Special Facepalm: China 5 for 1

By on 12-02-2011 in China, FacePalm Friday, International Adoption, Special Needs

Special Facepalm: China 5 for 1

We are glad that the Special Focus “secret” is finally being discussed in public. The agencies get one healthy referral for every five Special Focus children placed.

That is also why agencies sponsor the very big recruitment of clients through a  HUGE network of APs and PAPs who ADVERTISE as if they are social workers on their own personal blogs about SPECIFIC special needs children. Child Privacy is thrown out the window. These PAPs who act like social workers have ALL the personal details and photos of these children. Isn’t that special? Why do these people think that they have the right to private information of Chinese children?I forgot. It is GOD’s work. They are ADVOCATING. Sometimes to view files you have to give the PAP/AP gatekeeper info, so these unlicensed social worker wannabes actually screen people like a social worker.  You should see the marketing of the children who are close to aging out! They will try to find ANYONE to take the child at that point. Best interest of the child? Not even close.

China isn’t giving the PAP social worker wannabes that info. Someone sure is though. Gee, WHO could it be?Who might have access to such information?http://zaazu.com

Also important to tie in to this: DISRUPTIONS are occurring. You see, not all of these children are WAITING for US families. Many DO NOT want to be adopted. Gasp! Yes, it is true. But the AGENCIES need those kids to be adopted in order to get the healthy referrals.

China Adopt Talk is now reporting “I’m hearing that the past couple of lists had mostly Special Focus children, and very few children with minor or correctable needs.

I’ve also heard that the CCCWA has stated that for every 5 special focus children that an agency placed between September 1st, 2010 and August 31st, 2011, the agency will be given 1 non-special focus child’s file to refer to a prospective family.That doesn’t really sit well with me. Children shouldn’t be “traded” like that, should they? Human beings should never be bartered, so that five of these humans is worth one of these humans. I hope that’s just a rumor. A nasty rumor, at that.

If the Hague regulations don’t forbid this sort of thing then someone should rectify that.”

Crabbina says: It’s about time PAPs and APs woke up to the fact that for China, children are commodities and nothing more, and this is proof. No agency should sanction this but of course they do as it gets them more clients and more money.

It’s all about the money-4 money-4 money-4

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