FacePalm Friday

By on 5-04-2012 in FacePalm Friday

FacePalm Friday

Welcome to this week’s edition of FacePalm Friday.

This is where your hosts will list their top picks for this week’s FacePalm moment—something they learned or read about this week that caused the FacePalm to happen (you know, the expression of embarrassment, frustration, disbelief, shock, disgust or mixed humor as depicted in our Rally FacePalm smiley).

We invite you to add your FacePalm of the week to our comments. Go ahead and add a link, tell a personal story, or share something that triggered the FacePalm on the subject of child welfare or adoption.

Your Host’s Selections:

(1) Adoption Conversation Video

http://www.xtranorm al.com/watch/ 13341272/ adoption- conversation

All I have to say is Glitter Graphics | http://www.graphicsgrotto.com/

(2)Love Basket has a Kyrg Program

Reformatina says: The name of the agency is a facepalm!


All I have to say is Pooping Kid

(3) TLC has a new show called Birth Moms

TV By the Numbers [5/1/12]

“BIRTH MOMS is an up close and unbelievably personal look into the agonizing dilemma that begins with an unwanted pregnancy – should I give my baby up? This one-hour special focuses on the lives of three pregnant young women living at an adoption center in Utah while struggling with the decision about whether or not to put their babies up for adoption. Tensions run high as this diverse group of women from around the country interact with each other during this tumultuous time.”

All I have to say is Smiley others 285.GIF

(4) He opened his mouth again bee emoticon 1 Playful Bee Emoticon

Why do we display Craig Juntunen as a  bee? Because in one of his initial incoherent head-in-the-sand rants talks, he stated that our goal should be to cross-pollinate the world with adopted children.

In a facepalm contender of the year column on Huffington Post [5/1/12], he

  • again tries to equate birthing a child with adopting a child “”It was probably the closest thing we’ll ever have to giving birth.”
  • talk up how ETHICAL Haiti is (he needs to read our notice this week and the DOS came in late with a notice after we already broke the news.)
  • completely misdirect readers on what happened in the Vietnam closure claiming it was politics. “In 2008, the U.S. raised red flags about alleged fraud in Vietnam’s adoption process. Alarmed, and frankly offended, by these largely unsubstantiated claims, Vietnam decided to shut down adoptions to the U.S., stalling cases that were already in motion and extending the adoption process for the LeRoys and others. While the politics played out, Nate waited an extra two years in an institution before arriving at his new home in the U.S. “
  • claiming Cambodia, Ethiopia and Guatemala were shut due to “politics”. Learn to Google DUDE. 2 seconds will yield the real stories there.
  • His final question should be directed to the AGENCIES who caused the shutdowns: “The question becomes: why aren’t we doing more to make international adoption a less problematic option for children in need of a home and families with room in their hearts?”

Holt and all his other agency cheerleaders should be Embarrassed smiley face to be associated with him.

(5) Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit VIII

National Pro-Life Adoption Conference Focuses on Orphan Crisis [Life News 5/2/12 by Ryan Bomberger]

Goofball interpretations and crazy statistics “Adoption is the essence of salvation. No adoption. No salvation. This should be part of a Christian worldview and inextricably woven into our DNA. There are, for instance, 117,057,366 American Evangelical adults who claim to have been adopted by God. There are 54,000 children who are not adopted on an annual basis. This means there are 2168 Evangelical adults for every single child in the foster care system who has not had a mommy and daddy to open their hearts and their home.”

Again, pitting abortion against adoption as if deciding WHO should parent is the same as opposing abortion.

I hear that they streamed it live. In order to listen to that I would have had to do this beer emoticon and smiley face making cocktail emoticon and drinking58.gif, Beer Funnel emote and Smiley emoticon alcohol drink beer and maybe when I was like this Smiley alcohol drunk I could have handled listening to it.

(6) For all public bloggers who just realized this week that PUBLIC means EVERYONE ON EARTH who can access the internet (well unless you live in China where Google masks things) can read what you say, you get a big, fat goofball smiley. Duh! yes that means not everyone will agree with you, !

(7) Lifeline opens Colombia program and claims that there are 11,000 kids needing international adoption.

There is no such thing as special needs children anymore,too! What a relief! They now just have “special characteristics.” Of course you can get a “scholarship” to adopt as well as a grant. It is so interesting to see the creative terminology that the adoption industry uses to move money from one place to another.


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