Thanks for a great blog week

By on 3-02-2012 in Uncategorized

Thanks for a great blog week

I want to publicly thank the creative people at Land of Gazillion Adoptees who came up with the idea behind adoption blogger annoy me week. There is much to be annoyed about in the adoption establishment and after reading all of the blog entries I am more annoyed than ever.  At the same time it’s encouraging to see so many people talking about the issues and problems and I know my perspective was stretched and expanded this week.

I enjoyed reading each and every entry, but a quote from Shelise’s final thoughts about the establishment stood out to me,

“They tell you (and they even get adoptees to tell you) that adoption is this bright, shiny thing and then they jump ship when you discover it’s really a gray, tangled mess and you need substantial help.”

She pretty much nails it right there.

Press on and thanks again!

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