Pure Action is Pure Disappointing

By on 5-10-2012 in Buckner, Christian Adoption, Corruption

Pure Action is Pure Disappointing

The Winner for the Most Money Doled Out to Executives (Buckner) now has a “campaign” called Pure Action.

You can see their “Adoption Toolkit” in this pdf. Check out their book list on page 9. Orphanology? Really?

On Page 12 you will find their “related websites”. Of course, you would expect to find many Christian groups, but you also find JCICS and the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI) [Sidenote: One of their major members was steamrolled in the primaries just yesterday. Bon Voyage Lugar!]

When you look at another one of their links http://www.pureactionchurches.org/pa-resources.shtml you see that the Abba, Father. A 30 day devotional guide and toolkit celebrating the Hope of Family was “[w]ritten by several different authors, from Buckner staff, foster and adoptive parents, pastors, government leaders, and many top agency leaders, including International Justice Mission; Christian Alliance for Orphans; Embrace, Texas; Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute; and the National Council on Adoption.”

CCAI and other government leaders are the writers for a religious Buckner piece!Wow! Look at your tax dollars at work!

And you get to be part of the exclusive Jeremiah’s Hope if your church “invests $25,000 or more annually” in “ministries provided by Buckner.” See http://www.pureactionchurches.org/pa-support.asp

Well, they have to support those mega-salaries and compensations somehow! Daddy’s gotta eat, ya know!

REFORM Puzzle Piece

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