Public Announcement of Disruption of Ethiopian Sisters

By on 4-05-2012 in Disruption/Dissolution, Ethiopia, International Adoption

Public Announcement of Disruption of Ethiopian Sisters

Disruptions are not a topic that people want to discuss, especially when it is their own. So, it was quite remarkable that an author revealed today that the 6- and 11-year-old sisters from Ethiopia that she adopted in January 2010, were disrupted fourteen months later. (These cases are new additions to our accounting of disruption cases.)

As we have stated before, disruptions continue to be an issue that adoption agencies are not addressing with cases from China and Ethiopia increasing each month. As riskier referrals continue, we do anticipate this problem will only get bigger. Some people have accused me of having “unsubstantiated” data as if anyone else even cares to track information. I want to remind everyone that the goal in tracking the cases is to bring awareness to the issue so we can prevent future disruptions.

You can email details of disruptions to me at  or access the survey at

Agency names are not discussed in the two blog pieces published today. The first piece is from the author herself. The second was published in the New York Times blogs.

Read the author’s own words at Joyce .

The NYT piece is Joyce Maynard Announces Failure of Her Adoptive Family [New York Times Blogs 4/4/12 by KJ Dell’Antonia]

“In 2010, Joyce Maynard wrote an article for More magazine announcing her adoption of two girls from Ethiopia. I read it (it’s no longer available online), and although Ms. Maynard and I had never met, I wrote her, congratulating her — and adding, as a parent a little over a year into the adoption of a child (as opposed to a baby) myself, some words of caution. Ms. Maynard had declared herself “happy, happy, happy.” I wrote knowing that even when “happy” didn’t feel like the applicable adjective for our changed family, happiness still appeared in unexpected ways.

Adopting a child — a small, confused person with an identity and a sense of herself as a part of a family or a community that isn’t yours — isn’t simple. No matter how good the intentions are on all sides to become a family, it doesn’t always work — and “doesn’t always” is more often than you think.

Some experts estimate that as many as one in five adoptions of children over the age of 6 end in disruption, for complex reasons. A newly adopted child is apart from everything she’s ever known. She’s without any firm touchstone from her past, and her future is nothing but a promise — a promise of “forever” and “family” from someone who’s taken her from a life she never truly realized was anything but forever itself.

This is a truly difficult dynamic to surf. And the adult in the bargain is usually on completely unfamiliar ground as well, with the obvious difference being that adults sign up for the ride — and are far more responsible for an outcome they might never have realized was so uncertain. I know that I couldn’t really apprehend what had been taken from our daughter until she became our daughter. As convinced as I was that I understood what we were both getting into, I really had no understanding of how hard it would be for us to come from our different places and fall in love. There were moments when I thought it would never happen.

For Ms. Maynard, and for those two young girls from Ethiopia, it didn’t. In May of last year, she took the girls to live with another family, and she has been uncharacteristically silent about it ever since. Today, on her Web site, she wrote about what will look to some like a public failure for the first time.

I will not speak here of all that transpired between that happy, hopeful day I first brought the girls home to where I sit now, writing this. I will simply say here that though there was no shortage of love or care — and despite some very happy and good times — the adoption failed.

From the day she wrote her first memoir (“An 18-Year-Old Looks Back on Life,” published in the Times Magazine in 1972), Ms. Maynard has been the subject of both adoration and criticism. When she announced her intention to adopt, there was no shortage of the latter: my then-colleague (and friend) Hanna Rosin, writing for Slate, proposed that Ms. Maynard “had run out of material.”

She is sure to be the subject of even more criticism now. But I suspect very little of it will come from those who have a bone-deep understanding of the complexities of adoption, or how difficult it can be to blend a family from the mixture of emotions and motivations and intentions and actions that we all bring to our little tables. When adoption is successful, it is at best a phoenix: it rises from the ashes of a tragedy. It is never the life we hope for when a baby is born. When it works, it’s wonderful.

But sometimes it’s clear that these people, under these circumstances, cannot give their best to one another. And particularly when the adoptive parent is a public figure like Ms. Maynard, it’s easier to blame than to try to understand how a commitment to be a “forever family” to two girls can become a commitment to, as she writes, “make sure they had a good life in America.” She continues: “I still took my promise as a firm commitment. But part of honoring it meant finding them two parents — a family with other children, and a big, wide net of a support system that I could not give them, myself.”

I have no insight into why Ms. Maynard and the girls she hoped would become her daughters could not stay together, but I have seen another adoption fail, and I have watched a family and a child separate and become stronger and better and happier apart. It may have been the best outcome for all involved, but it was not easy on anyone. I am sure it was among the most difficult things those parents have ever done, and it was a decision that will stay with them, and with their family, forever. It obviously isn’t the “forever” anyone had in mind.

I am having trouble coming to some pat conclusion about this end to an adoption conducted, at least initially, in the public eye — probably because there is no easy conclusion to draw, and maybe no conclusion at all. What I’m left with is a reminder that Tolstoy sacrificed truth in favor of a balanced sentence — happy families and unhappy families alike are all happy, or not, in their own different and complex ways, and very few of us are in a position to pass judgement on one another. I hope that two young girls, and one formerly adoptive parent, find happiness in their own unexpected ways.”

REFORM Puzzle Piece


  1. So, where exactly do these children go when there are disruptions? Is legal guardianship transferred? What if something happened to them in the new home, would the AP be legally responsible? So many questions…

  2. Rachel, in this case, there was a transfer to another family. It sounds like the new family did go on to adopt. I know some cases use the ICPC (interstate compact on placement of children), some children are disrupted to US foster care and others may only have some kind of legal guardianship. I think it greatly depends on the states involved. There is usually a period of time that another family is giving respite care under a guardianship-type of agreement. That is completely unregulated.Safety of the children is always a concern and it brings up questions about visa fraud in some cases where multiple severe special needs children are being adopted at the same time and disrupted shortly after in a bid to "save" children from foreign countries. So, in a nutshell in varies quite a bit.

  3. There’s also the oh-so-popular variation on the theme of “free to a good home” notices – the online advert posted by a disrupting family, in hopes of finding their soon-to-be-ex adopted child a new home. The notice below was posted on Meredith Cornish’s blog this morning.

    It's beyond appalling that this family spent FIVE YEARS (60 months) adopting “V”… but gave up on him after a mere 14 mos!!
    He Needs A Family

    Sometimes plans don't unfold the way we'd planned for them to despite all of the best intentions and planning on our part. Such is the case for one family who has found themselves in need of finding a new committed family for their 10 year old son, home for 15 months from Russia, "V". This is incredibly humbling for the family after working so hard for five long years to bring "V" home. Unfortunately, due to many circumstances not related to "V", these parents have found themselves in the middle of a divorce. Obviously this is a very stressful and painful time for the whole family. Young "V" is in need of therapeutic parenting from both parents.

    "V" has many endearing qualities. He likes being outside, and is playing his third season of soccer. He likes to do chores and "help" around the house. He loves to be silly and laugh. He will sit and color and draw for hours. He is very curious and really likes music and singing. "V" did not have any formal education during his time in his birth country and so understandably, he is delayed educationally. He is currently in the 3rd grade. He is suspected to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and may also have reactive attachment disorder as well as possible fetal alcohol effects. Sadly, "V" has experienced some sexual abuse while in the institution and has acted out on his younger brothers in his new family.

    "V" needs a committed family who understands the effects of childhood abuse and institutionalization as well as the effects of possible fetal alcohol effects and reactive attachment disorder. He is still young enough to get the help he so desperately needs in order to heal from the tough life he's had thus far and go on to lead a healthy life. He will heal best in a family where he is the youngest child or in which there are no other children. "V" is not a bad boy; he is a boy who has been wounded in his short life and he deserves a family that can meet his needs and help him to heal and grow and become all that God has intended for him to be. Sadly, his current family is not in a place to be able to meet his needs and also meet the other needs within the family as the dynamics have changed dramatically. They hope to find a family with older children or without children currently in the home who are of a Christian background where "V" will be exposed to the gospel message and be able to be involved in a local church.

    This is not a decision that has been made hastily or without much pain, so please refrain from leaving any negative or judgmental comments. This family's goal is to find an appropriate family for "V" so he can begin to heal and grow into the young man he was meant to become. It takes a great deal of courage to admit it when they no longer have the resources to continue something they began. There was no way to know how things were going to unfold when this adoption journey began.

    If you are interested in being considered as a potential family for "V" please contact the family at and please introduce yourself and your reason for interest in potentially adopting

  4. The self-justification of APs who give up on their adopted teens (3 of 4 within 5 months! One of which was after all of 35 days!!) is breathtaking. Though I guess if you think you have god on your side, you can justify anything to yourself.

    These APs write:
    Paying the ransom to free them and weathering the storm of their grief in the initial break from the only life they have known and all they have loved along with basic introduction to family life and following Christ was our part of the relay, now the torch is passing to others. Not our idea but God’s…our passion is to follow His call…even when it is hard and looks so different than we could have imagined.

  5. Thank you for the clarification, Rally. Disruption is confusing to me at times. Some stories I read from AP who disrupted make it sound as if kids are just "given" to someone else and the legality of it sounds questionable to me. Something to research further.

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