haven Outreach, Liberia, Medical Visa, Minnesota

Medical Visa Turns Into Adoption-Liberia Edition

We reported about a Haiti story prior to Thanksgiving here. This Georgia story is about Liberia. In this family, there are ten biological children and one child is on a medical visa but will be able to “stay” with them after they “file paperwork”. They are still trying to adopt two survivors of a triplet group from Liberia WHILE she is pregnant. They homeschool. Angel’s Haven Outreach, a Hague-accredited, JCICS agency out of California is the agency.

Doesn’t this arrangement just OOZE ethics, safety and “best interest” of  children-in-need? It is SO good that the Hague and JCICS accreditation have such great meaning.

Oh I forgot, they need money to complete those Liberian adoptions AND they admit for medical care for the children too!  oh-jeezBut they still passed a homestudy, of course.

“Andrew and Carrie Redman of Ball Ground already have 10 biological children and a child due in January, but they believe a higher calling has led them to adopting special-needs children from Liberia.

To help raise funds for their cause, the Redmans will host a shopping event featuring local businesses and a surprise raffle at the shopping event. Tickets for the raffle will be $1 each.

Some of the vendors will include Mary Kay, Tupperware, Burpees and Bows Boutique, Scentsy Candles, Ufborne Books, Lilla Rose hair accessories, crafts and scrapbooking supplies from Stampin’ Up!, Our Full House Web Design, and Lia Sophia jewelry. Also, Bixby Travel will be giving away vacation packages to winners.

A percentage of the sales from the businesses and all of the proceeds from the raffle will go toward the Redmans’ trip to Liberia early next year to bring two of the children, Korpu, 5, and Survivor, 6 months, home to the United States. The proceeds will also cover other adoption and medical expenses.

They already have one boy from Liberia, B.J., 9, who is in the U.S. on a medical visa.

The couple’s 10 biological children are Rachel, 19, Jonathan, 17, Jordan, 15, Josiah, 13, Rebekah, 11, James, 10, Noah, 8, Gideon, 5, Abigail, 3, and Eden, 1.

Carrie Redman, who homeschools all of her children, said that in early 2007, she and her husband felt that God was telling them to care for orphans.

“We began looking into adoption and began with an agency,” Carrie Redman said. “After prayer and research, we decided to adopt from Liberia.”

The Redmans also have several friends who have adopted from the west African country.

“We just felt the Lord calling us to learn more about the country,” Carrie Redman said.

She said that the country has experienced multiple civil wars and uprisings throughout its history, and only in recent years has Liberia developed adequate adoption services.

The agency initially matched the couple with triplets, born in 2008. The triplets have remained in Liberia in an orphanage since their mother died during childbirth, but the Redmans have been supporting them financially. Last year, one of the triplets died from malaria.

The Redmans said they would like to be able to retrieve the now-3-year-olds Hannah and Hofanna from Liberia on their trip next year, but they may have to wait until early spring.

“The Liberian government is only allowing special-needs children to come home right now,” Carrie Redman said, adding that though the two girls were malnourished after birth and may have delayed development, they are not considered special needs.

“By American standards, yes, the girls will need help,” she said. “By Liberian standards, they are some of the healthiest babies.”

Even after sponsoring the triplets, the family continued with the adoption process with three other children and now have 9-year-old B.J. living at home with them on a medical visa. During their visit early next year to retrieve Survivor and Korpu, they will be able to finalize the paperwork to continue to allow B.J. to live in their home. ” [Dare I ask where are those other 3 children that they continued the adoption process with?]

Event to help family adopt two children with special needs
[Cherokee Tribune 12/1/11 by Megan Thornton]

REFORM Puzzle Piece


One Comment

  1. Carrie Redman is closely associated with Global Orphan Outreach and this is their MO in conjunction with Angel Havens. Back door adoptions.
    I introduced everyone to this corruption via state court..and now..well, you are seeing more and more of this coming to light!

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