Guess Who’s Taking Money for Sponsoring Orphans in Guatemala?

By on 3-22-2012 in Celebrate Children International, Guatemala, Orphan Care

Guess Who’s Taking Money for Sponsoring Orphans in Guatemala? I will give you one guess….

Yes, my smart readers, you guessed it….Celebrate Children International! For a refresher on CCI, check out our book review of Finding Fernanda here. For other CCI posts, see here [A Life Outside the Box blog 3/16/12]  says “Here is a note sent to me this week by Carmen, a gal I love with all my heart, pleading for the lives of the children at Remar. She is trustworthy. She is one of the most godly women I have ever met. She walks her talk. [emphasis Rally] She loves those kids more than anything and gives 100% of herself to them.

I asked her if I could post this here. Please, please prayerfully consider if this is a way you could help a child. The needs are truthfully overwhelming.

Greetings in Jesus Name!

I hope this finds you well and full of the Lord’s blessings. I am contacting you because I wanted to make you aware of the increasing amount of children being abandoned in the streets and orphanages in Guatemala.

As you probably know the US is no longer allowing adoptions from Guatemala, resulting in many more children being abandoned and placed in orphanages. Unfortunately these orphanages do not receive any longer the financial help they used to receive from adoptions. Besides they do not receive any funding from their government, so their only means of support comes from donations. Celebrate Children International is there to help by sponsoring two Christian orphanages that provide the children with all their needs.

We would ask you to consider, if you are financially able, sponsoring a child. It only takes $30 a month. The orphanages can only take care of the children with the help of people like you. A few of our adoptive parents from Guatemala are sponsoring but it is not enough to care for so many children.

If you were once a sponsor I take this opportunity to thank you. Even if you can not sponsor now, maybe you know a family member or a generous friend or a co-worker, who can. Please let them know of the emergency need of the Guatemalan children. I am asking you to join to help the most vulnerable of all people, the orphans!!

Thank you for your consideration, and may the Lord’s abundant blessings be always upon you and your family. Hope to hear from you. GOD BLESS!!!

“The helpless put their trust in you. You defend the orphans” (Psalm 10:1)

Carmen López-Cepero
Humanitarian Aid Director”

Hat tip to the intrepid reader who emailed this into us.

REFORM Puzzle Piece

One Comment

  1. Interestingly enough, the blogger who posted the plea for donations for CCI… has removed it from her blog.

    I wonder if CCI is still collecting donations???

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