How Ethiopia’s Adoption Industry Dupes Families and Bullies Activists

By on 12-22-2011 in Ethiopia, International Adoption, Unethical behavior

How Ethiopia’s Adoption Industry Dupes Families and Bullies Activists

Author Kathyrn Joyce has written an eye-opening article about the corruption in Ethiopia. All prospective adoptive parents and adoptive parents need to read this. How Ethiopia’s Adoption Industry Dupes Families and Bullies Activists [The Atlantic 12/21/11 by Kathryn Joyce]

This investigative piece took Ms. Joyce to Ethiopia where she accompanied a birthfamily searcher and uncovered and documented some of the major ethical issues in current Ethiopian adoptions. Some names were changed and withheld to protect the families and searcher.

We do want to underscore that this article makes it clear that both the US embassy and Ethiopian authorities seem to know exactly which agency  is involved in this. Many in the Ethiopian adoption community know who this agency is. WE know which agency this is. It is DISGUSTING that this agency continue to operates. Visa fraud has clearly occurred.

Here is the attitude of authorities in Ethiopia and the US in dealing with corrupt agencies:

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