Ridiculous Agency Practices: Who Gets the Kid?

By on 12-13-2011 in Adoption Agencies, Adoption Reform, Agency Marketing, Reformatina's Hope

Ridiculous Agency Practices: Who Gets the Kid?

I would like those out in Adoptionland to please enlighten me on agency/country practices as they apply to who may adopt certain children. This came about after a conversation with a friend about this subject.

For years, some agencies have either set their own policies about who may adopt a child or continued offering country programs with discriminatory policies. This particularly applies to who gets first dibs on a healthy, young infant. **Please note: I am in favor of certain restrictions on who may adopt, but shouldn’t those restrictions be across the board? For example, in one program a two parent (opposite sex) married couple with no children is first in line for healthy, young children available for adoption. Singles or families with children may adopt older children and/or children with medical special needs.

Would someone please explain to me why this makes any sense? How does that best serve children?

Does this not send a very clear message that agencies hold up one type of family as the ideal family, BUT they will place less than desirable children with families they consider less than desirable?

Am I missing something?

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