Movie: Somewhere Between

By on 1-08-2012 in Adoptee Stories, Adoption Preparation, China, Movies , TV, and Plays, Transracial adoption

Movie: Somewhere Between

From the website of the documentary Somewhere Between,  “My daughter’s name is Ruby. She is five. When my husband and I adopted her from China we had no idea what lay ahead. In an instant, we became a family. I began to think about Ruby’s future and started to wonder how her coming of age would differ from mine.

SOMEWHERE BETWEEN tells the intimate stories of four teenaged girls. They live in different parts of the US, in different kinds of families and are united by one thing: all four were adopted from China, because all four had birth parents who could not keep them, due to personal circumstances colliding with China’s ‘One Child Policy’. These strong young women allow us to grasp what it is like to come-of-age in today’s America as trans-racial adoptees. At the same time, we see them as typical American teenagers doing what teenagers everywhere do…struggling to make sense of their lives.

Through these young women, and their explorations of who they are, we ourselves pause to consider who we areboth as individuals and as a nation of immigrants. Identity, racism, and gender…these far-reaching issues are explored in the documentary. And with great honesty and courage, these four girls open their hearts to experience love, compassion, and self-acceptance.

What’s it like to grow up as a minority today – and what is it like when your family is part of the majority? How does the changing face of the American family affect us all? How do we fulfill our own destinies? Four determined teenaged girls help us find those answers in SOMEWHERE BETWEEN.”

The Sundance Institute and the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities have chosen Somewhere Between to join a slate of ten films that will screen at eight domestic and international locations in addition to a special presentation at UNESCO.”

Somewhere Between won the Jury Prize for Best Doumentary at the Milwaukee Film Festival and at Hot Docs it won the Sundance Channel Audience Award.”

The documentary has been selected by seven film festivals to date.

Tax deductible donations are taken at the site to assist in paying for the final steps of distribution.

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Education Resources2

Good resource for transracial adoption and adoption from China. It is important to understand the viewpoint of adoptees.

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