
By on 4-13-2012 in Blog-Gag-Me


Vomit in paper bag

Back by unpopular demand, we bring you another edition of Blog-Gag-Me. Readers have sent us (and we  have happened upon) so many adoption blogs and blog entries that are offensive,  dangerous set-ups for the children, unethical, illegal and/or crazy that it  exceeds our FacePalm capacity. [Edited to add Child Collector and/or Red Flags]




Hat tip to a new PAP reader. Anyone who questions the motives of this AP is a “loser” and she will turn you in to the FBI! if you attempt post your honest, disagreeing opinion on her blog, so you should post here instead, I guess.  Losers “Go get a real life and stop being jealous of mine! ” smiley icons


Also in 2012, they adopted *2* unrelated at once  from Ethiopia and the orphanage was already telling the older girl that the baby  boy is her brother-even though they were not adopted yet. Infant referral “add on” in late 2011.


Referral madness



“We saw the picture of our daughter on a waiting child website. Yes, she is about  8. Yes, that’s older than what we were considering. Yes, she is a girl, and we  told ourselves it would be another boy. But, we couldn’t say no to this striking  beauty. So, we accepted.


Our agency told us it would be about a 2-3  month wait for a referral of a baby boy. We decided to adopt one now because it  is much more affordable and feasible to adopt two at once than two  separate adoptions. Plus, I think Tom might leave me if I suggested adopting  again in a year or two. 🙂 So, we decided to adopt a baby boy also, even though  it would mean about an additional $12,000 after foreign fees, plane fare, visa  fees, Embassy fees, etc. But, we had faith… ”


“I answered and the woman identified herself as our adoption coordinator. That’s  how new we are to this agency. I hadn’t even spoken to our coordinator yet.


She flat out said, “We have a baby boy that we’d like you to consider  adopting. In fact, we waited to present him to you because we wanted to make  sure he was at the same care center as your daughter.” Yep, she has been helping  to take care of him. Once we send in the official paperwork, they will tell her  that he is her baby brother. He will have someone there loving him every day.  Helping his tiny body get stronger. Showing him the love that we cannot give him  right now.


We have a baby boy. He is two months old. His name means  “world praise.” And, baby, you were meant for us all. ”


Our reader was particularly upset about their pursuit of two children when they are still settling in two unrelated special needs children that they adopted from the Ukraine in December 2010.  Sunday snapshots  she jokes “Someone had several gigantic meltdowns, and I thought about leaving him with the elephants! 😉



Let Love Lead Us


This person has been featured in two Montana articles, adopting from ET  with fundraisers. They seem to KNOW that sharing photos is illegal as their  November 2011 post says, yet we don’t think they understand that fundraising for an Ethiopian adoption is illegal. They still need $15,000 to complete their adoption and don’t have a court date, yet “The orphanage has now told him we are coming for him and we can start to  communicate with him more now.”


A couple of excerpts from that Nov 2011 post:


November 2011


“After a long break of blogging we are back! We had to disable our blog  at the beginning our adoption journey due to strict limitations from the  Ethiopian government on what is allowed. We are excited to again be  sharing our journey with you. We have been so thrilled with the amount  of love and support our friends and family have given us so far and  overwhelmed with the response of many wanting to follow our  journey….so here it goes! We can not mention the names, sex or ages of  the children we are in the process of adopting or share any photos 🙁  but most of you by now know a bit of our story and know the details of  the kiddos God has asked us to have join our family. We are currently  finishing up our home study and beginning the overwhelming process of  collecting our dossier. (A huge number of papers and documents that will  be sent to the Ethiopian government through our adoption agency.)”


” Also our church is just finishing up a series called Kingdom Come which  focuses on our need to help and love the poor, needy, widows, orphans  and those left behind. At the beginning of one of our services many  families with us included shared a little of our adoption story. Ours is  through the lens of Chase as becoming a big brother and acquiring  siblings. ”



Hat tip to our reader. They have 5 children, one who needed a fundraiser to be adopted and are adopting one more but again do not have the money. They claim that they have all postadoption expenses to raise the special needs child, though.




Excerpt from their blog:


“Inevitably fundraising is one of the first issues that comes up in       an international adoption. For us, it is the most daunting part of       the whole journey. We are not rich by any stretch of the       imagination. But we are blessed and have so much to offer our       children and another sweet little one. We have no problems caring       for the 5 children we have here at home. One of our children has       HIV and she is receiving top notch medical care. There is       absolutely no concern about being able to care for V or her       medical needs once she is home.


However, we do not have $25,000 at our disposal to go to her to       bring her home. We do not have a retirement or savings account to       pull from. We do not have a relative as a possible back up. We can       not borrow against our home thanks to the housing crash. We were       audited last year and (thanks to a misunderstanding of self       employment status) we owe enough money to not be getting a refund       on our taxes this year. We can not even hope to get a loan right       now.”


Fundraising is NOT inevitably what first comes to mind in a international adoption.


Our reader states “They’re looking for “sponsors” since they have no $$ to adopt, no       emergency fund, no retirement savings, and cannot borrow against       their house due to the housing crash. Oh and owe a ton in back       taxes!!!!


No safety net at all. First adopted kid not remotely settled in       yet. This is a recipe for disaster!!


Why why why do people sign off on these folks homestudies? Or give       them $$? It’s a disaster waiting to happen!!”

Four Through Seven



The motherlode of all blogrolls….the self-described “Megafamilies” Though the title says that it is a list of bloggers with “7 to 37 children.” , there is one that has adopted 53 children with 3 pending. There are 270 bloggers listed. Not all have adopted children.




“Thanks for your visit!


100% of the proceeds from this blog (via your daily visits, clicks, and purchases) go to the support of a proselyting missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Thank you very much for your visit today!”



Lots of children + Proselyting.


“57 year old happily single mother of 39 young’uns… ages 9-38.”  20-something of them are adults.


  • The blogger with “31 kids” actually has a slew of helpers All Our Boys and she really has adopted 53 kids with 3 pending. According to their FAQs “

How many children have you  adopted?


I have legally adopted 53  children. Three adoptions are still pending and should be completed by the end  of this year. This will be a total of 56 children adopted. One additional child  I will be able to take guardianship. Of my adoptions and pending adoptions, ten  of the boys were adopted internationally. Additionally, ten of the children’s  adoptions were private adoptions and eight of those were children who had  disrupted from families who had previously adopted them. The other children were  adopted through Department of Social Services, primarily from California. ”

What size home do you  have?

I currently have two homes, next  door to each other. One home has is currently a nine bedroom and five bathroom  two-story home with a residential elevator. The other home has six bedrooms and  three bathrooms. I am in the beginning stages of adding an additional bedroom,  bathroom, and a music room sound studio. We hope to have our plans approved by  the city during the summer of 2011 and begin construction on the fall of 2011. ”

How do you afford to provide  for your large family?

I run a small business called “First Step  Supported Living Services.” This business helps adults with  developmental and other disabilities to live in their own homes in the  community. From this business I am able to pay myself a small salary.  Additionally, some of my children are eligible for the Adoption Assistance  Program (AAP) which provides both medical insurance and a monthly stipend to  provide for each eligible child’s unique needs. Thankfully, AAP is an available  resource for most children to the age of 18 (and in some cases 21) who were  adopted through the foster care system and are considered to have “special  needs” which include older children, sibling sets, children with disabilities,  children whose bio-parents have an adverse background, and children of varying  ethnicities. AAP was established as a financial incentive to encourage the  adoption of children with special needs who otherwise would not have found  adoptive families. Besides this monthly stipend, some of our adult children with  eligible receive SSI benefits. Our family also receive respite services for the  Regional Center of Orange County for some of the children still living at home.  Basically I try to tap into every generic financial resource available to my  children and my family. Additionally we have periodically received donations  through our non-profit organization that we use to off-set the costs of camps  and other recreational programs for our boys.”


  • 26 children and wondering where the money to raise them will come from. Blessingsx21

    “Thursday, April 12, 2012

    At times I wonder if my faith is where it should be, yes,  we did step out in faith to add three amazing children to our family and  anxiously await their arrival.  But, as we greatly lack the funds I wonder if I  am also lacking faith and that would be the reason we are also lacking the  needed money to pay our fees.  We don’t doubt for one single moment that God led  us to these children but the discouragment of needing to pay our fees is over  powering my faith.  We have sold our basketball goal, our puppy, and our  treadmill in the past week, how very thankful we are that God provided  individuals to purchase these things, this money is going straight to our  adoption fund.
    Please pray with me that I can give our adoption over to  Jesus, totally and completely and have the faith that He will provide. ”  OMG

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