FacePalm Friday

Welcome to Week 1’s edition of FacePalm Friday.
This is where your hosts will list their top picks for this week’s FacePalm moment—something they learned or read about this week that caused the FacePalm to happen (you know, the expression of embarrassment, frustration, disbelief, shock, disgust or mixed humor as depicted in our Rally FacePalm smiley).
We invite you to add your FacePalm of the week to our comments. Go ahead and add a link, tell a personal story, or share something that triggered the FacePalm on the subject of child welfare or adoption. Early Friday evening, we’ll place a poll on the main page of our blog so you can vote for the worst FacePalm that week. The poll will remain open all weekend long. Be sure to check back with us on Monday for the final results!
Your Host’s Selections
Both Ends Burning T-Shirt Campaign. Glad to see someone filling the gap on orphan fashion. Food, shelter, education and family preservation are SO yesterday. http://bothendsburning.org/involved/
The article “Landlord shocked to find six young foster children sleeping in garage” from Canyon Lake Texas for both the story itself and the subsequent suppression of the story. The complete breakdown of the Texas Child Protective Services was on display when six school-aged foster children (male and female) were found to be living with a 30 year-old mentally challenged man in a garage of a therapeutic foster home after neighbors voiced concerns to CPS. While this was formerly linked at http://www.woai.com/news/local/story/Landlord-shocked-to-find-six-young-foster/qDeHSgpkt0GXLCX8kgIR_w.cspx, now the only readily accessible text of this story is on the Motherhood Deleted blog.
Billboard Prospective Adoptive Parents. It’s a fine line between letting the world know you are a family available to adopt and predator “WE WANT YOUR BABY” behavior. http://www.myfoxdetroit.com/dpp/news/local/couple-seeking-to-adopt-advertising-on-expressway-billboard-20101228-wpms
30 Steps.Perhaps the most glaring omission is that the expectant mother is not mentioned at all. I guess the baby just materializes at the hospital? http://www.opposingviews.com/i/30-steps-to-adopting-a-baby
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