How Could You? Hall of Shame-Katrular Buchanan

By on 12-29-2011 in Abuse in foster care, How could you? Hall of Shame, Katrular Buchanan, Louisiana

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Katrular Buchanan

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Tickfaw, Louisiana, foster parent Katrular Buchanan aka Katrular Buchanon and Katrular Buchanan Bell, 36, was arrested on December 24, 2011 and charged with desertion of her three foster sons aged 4, 7 and 9. The foster sons are biological brothers.

The incident took place at Treasure Chest casino. “A passerby told officer Michael Lacrouts, who was patrolling Laketown, that a woman had dropped off two children at a play park at the Williams Boulevard boat launch about 10:43 a.m. Those children are ages 7 and 4, according to a police report said.

The bystander said the woman then parked her vehicle leaving a another child in the back seat. That boy is 9.

She walked about 200 yards to the Treasure Chest, the report said.

Lacrouts said he found Buchanon gambling at a blackjack table. She told him her 17-year-old son was watching the children and that she had been inside for five minutes, according to the report. But she later admitted she made up the story about the teenager, and video surveillance shows she was in the casino for more than 40 minutes, the police report said.

The children had no jackets or coats although the outside temperature was 53 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind chill of 50, the police report said. The play park is not fenced and is located next to Lake Pontchartrain.

Buchanon was arrested on Saturday and released Christmas day on $1,500 commercial bond, said Sgt. Brian McGregor, Police Department spokesman. When reached Wednesday by phone, Buchanon hung up on a reporter.

The three children are brothers, according to a police report. They were placed in protective custody and released to the state Office of Child Services, McGregor said.”

Foster mom left boys unattended while she gambled, Kenner police say
[The Times Picayune 12/28/11 by  Mary Sparacello]

This was not the first arrest of Ms. Buchanan in 2011. Candidate for Sheriff arrested in Amite on alleged check-kiting scheme [Action 17 News 5/9/11] reveals that “A St. Helena man who is an announced candidate for Sheriff and a Hammond woman sharing the same last name were arrested last week on what police are calling a “check kiting scam.”

Amite Police Chief Jerry Trabona said Frederick Bell, 35, of Hwy 51 in Amite, and Katrular Buchanan, aka, Katrular Buchanan Bell, also 35, of Avila Dr. in Hammond, were arrested Thursday on bank fraud charges.

Trabona said several banks, including at least one from St. Tammany Parish, have allegedly filed complaints about the pair, who allegedly wrote bad checks for more than $7,500 over the last several weeks.

Trabona said an Amite bank made a complaint about the pair last week, and APD arrested them Thursday. They were taken to the Tangipahoa Parish Jail in Amite. They have since made bond, Trabona said.

Trabona said Frederick Bell is an announced candidate for this fall’s St. Helena Parish Sheriff’s race against incumbent Nat Williams.”

Your taxpayer dollars at work!

REFORM Puzzle Piece



  1. This is a disgrace!!! What a shame!!

  2. how could you exploit one story w/o telling the other. A mother who has a case with ocs, has outstanding warrants, arrived on the scene drunk; was arrested for child desertion on 12/24 also she had left her 5yr old at home while she went out for drinks w/friends the child was found in the highway searching for her mother by a bypasser who called the police. why didn't that story make your blog??? was it because the mother of the 5yr old was of non-color.

  3. due to democracy we live in you are innocent until proven guilty and all charges was rejected by the DA for that bank fraud case. There was no evidence to support such accrusation

  4. why would you approve a blog that ridicules but not one that is informing the public of the truth; that you all are viciously attacking Ms. Buchanan but not the other person that was charge on the same day with the same charge. now is that right to protect Ms. Garcia who has an ocs case and exploit Ms Buchanan.

  5. seem like this blog is a little bias to try and disgrace and shame someone that was nice enough to take in 3 kids that was in no relation to her when no family member was willing to do so. so stop trying to shame this foster mom cause it seems as if noone else was willing to take in these kids not even there own famly members.

  6. 2nd Anonymous, was the case you mention about a foster parent or adoptive parent? If so, send us a link.we are unaware of that case. We don't report on biological family heinous actions. We are here to reform the foster care and adoption system.Foster and adoptive parents are supposed to be screened and trained appropriately so that the child isn't a victim a SECOND time. Get it?

  7. 3rd anonymous, do you have a link that discusses the dismissal of charges of that case? Please send it and we will post. Just how many foster parent arrests in one year SHOULD the public feel good about before foster children are removed?

  8. 4th anonymous, we are not viciously attacking anyone. We are reporting alleged CRIMES against CHILDREN. That is who we focus on here-children. Again, we are not aware of the other case that you are speaking of. Send us some links on it and if it is about a foster or adoptive parent, we will do a story on it.

  9. 5th anonymous, wow we really got on your nerves, huh? We focus in this archive on heinous actions of or on people involved in child welfare. Most of the time, the victims are adoptees or foster children, but sometimes the victim is an adoptive parent or foster parent. Sometimes the person who has committed the alleged crime is a physician, judge, or CASA employee. The point of this is to tally the offenses and figure out the underlying causes so we can effect changes in the child welfare systems. Most of these cases COULD HAVE been prevented with better screening, monitoring and training of foster and adoptive parents.

  10. Anonymous = Katrular

  11. Pahahahahaha @ Anonymous. It is clear that the anonymous person is Katrular herself. And that sob story about taking the kids in when family didn’t, is whack. It still doesn’t speak for you leaving them unattended. What if something had happened to them? What if they had wondered off and fell into Lake Ponchatrain? What if the had gotten kid napped? Your job was to step in and protect them, just as a mother would. Why weren’t they wearing jackets? I’m sure the state was paying you well to care for them. Maybe you were using their money at the black jack table. Poor kids probably hadn’t even eaten!

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