Research-China’s The Dark Side of China’s "Aging Out Orphan" Program

By on 3-08-2012 in China, International Adoption, Unethical behavior

Research-China’s The Dark Side of China’s "Aging Out Orphan" Program

We recommend that everyone read the information from March 6, 2012 at Research-China here.
It is with rarity that we tell our readers to go pay for something ( and no we are not getting any payment or kickbacks for telling you this). This is one of those times in which you will only get this precious information from this source.

If you have adopted from China or are in the process, especially for a waiting child, you MUST subscribe (which does require payment) to read all the details.  This is real, true and relevant to what is going on right now in China…and it is downright chilling.

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