43 Children Die in 5 Years Under Colorado DHS Care UPDATED

By on 1-30-2012 in Accountability, Colorado, Foster Care

43 Children Die in 5 Years Under Colorado DHS Care UPDATED

Twenty-one investigations of child death occurred in 2011!

“Every one of those deaths was marked by a policy violation or sparked concern in the way the case was handled by county social workers.

Investigations completed by the Colorado Department of Human Services since 2007 indicate that social workers in 18 counties repeatedly failed to complete basic functions — such as interviews or follow-ups on assessments — in 43 cases where a child later died from abuse or neglect.

In 40 percent of those deaths — 17 children — county social workers failed to start or did not accept an assessment after a referral warranted an investigation for abuse or neglect.”

Before 2011, an investigation was opened if a child entered the system five years before the death.

Human Services’ latest investigation will be into the death of 3-year-old Caleb Pacheco, whose body was found tucked underneath a Sterling mobile home last week. His mother, Juanita Kinzie, 24, is in custody and faces one count of first-degree murder in her son’s death.

In 2011, 21 child-fatality reports were launched in Colorado. Two have been completed. Reports become public after they are finished and if they show policy violations or concerns

According to The Post’s findings:

• There were 27 instances in which county social workers failed to contact, interview or follow up with victims, caregivers, reporting parties or other adults involved in an referral.

• There were 32 instances in which social workers did not document unsafe conditions, prior incidents or other concerns in their assessments.

• There were 33 occasions during which assessments were not started in a timely manner, were completed incorrectly or left open beyond the allotted time frame.

• In five cases, social workers failed to account for other children or caregivers living in the home, and communication difficulties across county departments and other systems — such as law enforcement — hindered an investigation in five cases.

One of the reports was on 7-year-old Chandler Grafner , who was starved by his foster parents, Jon Phillips and Sarah Berry, in 2007.

In December, a federal judge ruled that the Denver social workers who were involved with his case were not immune from a lawsuit filed by the boy’s relatives. Phillips was sentenced to life in Chandler’s death and Berry to 48 years.

Caleb’s family members say they last saw the boy in January 2011. During the year he was missing, the boy’s family said they called social services in three counties more than 70 times.

Human Services cannot release details about Caleb’s case or confirm whether his family contacted county departments because the investigation into the boy’s death is ongoing, and a Logan County judge issued a gag order in the case, McDonough said.

Dr. Kim Bundy-Fazioli, an associate professor at Colorado State University’s School of Social Work, said the family’s claims about unanswered calls for help are a concern.

“When families aren’t making progress, there is a lot of chaos, and it can be overwhelming for case workers and service providers,” Bundy-Fazioli said.

“You never know who to interview or who to trust, but it’s not an excuse not to intervene.”

Bundy-Fazioli also was concerned about decreased funding for county programs and increased caseloads for overwhelmed social workers, who often have to make judgment calls on high-priority cases and investigations.

Each of Colorado’s 64 county departments are being asked to do more with less, said Becky Miller Updike, ombudsman with the Office of Colorado’s Child Protection. Often, families in the most dire situations are also more transient, making it harder to track children through school systems and other county departments.

“We have to cut back dollars from our counties every year, causing us to ask them to do more with less,” Miller Updike said.”

Policy violations in Colorado social-services system found amid deaths of 43 children
[Denver Post 1/29/12 by Jordan Steffen]

REFORM Puzzle Piece


Better training of social workers, postplacement followup, increased communication with law enforcement and frequent and complete reviews that result in corrective actions need to occur in Colorado.

Update: Better training for social workers in the mode of “differential response” is coming according to a new article.

Colorado will overhaul how it trains child-welfare caseworkers, make more information public when a child dies of abuse or neglect and start using data to hold counties accountable for how they deal with reports of child abuse, state officials said Thursday.

Reforms unveiled by Gov. John Hickenlooper and Reggie Bicha, executive director of the Colorado Department of Human Services, are aimed at improving a child-welfare system that has seen 43 children die in the past five years amid concerns that caseworkers did not do enough to save them.”

The plan, which took a year to develop, has five key strategies. The Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Casey Family Programs helped the state come up with the program and contributed more than $600,000 toward developing and implementing the proposal.
Bicha said the reforms create a common way for caseworkers throughout Colorado to deal with case referrals. He said caseworkers in 17 counties already are trained in the new approach and the state will expand the system to all counties.
Five counties — Arapahoe, Larimer, Jefferson, Fremont and Garfield — also have been working with a new way to handle lower-level allegations of minor abuse and neglect cases. That approach, known as “differential response,” seeks to take the adversarial nature out of such casework and tries to make parents less defensive, Bicha said.
He said the preliminary results in the counties are encouraging, and the state wants to expand the program.
Some child-welfare advocates said they worry that the state does not have enough proof that differential response will work. Linda Weinerman, executive director of the Office of the Child’s Representative, an advocacy group for attorneys who represent abused children, said she fears there will be less documentation of abuse cases.
Sen. Nancy Spence is sponsoring a bill that will put the differential-response program before the state legislature. Spence, R-Centennial, said that in cases in which there are mild or moderate allegations of abuse or neglect, differential response is a positive alternative approach.”

Colorado announces reforms to child-welfare system
[Denver Post 2/17/12 by Christopher N. Osher and Jordan Steffen]


  1. This is a long post but please read this is what is happening in real life right now

    Colorado does need a reform but in my opinion unless the over haul the employees as well as law enforcement and our courts as well it will be to no avail.

    I do not want to see these people unemployed., But it needs to be done.

    this is a hard subject for me. i think it will help some see the reality of the situation we as a community are facing as well as what are children are having to go through.

    This is not for the faint of heart Mine and My daughters ongoing Story.

    When my Daughter was 6 months old her mother drooped her off at a sitters house and took off. she met a man online 3 days prior to that and left married him that same day.

    I took my daughter to her 6 month check up and found out that she had never received any shots or medical care. she had an infection in her genital area that caused the skin and scar tissue to seal over 90% of uritha aka where she urinates from . we where able to fix this issue with out surgery and got her caught up on her shots. Her mother was out of the picture for over 6 months no word from her nothing at all. She singed over all rights and custody to me and left

    Out of the blue she contacted me and wanted to see our daughter. well She is the mother of my daughter so i agreed to her seeing her. under my or someone we could agree ons supervision. Well it was close enough to her birth day that we decided to have her come to the birthday party.

    She brought her now husband it was a great birthday party every thing went good. …….

    The next morning I am woken up to The police department and DHS at my door. They where there to take my daughter … Well they had a norther thing coming they thought i would just say ok here you go… well I refused to release my daughter to them let them come in and do there investigation ask there questions etc.

    I was investigated and had DHS in my home every other day for 6 months. I was impressed that they where so diligent in there investigation and made sure that the child was indeed safe. THAT was untill i found out that the report was …

    ” I saw the child eat dog poop”

    This report was made by my X, it was filed at the wrong address, and top it off i don’t have any dogs. I called for a meeting with my DHS worker his boss the supervisor that was involved with my X seeing our daughter, as well as our life skills coach.

    I confronted my X about her report she even said there where no dogs and that she used the address that she did because there where dogs there. the brown stuff she saw on our daughters mouth and face was the chocolate cake and cosmopolitan ice cream.

    Over all i was still impressed with how well they investigated this report and how important my Daughters safety was.


    I have full custody of our Daughter My X has visitation every other weekend.

    The supervised visitation was dropped even though the DHS supervisor came to court and point blank told the judge that in her professional opinion The mother lacks any emotional bond to the child neither the child or the mother need more visitation than already in place and that the child would be in danger if the visits where not being supervised.

    well prior to that my X wanted to see our daughter on mothers day, this was a hard one for me i wanted her to see her as well. She was on supervised visits and waited tell the day of to ask so we could not set it up with DHS. She had already tried to kid nap our daughter… Well damn it is her mother though I agreed to meet up with her so that she could spend some time with her but that i had to be present due to the courts order of supervision. She agrred to this i had a off feeling about this i really did so… I told her i would call her in a little bit and let her know where to meet me and that it would be a public place. I told her only her and her husband could come.
    I dropped our daughter off at a relatives house and told them i would txt them if all was good and only to bring her to me if i said all was safe.

    probably whats going through a lot of minds right now….

    Well I decided to meet up at the library, I got there first and than let her know where we where meeting. I was waiting out side at a park bench. Had the Empty Car seat with me. For some reason i was not paying really good attention about 10 minuets latter I was jumped by 6 people while this was happening my X ran up and Garbed the car seat and took off thinking our daughter was in it Some one called the cops during this, they showed up everyone split i refused medical treatment They took the report tracked my X down talked to her… they brought my car seat back <<<< really Than they informed me there was nothing they could do even though she admitted to trying to kid nap our daughter by having me jumped.

    My daughters First unsupervised visit was that weekend. i dropped her off at 5pm Friday. I was nervious scared and stressed separation anxiety. This was the first time my daughter was away from me over night since she was born I got a phone call at around 1:30 am from my X she was stressed angry yelling at our daughter and she told me to come get her NOW. well I was out the door and on my way before she asked, I got to her house she was out side in the snow waiting for me with our daughter. She informed me that she had woken up and would not settle down and she had had enough and that I needed to take her home. I was getting her in the car seat and asked what all she tried to calm her down she informed me that she gave her You see this would be ok and normal, IF our daughter was not lactose intolerant… I nicely as I could at that point reminded her of this. I asked her if she tried rocking her and singing to her because this usually works. Her responce was why the hell would i do that i have other things to be doing. I was stunned and told her to have a good rest of her night and left.

    Our daughters next couple visits where similar, she could not handle being around our daughter for a whole 24 hrs.

    It went on and off like this for a couple months. <during this time there where random bruises on various parts of our daughters body, that when asked my X had no clue how they got there this was all part of the court case.

    After we went to court, and it was ruled that I have full custody with all decision making and that the mother had visits every other weekend. The same night of this ruling my daughter was at the sitters for the court case and i asked her if she would watch her over night so i could just relax <The whole this was finally done, and i could get my first good night of sleep in months…. so I thought.

    some time after 2 am I woke up to my door getting kicked in and a group of people coming into my house. I grabbed my gun and met them pat way through my house. needless to say they all sat there and waited for the cops to show up.

    The cops showed up arrested 2 of the 5 people for outstanding warrants took there report let all of them go with a warning. here is the kicker I got placed under arrest for assault with a deadly weapon felony kid napping and aggravated assault with the intent to cause death. talk about being pissed. I got out of jail the next day after seeing the judge all charges where dropped.

    And again my X admitted to trying to kid nap our daughter and still nothing was done.

    Up to this point all attacks and violence was directed at me.

    I was at work one Monday when our daughter was suppose to be returned , So I had my X drop our daughter off to my mom. drop off was at 9 am 2 around 9:05 my mother calls me, and she was freaking out scared crying i could here in her voice she was shaking. I was scarred my mom is typically calm no matter what. She informed me that my daughter had marks all over her body and she did not know what to do. I told her to calm down take my daughter to the doctors office immediately. I met them at the doctors office, and she was not over doing it. My daughter had marks every where.

    The doctor came in did an exam on her and walked out said nothing to us at all, Not one word. about 5 min latter he came back in he was asking some questions taking notes and finished examining her. He finally asked if i knew what happened or might know what would cause marks like these, I had no idea what happened and my mid was running all over the place on what caused the marks.

    He calmly informed me he had to call the cops and DHS. I was like ok good no argument there. What happened to my little girl ???????

    He walked out with out another word. I was scared I did not know what happened to my daughter., and believe me your head can run wild with the thought.

    The doctor returned after some time, with as he introduced them Officer … and … a case worker from DHS. Than the doctor informed all of us that the marks that are on my daughter was caused by repeatedly being whacked by a hanger over and over, The only consolation that the Doctor could give was that “At least the hanger was not heated first.” It was quiet dead quiet they took all the information i could give them the officer left to go talk to my X, the case worker talked to the doctor, my mom, and me. they started counting the marks and documentation on ever single one.

    My daughter had over 32 marks on one leg, marks on the tops of her feet, hands, arms body face head in her hair… it was bad.

    They investigated this for less than 2 days. They determined my daughter was not in immediate danger.
    I was shocked, confused, and hurt. They took less than 48 hrs to investigate doctor confirmed and Reported child abuse.

    Yet remember when my X said she saw our daughter eat dog poop I was investigated for 6 months.

    For what ever reason my Daughter got beaten with a hanger leaving over 200 marks on her entire body and nothing could be or would be done about it.

    As a parent this kills me My hands are tied, The only way to protect my daughter in this is DHS. But obviously they dont care, want to, or will do anything about it.

    My lawyer has been involved from the start he has filled motions appeals injunctions every thing we do we have gotten no where.

    It gets Worse…

    The hanger issue happened about 2 months ago. We have been dealing with bruises nightmares tantrums<<< just started if you raise your voice at all not even directed to her she freaks out runs try's to lock her self behind doors or in closets, My little girl is 2 yrs old I have never raised a hand to her. Do you know how much it hurts when you go to put her in a corner or have her sit on her bed and all you here is no no no no don't hit me no no no no no no don't.

    Last Monday she returned from visit, and always as is a set rule in my home its time to put sun screen … lotion depending on the weather and get changed into play cloths….

    In other words its time to make sure there is no life threatening damage done to her, and to document any thing that seems odd. <<< It is sad that this has to happen but both my lawyer and the child counselor that has been helping, so that we can document all of this while not alerting my daughter to any thing that is happening.

    I noticed some discoloration bruising and swelling around her genital area. This is hard to talk about but needs to be said. I immediately took her to the doctors office. They and yes i said They both doctors and a nurse where present during the exam. During the exam it was found that

    my 2 yr old little girl was forcefully penetrated multiple time

    There is bruising scaring and obvious sings of sexual abuse. needless to say mentally I was gone I broke down ad had to walk out of the room to grasp what was just said.

    I am not going to go into detail on this point

    1 I cant it hurts to much
    2 i just cant

    My 2 yr old little girl has been beaten, neglected, and sexually abused by her "Mother" If you can even call her that.

    Do you know what has happened since Monday…. Nothing Nothing at all. They did not even assigned a case worker to this. Tomorrow is Friday witch is Visitation. I called to see where they where with the investigation and found out they are no where with it,

    I asked if I could refuse visitation. I was told if I was to do that that i would be arrested for contempt of court, and that temporary custody would go to my X until we could see the Judge.

    I am stuck in a night mare the ones who are suppose to protect children have failed my daughter.

    I have failed my daughter and legally I can do nothing.

    The worst thing is MY DAUGHTER is in DANGER I know with ever thing that has happened to her that if not stoped


    All under the watch full eyes of our law enforcement, DHS, and our Courts.

    Please Please for the children's sake some thing has to be done

    Now you see the patter it went from minor bruises, to major beating, to sexually assaulted.

    All under the watch full eyes of our law enforcement and DHS

    • We are disgusted with what you and your daughter have gone through. It is unacceptable. I agree that many parts need reform, not just the CPS workers.

      I would strongly suggest that you contact the independent Colorado Ombudsman this morning. The website is http://www.protectcoloradochildren.org/ and they have information about how to file a complaint against DHS. Since it sounds like danger is ongoing and imminent, you can call these numbers for the Ombudsman: (303) 864-5111 or Toll-Free at 1-855-5SAFECHILD

      We wish you the best of luck.

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