How Could You? Hall of Shame-Trevor Emptage UPDATED

By on 3-07-2012 in Abuse in foster care, How could you? Hall of Shame, Kinship Care, Oregon, Trevor Emptage

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Trevor Emptage UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From White City, Oregon, 28-year-old foster parent Trevor M. Emptage “was arraigned Monday [March 5, 2012] in Jackson County Circuit Court on two counts each of first-degree assault and first-degree criminal mistreatment while the [1-year-old foster daughter] was being treated for first- and second-degree burns in a Portland hospital, authorities said.

First-degree assault carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 71/2; years in state prison under Oregon’s mandatory minimum sentencing laws.
Judge Tim Barnack set Emptage’s bail at $500,000 and ordered him returned to the Jackson County Jail.
The case began just before 8 p.m. Sunday when Rogue Valley Medical Center emergency-room doctors notified police they were treating a 1-year-old victim with severe burns that appeared to be from abuse, according to the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department.”
Investigators determined that Emptage became upset after the young girl defecated in the tub during a bath, according to the sheriff’s department.
Evidence showed she had been held in scalding hot water by force, causing first- and second-degree burns on the body from the waist down, sheriff’s spokeswoman Andrea Carlson said.
The child was transported Monday to a Portland hospital for treatment because of the severity of the injuries, Carlson said.
The Department of Human Services was called in to remove a second child from the White City home.
The case remains under investigation, Carlson said.”

Scalded baby leads to man’s arrest
[Mail Tribune 3/6/12]

“DHS officials could not talk specifically about this case, but say foster parent applicants have full background checks, including fingerprints sent to the FBI. According to Statewide Justice Network, Emptage has no prior convictions in Oregon.”

White City 1-Year-Old Foster Child Burned
[KDRV 3/5/12 by Bryan Navarro]

REFORM Puzzle Piece

This man never should have been approved to be a foster parent.

Update: Trevor has a prior criminal record!”Grants Pass police confirmed to NBC 5 that Emptage has a prior criminal arrest for domestic assault in 2008.

The official charge was “assault four – domestic violence”, a Class-A misdemeanor.”

Foster Parent Had Priors
[KOBI NBC 5 3/7/12]

“But how could a man arrested for domestic violence be granted custody of a foster child?

DHS can’t comment on any specific case but they say that a person with a criminal record can become a foster parent, if an exception is made.

Grants Pass Police arrested Emptage for domestic assault in 2008… yet the Department of Human Services deemed him fit to raise the little girl… granting him an exception.

“Quite a lengthy process of gathering information. Police reports, child welfare history, interviews, legal documentation, and restraining orders.”

Once the research is complete… a criminal record can be signed off on by DHS staff.

“The minimum for crimes is usually our Program Manager or District Manager, any crimes above that have to be signed off by central office.”

 A huge factor in Emptage’s case, he’s the little girl’s uncle… married to the birth mother’s sister… and the birth mother supported the decision to grant Emptage and his wife custody.

“If we have a family that the mom’s saying I want my family placed with this relative, yeah I know they have some history but they’re the best person for it, we try to get statements when possible like that.”

The little girl’s birth mother told NBC-5 that she knew of Emptage’s arrest and signed off on it… allowing DHS to keep the little girl with family.

“Our branch works so so hard to place children with relatives whenever possible.” [Try placing with STABLE relatives next time!]

But did DHS err in putting weight into the mother’s wishes, when she’s been found unfit to act in the interest of her child? [Ya think?]

It’s a question DHS could not answer, among many others.

Emptage is still in the Jackson County Jail charged with assault in the first degree and criminal mistreatment in the first degree.

Bail is set at more than 1-million dollars.  “[Stories have varied on the $500,000 and $1,005,000 bail.]     
Why Was Emptage A Foster Parent?
[Kobi NBC 5 3/8/12 by Craig Smullin]

Update 2:“A White City foster parent pleaded not guilty to felony assault and mistreatment charges for allegedly holding a 1-year-old girl under scalding bath water after she defecated in the tub.

Trevor M. Emptage, 28, was arraigned Wednesday in Jackson County Circuit Court on two counts each of first-degree assault and first-degree criminal mistreatment before Judge Lorenzo Mejia. Emptage pleaded not guilty to all charges.
First-degree assault carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 71/2; years in the state penitentiary under Oregon’s sentencing laws.
The case began just before 8 p.m. on March 4 when Rogue Valley Medical Center emergency-room doctors notified police they were treating a 1-year-old victim, who had suffered severe burns that appeared to have been caused by abuse, according to the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department.
Investigators determined that Emptage became upset after the young girl defecated in the tub during a bath, according to the Sheriff’s Department.
Evidence showed the child had been held in scalding hot water by force, causing first- and second-degree burns on her body from the waist down, sheriff’s spokeswoman Andrea Carlson said.
The toddler was treated at a Portland hospital. She has now been released and is in foster care, said Carlson.
“She is currently beginning physical therapy,” Carlson said, adding the toddler is starting to walk, but she has “a little bit of a limp” that hopefully will be corrected through physical therapy.
Carlson said more information may be released today on the child’s condition.
Emptage remains in jail on $500,000 bail, an amount set earlier this month by Judge Timothy Barnack. A bail hearing has been set for today. A pretrial hearing has been set for 1:30 p.m., March 26.”

Foster parent pleads not guilty
[Mail Tribune 3/16/12 by Sanne Specht]

Update 3: “A White City former foster parent pleaded guilty to second-degree felony assault and was sentenced to three years in prison for placing a 1-year-old girl under scalding bath water after she defecated in the tub.

Trevor M. Emptage, 29, appeared this morning before Judge Lorenzo Mejia in Jackson County Circuit Court and pleaded guilty to the single charge. Two additional counts of first-degree assault and first-degree criminal mistreatment were dismissed in the plea agreement negotiated between Jackson County prosecutor Adam Peterson and Emptage’s public defender, Michael Bertholf.

Second-degree assault is a Measure 11 crime which typically carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 70 months in the state penitentiary under Oregon’s sentencing guidelines. But the state has an “opt out” clause that allowed Emptage’s sentence to be reduced to 34 months because of his lack of criminal history, Peterson said.

The “safety-valve” plea agreement was agreed to after “close and careful consultation with the family of the victim,” Peterson said.

The case began just before 8 p.m. on March 4, 2012, when Rogue Valley Medical Center emergency-room doctors notified police they were treating a 1-year-old girl, who had severe burns that appeared to have been caused by abuse, the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department reported.

Investigators determined that Emptage became upset after the young girl defecated in the tub during a bath, according to the Sheriff’s Department. Police said evidence showed the child had been held in scalding hot water by force.

Peterson said the toddler, now 3, suffered first- and second-degree burns on both her feet. [ The previous articles said FROM THE WAIST DOWN] She was treated at a Portland hospital — and has fully recovered, he said.

“She has no memory of what happened,” Peterson said.

Emptage maintained at sentencing that he did not mean to burn the toddler, but admitted he should have tested the temperature of the water. Emptage’s wife and members of his church sent letters to Mejia asking that he not be sent to jail. The victim’s family did not appear in court.

Emptage has until July 2 to report to prison.”

Foster father sentenced to three years in prison for scalding girl

[Mail Tribune 6/10/13 by Sanne Specht]

One Comment

  1. I am the mother of this little girl, I feel a few things need to be set straight. Though i know it has been now 7yrs to the day since this horrible thing happened to my child, i only just saw this blog. I never knew he had a DV charge. I never signed a waiver stating that either. I was an addict who had relapsed at this time. I gave my children to states custody willingly so I could sort out my mental health issues after my father had passed away.. I trusted my sister she had cared for the girls off an on their whole life. I never knew trevor to be anything but an awkward computer builder. Now Yes the second degree burns were located from her mid shin to her feet, the 1st degree burns were from mid shin up to her waist. it took her two years to gain colorback into her legs and feet after this happened. And the quote from Peterson stating that at the age of 3 she doesnt have a memory of it is false, My daughter could not articulate the story to anyone, But she damn well does remember what happened to this very day and she is almost 9 years old.

    Now for a True Update and happy ending!!!
    Seven years later my daughter is a super happy loving forgiving child that enjoys playing singing and dancing, even though she is very clumsy due a stigmatism in both of her eyes. We just tell her she is allergic to gravity.. She is in the 3rd grade this year!

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