New Resources on Home Page

By on 3-01-2012 in Book list, Education Reform, PostAdoption Resources

New Resources on Home Page

We have now packaged some of our posts into easy-to find pdf resources. On our home page, if you hover your mouse over the Resources tab, you now will find a drop down list of  6 resources.

The first one is a book list . It is sparse and needs updating, so send us some good suggestions to add to the list.

The second one is our International Adoption Industry 101 free course , which is a series of links to our posts that explain the industry. Everything in our resources is and will always be free.

The third one is for PAPs and APs called  . It is the most comprehensive and up to date guide of doctors for the US.

The fourth one, just added, is the Quick List of Adoption Issue Reporting. This is the list of places to report complaints from our Be Part of Adoption Reform post plus individual links to each state for social worker issue reporting. Print it. Report things. Be part of Adoption Reform.

The fifth one, just added, is one we call the Ethics Package . We have packaged the essentials of the following posts into one document that frames many issues in preadoption, postadoption and reform:

Ethical Adoption and Prospective Parent Motivation

Let’s Get Real: Adoption Reform

Red Flags in International Adoption

Kudos: Nine Ideas for Adoption Reform (Domestic)

Tuesday Terms: Disruption and Dissolution

Ethical Considerations After Trafficking Discovered/Suspected

The sixth one, just added, called the Mental Health Resources Package , combines our unique mental health resources posts into one document:

Let’s Get Real: Adoptive Parenting and PTSD

CAFETY and Advice for Placing Children into RTCs

Wilderness Camps-Tips, Support, HEAL

Suicide Prevention Resources and Support for Survivors

As we add more posts on these subjects, we will add to these resources.

REFORM Puzzle Piece

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