Wasatch Suspended by CCCWA from Special Needs China Program

By on 2-24-2012 in China, International Adoption, Special Needs, Wasatch

Wasatch Suspended by CCCWA from Special Needs China Program

According to Wasatch’s website http://www.wiaa.org/chinanews.asp “Due to a suspension by CCCWA, Wasatch is unable to accept new clients into our China adoption program. All families currently in the adoption process will not be affected by this suspension. All individual list children have been released to the shared list.”

Another adoption agency reported in January 2012 that CCCWA was concerned about a facilitator who works for multiple agencies and the procedure for locking in children’s files during the matching process. We do not know if this suspension is related to the file-locking procedure.

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  1. The facilitator works for 3 agencies: Wasatch, Nightlight Christian, and Chrysalis House. She is the person who is responsible for locking the files for all 3 agencies so she has 3 keys to CCCWA's online locking system.

  2. Yes, regular locking procedures were not followed. But it was blatant disregard for the process, the system, and for the children involved—Not to mention the problems it created for a lot of families and other agencies. The dossier log in numbers were misused…Most likely, of NSN (or 'dummy')families were used to lock files. That was done in order to hold a file, present it as available publicly, and give to new families not logged in. So, those new families completed their dossiers while the file was safely 'matched' with "another" family. Once the new family was ready to log in…the other LOI was withdrawn and new LOI immediately sent. That is why there is always confusion with WASATCH log in dates, wait times for LOA/LSC-Letter of Approval/Letter Seeking Confirmation, and procedure. Their families are baffled at the 'dates' they get, then the corrections they get throughout the process. That is also why no other agency could find or get ahold of these files. They weren't available to anyone because WASATCH was able to lock them through many different agencies (as their China contact/one who would lock the files) could do so under many 'keys'. Usually an agency on has one chance, one key. But if the coordinator in charge of locking has many keys, because she works for many agencies-she has control over the many files and many dossier registration numbers. Therefore, she has control over many families and children. This control can lead to a sense of power and entitlement.

  3. Holy Cow. If these allegations are true – and why doubt them since Wasatch got suspended – it was really Christian of this facilitator and these agencies, wasn't it. Not only is this slime personified, but you have to wonder how long this has been going on, and what other shenanigans these people pulled. Were there bribes paid by this facilitator? Are other facilitators trying to play the Chinese system too, since this one obviously got away with it for quite some time?

    If I were a PAP with any China agency now, I would be very very worried. The system is dirty enough as it is with the incredibly high mandatory CASH "donations." Rogue and cheating facilitators are what brought down nearly every other country. So if you're a PAP, you better start demanding accountability before you get screwed over too.

  4. It is a fact that LID only files(files of children who require a family with a dossier logged into CCCWA), were locked by the agency. In order to do this, an agency must use an actual dossier registration number and name. These are checked on and one or two agencies have gotten in trouble for accidentally inserting the wrong number. Those agencies have been suspended from locking files for one month. They have not been suspended and lost their entire list of waiting children, like WASATCH has. Many are aware of the facts about how this unethical locking of LID files happened. There were also non-LID files locked for the 3 day lock-but then kept for the agency, without being requested through the normal process of how an agency requests a file for the agency list. Both these types of files (locked for 3 days at a time), were then presented to families either: 1.) in contact with the agency and wanting to adopt or/and 2.) via sites with photo listings. These files in question were not their special focus children on their specific agency list. Agencies are supposed to lock a file for three days only for a specific family. If that specific family does not send LOI for that specific child, the file automatically returns to the shared list at the 72 hour mark. However, if that LOI is sent in within that three day time frame, the file belongs to that agency. That is where something was done unethically.

  5. Just to clarify – Nightlight was contracting with Wasatch to place kids because Nightlight does not have their own China program. Therefore they do not have a key. They have now acquired (purchased) an agency that does have a China program and are now working with them to place kids. They are no longer working with Wasatch to place children from China.

    So yes, the facilitator was previously working for all three agencies, but she did not have a Nightlight key, because it doesn't exist. She could easily have been locking kids for Chrysalis and then letting Wasatch advertise for these kids though, knowing they were being "held" for 72 hours. It appears that is exactly what was happening.

  6. Thank you for sharing this info. I think one of the most disturbing parts of this is how tight lipped so many are being about this. When an agency does something blatantly unethical their name needs to be rubbed in the mud over it. Everyone needs to know this information. When we keep quiet that is how unethical agencies stay in business and tragedies like Vietnam and Guatemala happen.

  7. It was wrong for the person to be working for three agencies. This is very unfortunate. But what about the families who are waiting to get a child through WASATCH? Those who have yet to become LID or those who have not had a child locked in for them. Hopefully CCCWA will allow WASATCH to be able to lock in children again just to help the families who have been patiently waiting and did nothing wrong. I would hate to see the families suffer by having to wait even longer or possibly jeopardize the adoption now and in the future. May God help all of the families affected by this.

  8. To the last Anonymous who posted, this is Crabbina. We feel for any PAPs who have gotten duped by an agency they thought was trustworthy and has instead shown themselves to be cheaters and a disgrace to Christians. What they did was not just "unfortunate." They played the system, which means the system gets played (and don't think they are the only agency playing the system). They should not be allowed to ever adopt from China again and in fact they should lose their license altogether as they have shown themselves to be wholly unethical. How can they ever be trusted in the future?

    I suggest you and all the other duped clients get good legal representation and sue the pants off these prayer-less hypocrites for breach of contract and potential visa fraud. I also suggest you report them to all proper licensing entities and demand that action be taken. You should demand your money back and they should pay it. Then they should contact other agencies who might be willing to take on their clients that they screwed over because they were greedy.

    It might also be nice if you spared a thought for the CHILDREN in China who have been played and perhaps screwed over by this agency too. We'd have a lot more sympathy if your posting showed any concern for children who might have not been properly matched because Wasatch's facilitator is a conniving money-grubbing scam artist.

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