How Could You? Hall of Shame-Victor Salazar UPDATED

By on 3-08-2012 in Abuse in group home, California, How could you? Hall of Shame, Victor Salazar

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Victor Salazar UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Santa Ana, California, migrant kids’ case manager Victor Salazar, 30, is on trial for “sexually abused six teenagers while he was supervising calls they made to relatives in Central America” “inside his closed-door office at a Fullerton shelter multiple times between 2007 and 2008.”

“They feared that if they said something, they wouldn’t be believed. They’d be deported. They’d be ostracized for having another man touch them,” Birney said. The teens didn’t want to stir up any trouble at the center, which provided them with food, clothing, a stable environment and the chance to go to school, he said.

Salazar, 30, is on trial for the alleged abuse, which led the federally contracted shelter to install office doors with windows, enhance video surveillance and ban one-on-one transport of children by staff. If convicted of all the charges, he could face up to a decade in prison.

His attorney, Lisa Eyanson, told jurors that children often grew emotional during phone calls to family and any touching Salazar did was aimed only at comforting them. She also said the teen who initially reported the allegations had recently been disciplined by Salazar for throwing an object at a teacher.

“You’ll find there was no sexual intent to any touching that was done,” she said.

The case provides a window into a program overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services for children swept up by border agents. Many of the children leave their homes in Central America to reunite with family in the U.S., while others flee abuse or set off in search of jobs to support their relatives.

More than 6,000 children hailing largely from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras were taken into federal custody in the 2009 fiscal year. Most of them, like the alleged victims in the case against Salazar, were teenage boys, according to federal statistics.

The federal government contracts with shelters around the country, like the one in Fullerton, to house the children, while case managers try to determine whether they should be reunited with family here, placed in foster care or returned to their countries.

Salazar began working at the shelter for immigrant children when it opened in March 2006. He previously worked at another facility for teens where he had cleared background checks and got rave reviews from the children and his fellow staff members, Joyce Capelle, executive director for Florence Crittenton Services of Orange County, told the Associated Press by phone.

After a teenager at the center reported that he heard Salazar had inappropriately touched another child, Crittenton put Salazar on administrative leave and called police.

The investigation turned up a total of six children with similar complaints, including some who had been released to live with relatives in the United States, Capelle said.

Prosecutors say Salazar molested six boys between the ages of 15 and 16 between May 2007 and February 2008. He is charged with four felony counts of lewd acts on a child, three felony counts of oral copulation of a minor and seven misdemeanor counts of sexual battery.

A Guatemalan-born man testified that Salazar touched “between my legs” five to ten times, even though he pushed his hand away. Now a 20-year-old community college student in Worchester, Mass., the man said Salazar was in charge of deciding whether he would be placed with a foster family or be sent back to Guatemala, where he only had received four years of schooling.

“It make me feel terrible,” said the man, who was brought to the shelter after he arrived alone in the U.S. illegally from Guatemala when he was 15.

Prosecutors planned to call to the stand two more alleged victims who were released from the shelter and now have legal status in the United States. Two other alleged victims were returned to Central America, Birney said.

Eyanson declined to state whether Salazar would testify.

Since Salazar’s arrest, the center in Fullerton has trained staff on child abuse under a special program focused on refugee and immigrant children. Other government-contracted shelters had already started conducting the training in response to prior allegations of sexual abuse at a shelter in Texas, Capelle said.

Kenneth Wolfe, a spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families, declined to comment on the pending litigation.”

Migrant kids’ case manager tried for alleged abuse
[KTAR 3/7/12 by Amy Taxin/Associated Press]

REFORM Puzzle Piece

Update: “A former case manager at an Orange County shelter for children caught illegally crossing the border was convicted Wednesday [March 14, 2012] of molesting three migrant teen boys, prosecutors said.

A jury found Victor Salazar guilty of four felony counts of lewd acts on a child and two misdemeanor counts of sexual battery, Orange County District Attorney spokeswoman Farrah Emami said.

Salazar worked as a case manager at Florence Crittenton Home in Fullerton. The federally contracted facility houses children living in the U.S. without parents, either because their parents have been deported or the child came to the U.S. alone.

Salazar was convicted of molesting the boys in his office between May 2007 and February 2008 while they used his phone to call their families in South or Central America.

More than 6,000 children – most from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras – were taken into federal custody in the 2009 fiscal year, under a program overseen by federal health officials. Most of them, like the victims in the case against Salazar, were teenage boys, according to federal statistics.

Salazar was initially accused of sexually abusing six teens, and was charged with four felony counts of lewd acts on a child, three felony counts of oral copulation of a minor and seven misdemeanor counts of sexual battery.

Salazar’s lawyer Lisa Eyanson told jurors that any touching done by her client had no sexual intent, and was intended to comfort the children.

One Guatemalan-born man testified that Salazar touched him between his legs five to 10 times, despite his protests. Now an adult, he said Salazar was in charge of deciding whether he would be placed with a foster family or sent back to Guatemala.

Since Salazar’s arrest, the center in Fullerton has trained staff on child abuse under a special program focused on refugee and immigrant children. The shelter has also installed office doors with windows, enhanced video surveillance and banned one-on-one transport of children by staff.”

[Huffington Post 3/14/12]
Update 2:

“A case manager at a shelter for immigrant children caught crossing the border alone has been sentenced to four and a half years in state prison for molesting three boys under his care.

Prosecutors say 31-year-old Victor Salazar was sentenced on Friday on four felony counts of lewd acts on a child between 14 and 15 and two misdemeanor counts of sexual battery.

Authorities say Salazar molested the boys between 2007 and 2008 while they were in his office at the Fullerton, Calif., shelter making phone calls to their families in other countries. The federally-contracted shelter houses children who are caught crossing the border alone until they are reunited with relatives in California or back home.

Salazar’s attorney, Lisa Eyanson, did not immediately return a message”

Migrant kids case manager sentenced for sex crimes[KsBY 7/20/12 by Associated Press]

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