FacePalm Friday

By on 1-27-2012 in Ethiopia, FacePalm Friday, Photolisting

FacePalm Friday

Welcome to this week’s edition of FacePalm Friday.

This is where your hosts will list their top picks for this week’s FacePalm moment—something they learned or read about this week that caused the FacePalm to happen (you know, the expression of embarrassment, frustration, disbelief, shock, disgust or mixed humor as depicted in our Rally FacePalm smiley).

We invite you to add your FacePalm of the week to our comments. Go ahead and add a link, tell a personal story, or share something that triggered the FacePalm on the subject of child welfare or adoption.

Your Host’s Selections:

(1)Facebook plugs for Orphan Hosting Program

Kids To Adopt

Annie (12) and Andy (14) want to be hosted this spring! They are both active, happy, GORGEOUS siblings! Call our office for more information about hosting these two this spring: 360-695-1704 http://ow.ly/i/pJm6

She rivals our animated Harriet in the GORGEOUS description!Smiley that had enough says: “Aaarggh!”

(2) “Rescued” Adoption Movie

From Adoption Film Competes with Major Motion Pictures for $101,000 Award [Christian News Wire]

“”Rescued: The Heart of Adoption and Caring for Orphans,” a soon-to-be-released documentary on the plight of orphans has succeeded in placing alongside major motion pictures as a semi-finalist at the 2012 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival (SAICFF), competing for the $101,000 ‘Best of Festival Award.'”

The name gets a FacePalm.

“Several noted Christian leaders have already praised the film, including Jedd Medefind, president of Christian Alliance for Orphans. He says, “‘Rescued’ provides moving story-windows into the robust response of one branch of the Church to God’s call to care for the orphan in distress.”

Noted author, Douglas Bond, says, “Not since my time in Uganda have I felt so powerfully the urge to drop everything, knock down some walls, and fill our house to overflowing with the precious fatherless. I cannot recommend this excellent film highly enough.”

The comments get several FacePalms, especially the phrase “fill our house to overflowing with the precious fatherless”.  Groan

“”‘Rescued’ is a powerful, beautiful, and practical vision of how the Gospel can and should be brought to life in our day, in our churches, and in our families,” says Dr. George Grant, president at King’s Meadow Study Center.”

FacePalm for relating adoption to bringing the Gospel into your home.

(3) “Trot to Adopt” Fundraiser

I suggest renaming it to Plot to Adopt but they probably wouldn’t like that…

From Trot to Adopt 5K run to help families adopt  [The Augusta Chronicle 1/26/12 by Kelly Jasper], three of the four families are adopting from Ethiopia. Two are wanting infant girls and expect that to happen in 2012. One wants a young boy, but had to put the adoption on hold for the birth of their daughter, so likely it will be an out-of-birth-order adoption. FacePalm excerpts include the following:

“No doubt, it’s an expensive endeavor,” Jason Wiley said. “But there’s a desperate need for children to be placed in forever families.”

“This is a calling from God. We have total faith in God and what he commands us to do in Scripture, which is to care for widows and orphans. We’re asking for the community’s help to make that happen.”

“There are 147 million orphans worldwide,” There are not 147 million children that need or are eligible for adoption. Most live with the one living parent or other relative. The number is 2 million in orphanages.

“Each family faces about $25,000 to $30,000 in costs. “That’s the standard range for international adoptions,” Audrey Wilkerson said.” 

(4)The Adoption Foundation

Have you found yourself pregnant at a time in your life when you don’t think you can give a child all he or she deserves? Although you undoubtedly love your unborn baby, it might be better to put your baby’s needs above you heart’s desires to be a parent”

 It  is ok for a PAP to have a heart’s desire to be a parent, but how DARE someone with an unplanned pregnancy have a heart’s desire!

  •  The “option” of allowing the dad to take part in the decision. See  here .
  • You can also view “random families” for your placement

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