Hypocrisy in the “special” child

By on 2-28-2012 in International Adoption, Special Needs, Ukraine, Unethical behavior

Hypocrisy in the “special” child

We can’t count how many times that we’ve have heard a PAP advocate about how special and unique the child that they are about to adopt is. Really, we understand anticipating your life with a referred child and all that brings. That’s what moves people to adopt, after all.

But we also read a lot of gushing over children who aren’t yet cleared for adoption. Or that might just be a pipe dream because the PAPs have big hopes and no money to pay for them.

Thanks to a reader who emailed us this blog, we have just seen pre-adoption gushing taken to an entirely new level—one that has left our jaws agape. (And trust us, that takes a lot.)

This blogger  made an incredibly awful decision when her first “referral” did not work out. She decided NOT to tell her biological children that the child they adopted from the Ukraine instead is a DIFFERENT child.

Worse, this wasn’t even a real referral. We refer to it as a “faux” referral because you can’t actually legally have a referral for Ukraine before you travel. You must travel blind. You cannot legal have any guaranteed referral for ANY child no matter what any agency or ministry tells you. (Hi there, Reece’s Rainbow! Paying by the rules again, are you, honey?) If you do adopt a pre-identified child, you are in violation of Ukranian adoption law and you ought to be stopped.

To read these comments for yourself, go to

Excerpt from the post:

“I was worried that Kyle and Brandon would be able to tell that Zoey was not Alaina. God answered a prayer and as soon as they saw the picture of Zoey, they exclaimed “Alaina!” And for the most part they call her Lainey now, and not Alaina. So thankful for that!”

You have to track back a few posts to understand why they did not adopt that faux-referred child. See http://www.yourlovewillcarryme.blogspot.com/2012/02/difficult-post.html

“In order for us to be able to adopt Alaina, we have to have the approval and support of the orphanage social worker; she must testify in court that Alaina would be a good fit for our family We do not have that support. Alaina has aggressive behaviors that go above what would normally be expected of a child with DS. She does not like other children. She prefers individual attention from adults. They will strongly recommend that she is placed in a family that has no other children or significantly older children.

I can’t even begin to put into words how emotionally exhausted and crushed we are. We truly fell in love with that sweet face.

I know many of you are crushed and disappointed as well. So many of you have prayed and cried over Alaina. So many of you have had her picture on your walls or refrigerator for what seem like years. “

Setting aside the illegal picture of the child on the refrigerator part, I have to say, that maybe those prayers ACTUALLY WERE ANSWERED and the child may be placed in home that is MOST SUITABLE for her. Remember, adoption is supposed to be about best placement of the child, not FOR the AP who “fell in love.”

Bizarrely, there is no mention about Reece’s taking in money for this child who couldn’t be placed. Obviously whatever information that they had gotten on this child (and it begs the question on HOW they get ANY information on ANY child since getting it would have been in violation of Ukranian adoption law) was not accurate. Why this concerns no one escapes me. They are on to “advocating” a second time for this child.

If you think something is very wrong in the Ukraine, guess what—you’re right!

REFORM Puzzle Piece



  1. Please have your facts straight. This was written two days before you posted this.

  2. Thanks for deciding to tell your child. We were sent to your blog prior to you posting that and missed that. The rest of what we say stands.

  3. Who cares if they have information on whatever child that is over there. The fact that this family has all of the best intentions to adopt one of those children is all the more why we ALL should advocate more for families that are doing what God would want us to do. Stop being so jaded! Help the process, don’t hinder it! You should take their link down and STOP the hate! How does this benefit anyone?

  4. Hi You Love Will Carry Me –
    I went to your blog and your borscht looks incredible. I hope you plan to pay the same amount of attention to the LAWS of Ukrainian adoption and whether or not you broke/abused them by traveling to adopt a pre-identified child as you do to soup-making.
    Just saying.
    Bon appetit!

  5. Dear Other Anonymous –
    Are you for real? You call yourself a God-fearing Christian? You are NOT. Instead, you are basically saying it is okay to LIE and CHEAT and BREAK THE LAWS if it gets you a child?

    I don't think pointing out the gross hypocrisy and law-breaking of anyone who LIES and CHEATS and BREAKS THE LAWS of another country in order to satisfy their own selfish desires is jaded" or "hateful."

    What is HATEFUL is people like YOU who pretend to be all abut the children as long as you get your own way.

    I suggest you re-read the Ten Commandments before you go around saying "Who cares." Some people do care. A lot more than you do about the welfare of innocent children getting screwed over by people who LIE and CHEAT and BREAK THE LAWS.

    I hope God forgives you and your LAW-BREAKING friends, because I sure don't.

  6. Anonymous 4:45 PM, there have been several people who are very upset over the contents of the blog we featured in this post. The illegalities are the most concerning and the attitude is secondary.

    I am shocked that you don't care how information is obtained -it is not legal to have this information or to post it, share it about children. Doing so puts the whole country in jeopardy of closing down to adoption. That is why we are concerned with people proceeding ethically…in order to keep international adoption available to the children who need it.

  7. Get over yourself Teresa. Your adoption agency is still getting business. And this couple isn't even adopting from the Ukraine. You go around stealing bits and pieces of information to try and stir up trouble. You could give a crap about these children. All you care about is that RR is taking business away from your agency. The point that you should be happy about is that this family decided this child would not do well in their family and so the agency (yes they use those in THIS country) helped the family find a child that would do well. You are always so concerned that a child will be disrupted and here is a family and agency working hard to make sure that doesn't happen. NOTHING makes you happy. You are a miserable grumpy old troll that preys on PAP that are trying their hardest to give these children a home. Go crawl under and bridge and play with your cats and stop blog stalking and using these blogs on your post to try and get more traffic for your pathetic little blog.

  8. Anonymous 6:23. No author of this blog is named Teresa, but thanks for the laugh. So it is not Ukraine? Which country then if everything is above board?

  9. I'm guessing "Theresa" is Theresa Fillmon of the Cornerstone / His Kids Too adoption agency. She posts quite regularly on the Truth in Eastern European Adoption yahoo group (it's open to the public). 

    DISCLAIMER:  I don't know Theresa Fillmon (or even if she really is the anonymous poster) personally or via a blog. All I know about her/her views on adoption in Ukraine is what she's posted to the list-serve… but based on her posts, she sure sounds like a reasonable, rational, law-abiding citizen who appears to encourage others to abide by Ukraine law:


    Her post, in part, reads:
    I'm going to first speak to orphans as a whole on my statement of 'concurring
    that children are better off in Ukraine.' Generally speaking, children do
    better if they stay in their home environment, using their home language,
    accustom to their home food, culture, etc. WE have seen time and time again,
    the difficulty that older orphans have adjusting to life in the U.S. Just visit
    a few 'disruption sites' and talk to some of the parents…it is clear that some
    children would have done much better staying in their homeland. Secondly, if
    the children are being well cared for at this facility, and UA is moving towards
    foster care, we must look at this, and work 'with' them, not against them.

    As for children with SN, of course, I would say that there is a dire need for
    improvement in Ukraine. All anyone has to do is read the London Times article
    and look at the 1000+ photos of Torez. BUT, Ukraine is moving in a direction
    away from international adoption, and encouraging more and more inter country
    adoption and foster care. If the children are well cared for at the foster care
    the priest has, then we need to look at that, specifically and help him. If the
    choice is a reg. invalid facility, or the priests foster home (and adoption is
    not on the table), then we need to support the priests foster home.

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