RAD Movie “The Boarder”

By on 5-24-2012 in Adoption, Movies , TV, and Plays, RAD

RAD Movie “The Boarder”

The Boarder is based on real families that are dealing with RAD. The screenwriter is an adoptive parent that has two children with RAD.

See the movie website at The Boarder Movie.com.

Its world premiere will be on June 10, 2012 at the Grand Theatre in Grand Island, Nebraska.

Jane Ryan, the writer, says ““I think some people will be shocked and some will be frightened,” she said, citing the behavior of the boy in the movie. “Shocked that this is going on in so many homes around the world and that they are seeing it right up front.”

Ryan said many times even friends and extended family members do not believe a parent of a child with reactive attachment disorder when the parent tells of the things the child has done or said.

“Reactive attachment disorder is a brain development problem caused by trauma,” she said, adding that those who don’t understand the disorder just see the kids as being “bad.”

Ryan said the disorder, although increasingly diagnosed, is still not readily recognized by a lot of mental health professionals.

“(The film) is going to bring up strong emotions. There are people who will just love it and there are those who don’t because it will bring up experiences and hurts from their own past,” she said.

She believes it will also bring hope to the families that have gone through the experiences of reactive attachment disorder.

Ryan compared her film to one made in the 1950s called “The Bad Seed” about a young girl who killed several people apparently because she didn’t win an award.

“This is ‘The Bad Seed’ with hope,” she said, adding that in the 1950s almost no one would have known about reactive attachment disorder. “‘The Boarder’ is aimed at enlightening the viewer to the disorder and hopefully giving people hope that something can be done.”

Ryan said she believes many who have gone through the experience with their family will thoroughly enjoy the movie because it represents hope for those children.

Although the independent film is not rated, Ryan suggested the movie would probably get a PG-13 due to language and the tough issues that “having this child in the family brings up.”

“The movie has nationally known actors, including Dee Wallace and Leslie Stevens, as well as newcomer Andy Scott Harris. She said several of the actors, both those in Nebraska and California, will be at the premiere along with the director and producer to meet with those who attend.

A full “red-carpet” event is planned, and a question and answer period will follow each screening. Eventually, Ryan also plans to have screenings of the movie in Kearney, Lincoln and Omaha, as well as Los Angeles, because in order to get a nomination for the Academy Awards the film must be released either there or New York.

“There is no point in dreaming half way,” Ryan said with a smile about the chance of the independent film winning such an award.

Ryan has firsthand experience with the type of behavior seen in the movie with two of her own adopted children.”

Ravenna-filmed movie may cause emotional reaction

[The Independent 5/18/12 by Amy Schweitzer]


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One Comment

  1. Perhaps parents of allegedly RAD-afflicted children would get more sympathy (or just less hostility) from the world at large if they didn’t so often:

    1) pull their kids out of public school b/c RADish kindergartner committed the HORRIFIC crime of suckering her teacher into chasing her around the yard or giving her extra snacks:

    2) flat-out refuse to let her children participate in the neighborhood Easter egg hunt and be rude to the folks who had the TEMERITY to invite her kiddos to a fun event. It’s no biggie to decline an invitation, but why can’t Rad Mommy be a little more polite about it?

    3) Attempt to start WW3 with a public school because it will not cancel Halloween/forbid any all Halloween decorations/accidentally gave her little RADish a lollipop (and apologised profusely for this mistake):

    4) Go ballistic when the high school her 19 year old RADISH (gee, that is a LEGAL ADULT in the U.S.) does not give her advance warning of a fire drill that “terrified” the RADish. Why teach a kid to cope when you can simply yell at her school?

    5) Flat-out refuse to let her 16 year old RADish see the Hunger Games (reasonable), read the Hunger Games (reasonable too) or hang out in the vicinity of anyone who might see/discuss/mention this popular children’s lit novel-turned-movie in the presence of her darling RADish (bonkers!).
    flat-out refuse to let your 15 year old RADish see the Hunger Games. Or read the Hunger Games. Or http://traumamamat.blogspot.ca/2012/04/trauma-mama-movie-review-hunger-games.html

    6) RAD Mommy complains she has no friends but ADMITTEDLY and REGULARLY and for FIVE CONSECUTIVE YEARS does not return phone calls, reciprocate invitations and reacts with outright hostility to friends saying unforgiveable things like “oh, my kid does that [annoying little kid thing] too!!”… RAD Mommy also has the gall to write a post “10 ways to support a RAD Mom” that includes fun, rationale stuff like:

    Idea #2 Never tell a RAD Mom stuff like “I’m sooo tired cuz my newborn wakes up 10 times a night”, since RAD Mommy obviously has it 100000x worse.

    Idea #4 Keep reaching out to RAD Mom, even if she spent 5 years being rude to you, not returning your calls or reciprocating your invitations. Everyone, of course, deserves grace from their loved ones, especially when they’re having a hard time… but no one (not even RAD Moms) are entitled to treat their friends so horribly for so many years and expect them to stick around.

    Note: RAD Mommies talk about natural consequences ALL the time. Perhaps the natural consequences of being horrid to your dear friends are that, well, they do not think you are quite so DEAR anymore.

    RAD mommies are all about “natural consequences” for their RADishes… but somehow fail to notice that the “natural consequences” of takingTAKINGtakignTAKING without reciprocating EVER AT ALL for years is that, well, your once-dear friends step away from you for being a REMORA!!!

    Idea #7 Bring dinner for RAD Mommy’s family, because she’s too tired to cook, shop or be polite to you ever.


    7) Withdraw your 13 yr old RADish daughter from public school because a snotty classmate gives her dirty looks. Withdraw her from dance class AND Sunday school too. Keep the kid sequestered at home because the RADish is obviously too fragile to be expected to ignore a dirty look from a classmate, or keep it

    Publicly announce you’ll be homeschooling your 13 year old RADish daughter AND forbidding her to go to Sunday school because there are some mean girls at her school. Why insist a RADish learn the social skills to cope with a snotty classmate (and one day a snotty cooworker).

    8) Strange parenting paradigms: RADish complains that her friends are excitedly chatting about starting middle school last year, which invariably causes RADish to have a giant screaming fit. Wanna guess whether RAD Mommy tells her RADish 1) that lots kids are scared about moving to a new school, but some kids are excited too. If she does not wanna talk about middle school, she can try to change the subject, play soccer at recess, hang out with another friend, etc. Having a screaming fit is a bad strategy for not alienating your friends OR 2) that she’s perfect just the way she is and her screaming meltdowns at the mere mention of “middle school” is fine and that her friends are totally in the wrong if they don’t indulge the RADish 18 screaming fits per day?

    RADish (age 11) has multiple meltdowns in the morning when getting dressed – and RAD Mommy indulges them, snuggles and tickles and loves on her little RADish through 5x fits per morning and is PROUD of loving her child through RADIsh’s bad behaviour because RADish had a traumatic childhood . Although this is a lovely sentiment, RADish still has 5 fits per morning. Reinforcing bad behaviour much?


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