Be Part of the Adoption Reform Solution UPDATED

By on 2-01-2012 in Adoption Reform, Reporting

Be Part of the Adoption Reform Solution UPDATED

The good people at PEAR have assembled a list of places that you can report unethical, dangerous or illegal practices in adoption. See here.

In addition to the places that PEAR lists, if you encounter schemes that seem to violate gaming laws, such as blogs that fundraise and photolist, and the blog uses Paypal, you can report it to Paypal here as that is in violation of their acceptable use policy.

Organizations that are nonprofits, such as agencies and  the ever-growing number of adoption ministries, may be part of their state’s nonprofit association. You can find the list and links to state nonprofit associations here. Most have core standards of practice or excellence. If an organization is violating those standards, consider reporting the organization to the association.

REFORM Puzzle Piece

Help make unethical adoption groups accountable so more innocent children don’t get caught up in the messes that these organizations leave behind.

Update: Some of our readers have had issues with the people at DOS and COA when reporting issues.

Here is how to report employees of DOS and COA:

Complaints against COA are to go to COA (quote from COA Policy and Procedure Manual):

“COA manages and responds to complaints it receives about its own actions/ performance as an accrediting entity for Hague accreditation and approval. Complaints to COA may be submitted by email, mail, fax, or telephone. If the complaint is initially submitted via telephone, COA will request the complaint in writing. All written complaints from adoption service providers or any complaining party are acted upon and responded to in a timely manner by COA. COA’s procedures for receiving and responding to written complaints and the multiple media through which complaints can be made are available on COA’s website, in Hague Accreditation and Approval Policies and Procedures Manual, under the section entitled “Introduction to COA Hague Accreditation and Approval,” paragraph E.1 and 2.

All complaining parties deserve conscientious respect. COA takes reasonable steps to verify the information in the complaint, to take appropriate action, as applicable, and to prepare a prompt, appropriate response.

Telephone complaints should be made to the Director of Quality Services Management at 1.866.262.8088 ext. 241. Written complaints should be addressed to COA, 120 Wall Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10005, ATTENTION: QSM.”

Complaints concerning the conduct of employees of the DOS, Office of Children’s Issues should go to:

either  Ambassador Susan Jacobs, Special Advisor for Children’s Issues or Beth Payne, Director, Office of Children’s Issues:
U.S. Department of State
Office of Children’s Issues
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520

One Comment

  1. Thanks so much for posting this info — I've often run across info of unethical and probably illegal practices, but didn't have the faintest idea about who to report them to. Keep up the great work!!!

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