Craigslist Helps Adoptee Find Brother

By on 5-09-2012 in Adoptee Stories, Canada, Reunion, Texas

Craigslist Helps Adoptee Find Brother

After gaining her original birth certificate, she learned that her parents had died but that she had a full-blood brother.She had a possible location in Canada, so she randomly picked a city to put a Craigslist ad in…and it worked!

“A Levelland woman spent almost 50 years not knowing she had a brother. But now a simple Craigslist post has reunited them.

Lori Mcinturff was adopted at three days old. She was raised in a good family, but she always longed to know if her biological family was out there.
After years of searching, Mcinturff was able to track down her original birth certificate in December. Both of her biological parents had passed away, but she discovered that she had a long lost brother.
“I didn’t know I had a brother – a full blood brother – until about a month ago. It was my mission to find him and I had no idea how,” Mcinturff said.
Friday, she had the idea to post an ad on Craigslist. Armed with nothing but a name, a photo and a possible location of where he might be, Mcinturff uploaded the ad, never imagining what would happen just hours later.
“I thought, that’s a stupid idea, no one is ever going to read that. I clicked on Canada and all these towns came up, so I just picked one,” Mcinturff said.
Mcinturff believed her brother lived somewhere in British Columbia, but she had no idea exactly where. She just picked Victoria at random and it happened to be right. Within two hours, Mcinturff had an email waiting for her from Matt Beaumont, her brother.
“It was amazing. It was something that I never in my life thought would happen,” Mcinturff said.
The two quickly set up Skype and were able to lay eyes on each other for the first time.
“I remember covering up my face because I really wanted him to like me. I kept reaching up and touching his face, touching the monitor,” Mcinturff said.
The siblings have spent countless hours since their reunion, catching up on lost time and comparing their endless similarities.
“Our lips are the same, our eyes, our ears – and we’re both vertically challenged,” Mcinturff said.
Mcinturff is thankful for the technology that brought them together and has even sent a thank you note to Craigslist. Beaumont is planning on moving to Levelland from British Columbia to live near his long lost sister. “

Levelland woman finds long-lost brother on Craigslist
[KCBD 5/5/12 by Sarah-Blake Morgan]

According to, Beaumont’s friend had seen the Craigslist post and told him about it. Immediately, Beaumont — who had no idea that he had a sister named Lori — sent her the email introducing himself.

Since then, the siblings have spent hours video-chatting over the Internet, catching up on almost five decades of lost time and marveling at their many similarities — from sharing the same cheekbones to the same phobias.

“I can’t even explain the completeness — I’m 50 years old and I’m finally complete,” McInturff told ABC.

“To have Lori finally find me and close that circle — that was the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me in my life,” Beaumont added.

Craigslist Helps Texas Woman, Lori McInturff, Find Long Lost Brother, Matt Beaumont
[Huffington Post 5/7/12]

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