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1:17 Center for Global Adoption
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A Kids Place of Tampa Bay
A Love Beyond Borders
A New Arrival Inc
A New Begin Preg. & Adopt.
AAA Full Circle Adoptions
AAC Adoption & Fam. Net.
Aadarana orphanage
AAI Michigan
Aaliyah Benka
Aaliyah Rodriguez
Aaron Abbott
Aaron Carter
Aaron Jones
Aaron Michael McLawhon
Aaron Ritz
Aaron Thomas Isaac
Aarti Dhar & Kanwaljitsinh Raizada
Aaziyah Wright
Abbott House
Abby Robbins
Abby’s One True Gift
Abdifatah Mohamud
Abdulrahman Khalil
Abel and Diana Ortega
Aberlour Orphanage
Abigail and Hannah Hart
Aboriginal children
Abraxas Youth & Family Svc
Abrazo Adoption Associates
Abuse by Houseparents
Abuse in adoption
Abuse in Boarding School
Abuse in domestic adoption
Abuse in foster care
Abuse in group home
Abuse in guardianship
Abuse in Hospital
Abuse in Juvenile Justice Facility
Abuse in Orphanages
Abuse in refugee youth shelter
Abuse in respite care
Abuse in Surrogacy
Abuse of adult adoptee
Acadia Montana
Acadia RTC
Accreditation Agencies
Accreditation Cancellation
Accreditation Expired
Accreditation Relinquishment
Accreditation Suspended
Ace Scott
ACH Child and Family Srv
Acres of Hope
Across the World
Action Inc.
Adair R. Fish
Adair Youth Dev Ctr
Adam and Jennifer Duhon
Adam and Jill Hodge
Adam Crapser
Adam Herrman
Adam Snyder
Adam Stein
Adarion Curry
Adeline Mathers
Adelphoi Village
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Adoption Link
Adoption Matters Inc
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Adoption Rocks
Adoption Scams
Adoption Search Registry
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Adoption Service Providers
Adoption Source
Adoption Star
Adoption Statistics
Adoption Tax Credit
Adoption Unlimited Inc
Adoptions by Shephards Care
Adoptions Int.of Texas
Adoptive Parents
Adrian Vigil and Heidi Velasquez
Adrianna and Lexi Morris
Adult Adoption
Advocate for Orphans
Advocates for Child & Families
Aedyn Agminalis
Africa Adoption Services
African Children’s Charities
African Cradle
Agape Mission Orphanage
Agency Lawsuits
Agency Marketing
Aging out of foster care
Ahadi Mukeshimana
Ahmed Amer
Aiden Seeley
Aidian Ejnik
Aimee Friz
Aimee Gardiner
Aimee Moreland
AJ Iverson
Ajit Dabhokar
Akanksha Infertility Clinic
Alan and Laura Shatto
Alan Fox
Alan Friz
Alan Hoyt
Alan L. Chase
Alan Todd and Kenneth Owen
Alana Tate
Alba Care Services
Albert Cusson
Albert Ferrell
Albert Sly
Alberto Garcia
Alberto Rodriguez
Aldina Sulejmani
Aldrin West
Alecia Thomas
Alegend Jones
Alejandra Marin
Alejandro Andreas Perez Jr
Aleksander Kurmoyarov
Aleksei,Anastasia,Svetlana Klimov
Alessandra Terin Bishop
Alex and Benjie Vidinhar
Alex Gervais
Alex H
Alex Kelly
Alex Medina
Alex Pino and Michelle Sipko
Alex Raichman
Alexander Abnosov
Alexander Adams Jackson
Alexander Cusworth
Alexander James Lowell-Henry
Alexander Laws
Alexander Mills
Alexander Pedraza
Alexandria Griffin-Heady
Alexandria Hill
Alexina Kelbie
Alexis and Laurie Bailey
Alexis Baxter
Alexis Green
Alexis Hargrove
Alexis Long
Alexis Shields
Alfonso Porto
Alfred Lang
Alfred Schaffer
Alfreda Atkins
Alfredo Gonzalo Cajas Barrios
Alfredo Saldana
Alicia Moore
Alissa Guernsey
Alissa Martin
Alissa Turney
Alize Vick
All About Adoption Services
All About U Adoptions
All Gods Children
Allan David Falls
Allen Charles Davidson
Allen Clayton Fulks
Allen H Reese
Allen McCullough III
Allenia Bledsoe
Allison Fowler
Alloma Gilbert
Alma Holland
Alma Valle Flores de Mejia
Alona Hartwig
Alphonso Davis
Altariq Mitchell & Daquan “Tank” Patton
Alternative Family Services
Alternatives for Children & Families
Alvin Lee Robinson
Always Hope Adoption Agency
Always Hope Pregnancy Center LLC
Alysa Horney
Alyssa Broderick
Alyssa Sierra Jackson
Amanda Burling
Amanda Carrigan
Amanda Foster
Amanda Glass
Amanda Hellman & Cindy Fortner
Amanda Rose Santos
Amanda Tatam
Amanda Wells
Amanda White
Amari Boone
Amariana Crenshaw
Amazing Grace Adoptions
Amber Alexander
Amber Clark
Amber Marie Harris
Amber McElravy
Amber Olson
Amber Richards
Amber Wright
Ame Deal
Amelia Jiminez
America World
America’s Angels
American Adoption Agency
American Adoption Services
Americans for African Adoptions
Americans Helping America
Amiezul Al-Ikram Mohamed
Amir Abu-Alya
Amiyabala Sethi
Amory and Payshience Adams
Amy Fuller
Amy Galloway
Amy Holder
Amy Owens
Amy Petrick
Amy Slanina
Amy Sweeney
Amy Walls
Amythz “Amy” Dye
An Open Door Adoption Agency
Ana Loera (Charisma Marquez)
Ana Pineda
Anastasia Rober
and Dwayne Allen
Andre Jones
Andrea and Lance Dixon
Andrea McCurdy
Andreas V
Andrej Michael Schwaab
Andres Alex Ramos
Andrew and Brianna Holmes
Andrew Arthur Butler
Andrew Burd
Andrew Dolan
Andrew Duong
Andrew Grant
Andrew John Hemara
Andrew Lee
Andrew Potter
Andrew Prior
Andrew Setzer
Andrew William Bosch
Andris Logins
Andy Cannon
Angel Bravo
Angel Fernandez
Angel Foster-Burks
Angel Guardian Orphanage
Angel Lance Place
Angel’s Haven Outreach
Angela and Malcolm Cobler
Angela Christine Caraway
Angela Freiner
Angela Lytle
Angela Michelle Wilkerson
Angela Moore
Angela Petrov
Angela Thompson
Angeldance International
Angelic Adoptions
Angelina Espalin
Angels Haven
Angelymar Morrison
Angkor Orphan Organization
Anita Dunning and Cynthia Moore
Aniyah Batchelor
Aniyah Darnell
Ann Marie Francis
Ann Pettway
Ann Seymour
Anna & Wieslaw Cz
Anna Fugate
Anna Livingston
Anna Mahlangu
Anna Marie Riggs
Anna-Lise Rainey
Annabelle Pomeroy
Annasophia Calman
Anne and John Nieland
Anne Marie Hinrichs
Annette-Maree & Anthony Franzetis
Annissa Schoolfield
Anri du Toit and Watkin Jones
Anson Stover
Anthony Aduesi
Anthony and Amanda Wyres
Anthony Armenta
Anthony Bluml
Anthony Cline
Anthony E. White
Anthony Fusco
Anthony Lamar Jones
Anthony Lamey
Anthony Mallett
Anthony McClain
Anthony Parker
Anthony Puscavage
Anthony Rivera
Anthony Talley
Anthony Vasquez
Anthony Waiters
Anthony Walton
Anthony Ybarra
Anthony Zarro
Antoinette Knox
Anton Ageyev and Larisa Ageyeva
Anton Batrakov
Anton Fomin
Antonio and Ashlee Vaughan
Antonio Aranda
Antonio Dennis
Antonio Evans
Antonio Hopkins
Antonio Lopez
Antonio Ware Suarez
Antonio Whitlow
Anturrell Nathaniel Dean
Anya James
Anyelí Liseth Hernández Rodríguez
AP Corruption Stories
Apna Ghar
Apollo House
Apparent Project
APpreciate it!
April and Jeff Henderson
April and John McDowell
April and Rachel Wright
April Dils
April Elizabeth McDowell
Arabella McCormack
Arc Adoption
ARC of Meriden-Wallingford
Archdiocese of Boston
Ariana Gonzalez Salas
Ariana Jackson
Arianna Hunziker
Arianna Smith
Arianna Taylor
Ariel and Jerry Robinson
Ariel Starcher
Ariyanna Pivachek
Ariza Barreras
Arizona Department of Child Safety’s Qualified Residential Treatment Program
Arizona Mentor
Arjun Bhosle
Arlene Duncan
Armando Armero
Arrow Child abd Family Ministries
Arshid Hussain
Arthur Clarridge
Arthur Joyce
Arti Dhir
Arti Dhir and Kanwaljit Raizada
Arturo Alcantar Vitela
Artyom Savelyev
Arun Bhadoria
Arya Orphanage
Asher Potts
Ashley Chagnon
Ashley Goodrich
Ashley Johnson
Ashley Nichole Harmon
Ashley Pearce-Piffrerini
Ashley Ramirez
Ashley Rhodes-Courter
Ashraya Children’s Home
Ashton Carifelle
Ashton Sachs
Asia Oropeza
Astor Home for Children
Astrid Ash
Asunta Yong Fang Basterra Porto
Athena Angeles
Atlantis Leadership Academy
Atonio Kavea
Attempted Kidnapping
Attollo Boys Group Home
Atul Thapar
Aubrey Littlejohn
Aubrey Thomas
Auditory Processing Disorder
Audrey Joyce Hernandez
Audrey Nicole Hannaford
Aundria Michelle Bowman
Aunt Martha’s
Aunt Martha’s Integrated Care Center
Aurora Espinal-Cruz
Austin Andreason
Austin Bryant
Austin Davis
Austin Hanna
Austin Hunt
Austin Schindler
Avalena Conway-Coxon
Avalonia Group Home
Avantae Deven
Avshalom Cohen
Avtar Singh and Veerpal Kaur
Ayana Bennett
Ayanna Ross
Ayden Spoon
Ayesha’s Light
Aza Ray Vidinhar
B & L Res for Child. Youth & Families
B. Columbia Min. of Child. & Fam. Dev.
Baby Back Home
Baby box
Baby Life
Baby Plan Med. Tech. Company
Bad legislation
Bair Foundation
Bal Mandir
Baltara Reception Centre
Balwinder Singh and Saravjit Kaur
Bambi Glazebrook
Bao Yuming
Barbara Brooks
Barbara Jean Krause
Barbra Peterson and Alan Small
Bari Joy Williams
Barker Adoption Foundation
Barnado’s Find A Family Program
Barrett Koches
Barry and Carol Bennett
Barry and Marla Giglio
Barry Dugar
Basheer M
Batshaw Youth & Family Centres
Bawjiase Countryside
Bay Area Adoption Services
Beacon House
Beatrice Hatcher Biggs
Becky Hammer and Brandy Cooney
Becky L. Pickering
Belinda Cazeras
Belle Roeting
Ben Fields
Benchmark Family Srv
Benito and Carol Gutierrez
Benjamin Anaya
Benjamin J Wright
Benjamin Roberts
Benjamin Wyrembek
Benjamin Yhip
Bennett Pladl
Berkshire Farm Center and Service for Youth
Berkshire Farms
Bernadette Hernandez
Bernard Desroches
Bernhard Glaser
Bernie and Melissa Harmon
Bertha Savoy
Bery’s Place
Beteseb Felega-Ethiopian Adoption Connection
Beth Bond
Bethanna Adoption Agency
Bethany Home
Bethany Loerke
Bethany Sizemore & Chester Combs
Bethcar Children’s Home
Betram Lussier
Betty Hall
Betty Jo Krenz
Betty’s Home & Health Services
Bianca Krakofsky
Bibi Hasenaar
Bill Embry
Bill Stidman
Bill Sutley
Bill Varnado
Billy DeWayne Allen
Billy Duval Williams
Billy Mitchell
Billy Paul Embry-Martin
Birth Certificates
Birth Father
Birthfamily Search
Bittersweet Justice
Black Adoption Placement
Blackstone Valley You and Fam Collab
Blake and London Deven
Blanca Starr
Blancho Brumfield
Blessed Hope Boys Academy
Bo Li and Meigan Lin
Bobbi Jo Johnson
Bobby Glen Burrell
Bobby Joe Kastning
Bobby Nevares
Bobby Wayne Turman
Bonnie Lilitz
Bonnie Pattinson
Book list
Book Reviews
Both Ends Burning
Boyd and Stephanie Householder
Boys and Girls Home of Nebraska
Boys Haven
Boys Home of the South
Boys Town
Brad George
Brad J. Talley
Brad Thill
Bradford and Andra Sachs
Bradley J. and Kimberly M. Fahrenkrug
Bradley S. Bieganski
Bradley Wyant
Bradyen Allen
Brae’ Leigh Bode
Brajesh Thakur
Branden Burkhardt
Brandi Michelle Savage
Brandon and Viviana Gunn
Brandon Crisel
Brandon Hadlock
Brandon Hoffman
Brandon Howard Daniel
Brandon J. Weathers
Brandon Riggs
Brandon van Rooyen
Brandy and Thomas Blas
Brandy Renee Harsh
Braxton Slager-Lewin
Braxton Taylor
Braydyn Scheidt
Braylen Clark
Brenda Amy and Shawn Parise
Brenda Faye Brown
Brenda Wilkes
Brenna Elizabeth Cervino
Brett Blomme
Breyanna Kalk
Bri’Jean Swain
Brian and Monica Campbell
Brian and Rivae Hart
Brian Bond
Brian Criswell
Brian Dykstra
Brian Farmer
Brian Jackson
Brian McCormack
Brian O’Callaghan
Brian Scott Innes
Brian Session
Brian William O’Leary
Brianna Manning
Brianna Rose-Jackson
Bridge of Hope Children’s Home
Bridger Franklin Boyd
Bridget Martinez
Bridget Wismer
Bridgette Frields
Bridgeway Group Home
Brien Reed and Veronica Hall
Bright Star Adoption Agcy
Brigitte Van Nice
Brionna Janee Sherrill
British Assoc for Adoption & Fostering
Britney Jane Little Dove Nelson
Britney Tongel
Brittany Hackney
Brittany Hill
Brittany Ison
Brittany Legler
Brittany Pittman
Brittney Dainty
Brittney Pryce
Brodi McVeigh
Brogan Duhon
Brooklyn Coons
Brother Edward Anthony “Tony” Holmes
Brothers Home
Brownson House
Bruce Allen Gee
Bruce Castelow
Bruce Jackson “Jack” Biggs
Bryan Boyer
Bryan Grove
Bryan Meeder
Bryant Davis
Bryce Alexander Hooper
Bryce Andrews
Bryn Alyn Community home
Bryson Joshua “Bula ” Mahoe
Bryson Lowell
Buckeye Ranch
Buddy Cook
Building Arizona Families
Burt and Edith Gordon
Butler County Juv. Justice Center
Byron Clark
C. T. Wlison
Cairo Stenson
Cal Farleys Boys Ranch
Caleb and Jill Haverdink
Caleb Xavier Randolph
Calista Springer
Callen Lee Mullins
Calvin Lee Kinloch
Cam Ouskan
Camelot Community Care
Cameron Hoopingarner
Cameron Weaver
Camp Hope
Campagna Academy
Camreta v Greene
Candace Lee Johnson
Candice Lassiter
Canyon River Ranch Group Home
Cape Fear Respite
Care 4 Children
Care Cottage
Caren Ramirez
Cari Michelle Eckhart
Carie Terry
Caring for Kids
Carl and Tyler Zachare
Carl Benedict Guerin
Carl Delano Thomas
Carl Edward Brewer
Carl Gilbert
Carla and Jose Pedro
Carla Bousman
Carla Chambers
Carla Garcia
Carlina Freeman
Carlina White
Carlisle Johnson Floyd
Carlos Ariel Perez
Carlos Castillo
Carlos Hallowell
Carlos Nava
Carlos Valencia
Carlos Winbush
Carlotta Brett-Pierce
Carlton and Alani Otero
Carlton Palms
Carmel Hartman
Carmen Barahona
Carmen Ellis
Carmen Longarela Latas
Carmen Vázquez Lamela
Carnell Williams
Carol Barbieri
Carol J. Schmidt
Carol Twietmeyer
Carolina Adoption Services
Carolyn Jackson
Carolyn Mathis
Carri Williams
Carrie Chung
Carrie Cutler
Case Review
Casey and Sandy Parsons
Casey Ray Miller
Cassandra Shepard
Cassidy Renee Lemmon
Cassondra Goodson
Castledare boys home
Caswell Frans
Catalyst Foundation
Caterina Whitten
Cath. Valley Group Home for Boys
Catherine Benoist
Catherine Dufresne
Catherine Gana
Catherine McDonnell
Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities Baltimore
Catholic Charities of Arlington
Catholic Charities of Cleveland
Catholic Charities of Fairfield
Catholic Charities of Richmond
Catholic Charities of Staten Island
Catholic Charities of Tennessee
Catholic Church
Catholic Comm. Srv of W. Washington
Catholic Family Center
Catholic Services Akron
Catholic Social Services
Cathy O’Donnell
Cathy Rainbolt
Cathy Whitlock Lowe
Cecilia Whatman Home
Cedar Ridge Children’s Home
Celebrate Children International
Center for Family Service
Center of Progressive Strides
Certificate of Citizenship
Cesar Gonzales-Mugaburu
Cevin Smallwood
CG Sasikumar
Cha Mok Liong & Fong Ah Fong
Chad Chritton
Chaitanya Varekar
Chance Witherington
Chancey Miller
Chandler Grafner
Chandler McLain-Norris
Chandra Zarembinski
Chandraprabha Charitable Trust
Charlene and Marcus Tabb
Charles Alexander
Charles and Margaret Breeze
Charles and Matthew Edmonson
Charles and Suzan Sealock
Charles Dustin Rickett
Charles Fischer
Charles Garay
Charles Homich
Charles McMullen
Charles Parker
Charles Wadlington
Charlie Compton
Charlie Conn
Charlotte and George Tracey
Charmaine & Jacory Williams
Chase Dakota Bridges
Chasity Alcosiba
Chassie Pietrolungo
Chava Jackson
Chehalem Youth & Family Services
Chelsea Schobert
Chelsye Reagan Witcher
Chemy “Samuel” Watulingas
Chereece Bell
Chereyl Coffelt
Cheryl Christopher
Cheryl Lane
Chester A. Breiney(Markku Jutila)
Cheung Wai-yin
Chevonne Thomas
Chicago Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital
Child & Family Serv. of Cen. Manitoba
Child & Family Serv. of W.Manitoba
Child Abuse
Child and Parent Resource Institute
Child Care Bureau
Child Collector
Child Death
Child Neglect
Child Saving Institute
Child Welfare
Child Welfare Reform
Childhaven of NE Pennsylvania
Childplace inc
Children Family of Iowa
Children in Crisis
Children of All Nations
Children’s Advocacy Institute
Children’s Aid Society
Children’s Center
Children’s Home
Children’s Home Society of CA
Children’s Home Society of Florida
Children’s Home Society of MN
Children’s Home Society of NC
Children’s Hope International
Children’s Hope Residential
Children’s House International
Children’s Receiving Home
Children’s Residential Home
Children’s Rights
Children’s Home + Aid
Children’s Home Soc. of Cntrl Florida
Children’s Home Society of WV
Chilean Adoptees Worldwide
China Adoption With Love
Chinese Children Adoption International
Chris and Alicia Johnson
Chris McCall
Chris Reynolds
Chris Rock
Christen Morgan
Christian Adoption
Christian Adoption Services
Christian Alliance for Orphans
Christian and Virginia Seagren
Christian Brothers
Christian Children’s Ranch
Christian Family Care
Christian Family Services
Christian Hall
Christian Henderson
Christian Hoelke
Christian Homes and Families
Christian Jessica Deana
Christian Richmond
Christian Robles
Christie Vaughn
Christina Coleman
Christina Davis Jolly
Christina Denise Bell
Christina Harms
Christina Meeks
Christina Sneary
Christine Ann Laverdiere
Christine Arnold
Christine Evelyn Baughman
Christine LaPorte
Christine McGowan
Christine Ormiston
Christine Rodriguez
Christine Teldeschi
Christine Woodward
Christines Home
Christof Kreb
Christoph Bigley/Beagley
Christopher Allen
Christopher and Anthony Wheeler
Christopher Carlisle
Christopher Carlton
Christopher Coggins
Christopher Cooksley
Christopher Cornett
Christopher Couret
Christopher Fourcade
Christopher Henry
Christopher Mitchell
Christopher Newman
Christopher Perez
Christopher Purnell
Christopher Saitta
Christopher Schutzius
Christopher Seaton
Christopher Spann
Christopher Spry
Christopher St. Clair
Christopher Wade Lum
Christopher Williams
Christy Mae Pensinger
Christy Shaffer
Chrysalis Health
Chrysalis House
Chrystal Rippey
Church of Bible Understanding
Church of South India
Ciera Beauchamp
Cierra and Wyatt Morris
Cindy Palmer
Cindy Patriarchias
Circle C Youth and Family Services
Circle of Friends
Circle of Hope Girls Ranch
Citrus Health Network
Claire Greer
Claire Huenefeld
Claire McDonald
Claires House
Clara Edwards
Clarence and Debbie Garcia
Clarence C. Garretson
Claretta Simpson House
Clarinda Academy
Clarissa and Brett Tobiasson
Clark County
Classic and Cinsere Pettus
Claudette Foster
Claudia Nunes
Claybon Hawthorne
Clayton Burks
Clemmie H. Tucker
Cleo Klepzig
Cleveland and Lisa Cox
Clifford and Dixie Short
Clifford L. Rohadfox
Clinton Burgess
Clinton Carr
Clontarf boys home
Clos des Sables
Closed Adoption
Codrick Mantrell McCall Jr
Cody and Felicia Beemer
Cody Keith Sartin
Cody Metzker-Madsen
Colby Nielsen
Colin Gibson
Colin Steffee
Colleen M. Henderson
College preparation
Collette Gorman and Alvin Jensen
Collin Holdgrafer
Colten Lee Lange
Colton Clark
Comm. Care Resources of Middleton
Comm. Res. Rehab. Group Home
Community Residences
Community Vision
Concern Inc
Concetta Charles
Connecting Roots
Conner Hawes
Connor Eckhardt
Connor Homes
Connor Yoseph Green
Consuela Wallace
Consuella Wallace
Contemporary Family Services
Cooper Chen
COR Enterprises
Coral Hall
Cordell Baugh-Samuels
Core d’Ivoire
Corey Breininger
Corey Foster
Corinne Stephen
Cornecia McDaniel
Cornelius Fredricks
Cornelius R. Smith
Cornerstone Cottage
Correct Care Solutions
Cory and Stephanie Valdez
Costa Rica
Countryside Children’s Welfare Home
Courtney Liltz
Courtney Lynn Allen
Courtney Scott
Courtney Waxler
CPS Incompetence
Cradle of Hope
Craig Dickens
Craig Smith
CranioSacral Therapy
Creative Adoptions Inc
Cristan James Rooms
Cristian Fernandez
Crossroads House
Crystal Allen
Crystal and Ralph Burrell
Crystal Bentley
Crystal Dinklocker
Crystal Kay Miner
Crystal Lange/Chrissy Vaughn
Crystal Magee
Crystal Sells
Crystal Wilson
Curtis Maxie
Cynthia Carroll
Cynthia Collier
Cynthia Greenwood
Cynthia Hudson
Cynthia Hunter
Cynthia Roman
Cynthia Stoltzmann
Cypress House
Cyrenity Gordon
Cyrus Blakley
Czech Republic
D’Juan Anderson
DaCayla Green
Dacey Spinuzzi
Dacota Geoffrey Smith
Daequan Wimberly
Daevon Branon-Banks
Daisy Holmes
Dakota Lee Ross-Hall
Dakota Ojibway Child & Fam Serv
Dakota Stevens
Dakota Wayne Singletary
Dale Beckering
Dale Owen
Dale Young
Dalon Holmes
Damari William Singleton
Damaud Martin
Damian Hauschultz
Damon Adams
Damon Robison
Damon White
Dan Charcholla
Dan Hoy
Dana Baker
Dana Fouse
Dana Hatch
Dana Lawrence
Dana Lemieux
Dana Schneider
Danaejah Harper
Dane and Jenifer Thyssen
Dani Isabella Jean
Dania Haros
Daniel Adam Williams
Daniel Alan Yolinsky
Daniel and Ashley Schwarz
Daniel and Jenise Spurgeon
Daniel and Shanynn L. Kemp
Daniel Dumas
Daniel G. Lomeli
Daniel Hennen
Daniel Horton
Daniel Huertas
Daniel Johnson
Daniel Lindholm-Wilkins
Daniel Marshall
Daniel McCarthy
Daniel Prentice Donaldson
Daniel Pye
Daniel Quiring Stoesz
Daniel William Hulings
Daniel Wright
Danielle Clark
Danielle Hinton
Danielle Holdgrafer
Danielle Kelley
Danielle McKinney
Danielle Yates & John Henry Yates
Daniil Bukharov
Daniil Krichun
Danna McCullough
Danny and Brenda Wing
Danyala Smith
Daphne Jackson
Darla Owen
Darlene Chess
Darlene Valdovinos-Aguilera
Darlington School
Darnell Taylor
Daron Lamar Whitworth
Darrell E. Beck
Darrell Fugate
Darrell Girardeau
Darren Bradley
Darren Gardner
Darrin Keith Reid
Darryl Earl Houston
Darryl Jackson
Darryll Duane Jeter Jr
Daruk Training School
Daryl Brougham
Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul
Dave Howard Dixon
David A Geary
David and Angel Cook
David and Anke Doehm
David and Judith Deal
David and Kathy Oaks
David and Rejeana Moss
David Avilla
David B. “Barney” Allen
David Baldwin
David Barber
David Burgos
David Cannon and John Scarfe
David Carpenter
David Carroll
David Coffelt
David Corrick
David Coyle
David Davis
David Diaz
David Fahey
David Frodsham
David Hennessy and Nigel Putman
David Huges
David John Marcussen
David Joseph Kiluk
David Leggatt
David Louis
David Lynn McMillian
David Lynn Richards Jr
David McCourt
David Meehan
David Norman Elliott
David Oakley
David R. and Melissa Faulkner
David Richard Faulkner
David Roman
David Smolin
David Sykes and Charmaine James
David Wayne Campbell
David Wayne Murphey
David Whatahomigie
David Whitten
David Zarifi
Davinder Singh
Davion Only
Dawaun King
Dawn Aberson-Vanden Broecke
Dawn McKenzie
Dawndrell M. Martin
Dawnyle Kaestner& Darren Durham
Dawud McKelvin
Daylen Brown
Daystar Residential
Dayveon Lathrop
DCCCA Tallgrass Family Services
Deah Adams
Dean Alan Smith
Dean Gathercole
Deana Marie Day
Deandre Green
Deandrea Washington
Deanna Martinez
Deanza Jones
Debbie Decarvalho
Debbie Fischer
Debbie Overby
Deborah and Larry Dutton
Deborah and Matthew Wiles
Deborah Ann Jarrell
Deborah Barnes
Deborah Cutrary
Deborah Headen
Deborah Keeley
Deborah Wen-Yee Mark
Debra Galloway
Debra Geron
Debra Greenspan
Debra Johnson
Debra Lane
Debra Parris
Debra Zeldin
Dee Saint Franc
DeeAnn Hale
Deidra Harris
Deidre Anne Matthews
Delamontray Robinson
Delila Pacheco
Delis Stevens
Delonna Sullivan
Delores Ann Gordon
Delshawn Renee Little
Delvonn Heckard
Delylah and Shaun Tara
Demar Foster
Demetris Taquan Cooper
Demetrius Minor
Demetrius Tyler
Demiyah White
Demons in Adoption
Denah Shirey
Denetta Franks
Denis Flynn
Denise Atkocaitis
Denise Deane
Denise Hallowell
Denisse Lisbeth Romero
Dennis Butry
Dennis Donnelly
Dennis E. Jack
Dennis James Sullivan Jr
Dennis John McKenna
Dennis Lee Bowman
Dental Issues
Denzel Thompson
Deondrick Foley
Dequan and Latrisha Greene
Derek Bayer
Derek Benham
Derek Lee Rakes
Derric Campbell
Derrick Brady
Derrick Hensley
Derron Alexis
Desert Hills RTC
Deshaun Becton
Desi Scarbrough
Desiree Linares
Desiree Smolin
Desmond Elijah Dunlap
Desmond Gore
Desmond M. LaPean
Desmond Wright
Destine King
Destiny Cox
Destiny Delgado
Destiny Linden
Detroit Behavioral Institute/Capstone Academy
Devanna Deamber Dotson
Devantae Beard
Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health
Devereux Cleo Wallace
Devin Michael Wood
Devin Parsons
Devin Patrick Kelley
Devin Wesley
Devon Freeman
Devonda and James Friday
Devonte and Ciera Hart
Dexter Carl Pleasure
Diana Furuholmen
Diana Natasha Mack
Diana Screen
Diana Sofia De Los Santos
Diane and Timothy Combs
Diane Ervin
Diane McClements
Diane Ramirez
Dianne McClements
Dieter Claus Bucher
Diler Fazal Husain Abbas
Dilico Anishinabek Family Care
Dillard Duane Henline Jr
Dima James Tower
Dino Cardelli
Diocese of Rochester
Dionicio Perez
Directions for Living
Disability Rights
District of Columbia
DJ and Kaydence McCullom
DNA Uses in Adoption
Domanic Brown
Domestic Adoption
Dominic James
Dominic Lloyd Lee Elkins
Dominic McGee
Dominic Owens
Dominican Republic
Dominique Lindsey
Don Dale Youth Detention Centre
Donald and Sharon Windey
Donald Earl and Linda Hannah
Donald Ellis Lehmbeck
Donald Eugene Kelley
Donald Hauser
Donald Hoffman
Donald Holder
Donald Lantz
Donald Magee
Donald Ray Lewis
Donaldson Adoption Institute
Donavan D. Faucette
Donia Hassan
Donna and John Daugherty
Donna Irving
Donna M. Currey
Donnie Snook
Donor Conceived
Donte May
Dontel Jeffers
Dorah Mirembe
Doris Amponsah Apori
Doris Becky Trujillo
Dorothea Vega
Dorothy Brown
Dorothy McGee
Doubleview Group Home
Doug Herrman
Doug Prochazka
Doug Wirth
Douglas and Kim Sherman
Douglas Barbour
Douglas Buckwell
Douglas County DOC
Douglas Lee Chubb
Douglas Messimer
Dove Adoptions
Dovia Pernell
Down Syndrome
Downey Side
Dr Irshad Ali Shivji
Draco Ford
Dream House Youth Services
Drew Anne Hamrick
Drug Use
Duane Fletcher
Duane James
Duncan Ritchie
Durante Tirado
Dusten Brown
Dustin Gregory Todd
Dustin Kinser
Dwayne Desmone Mitchell
Dwayne Hardy
Dwight Solander
Dylan Bennett
Dylan Farrow
Dylan Lee King
Dyllon Hall
Eagle Quest
Eagle Rock Boys Ranch
Earl Hoffman
Earl Kimmerling
Earl Steidl
Earl William Opetaia
Earnest Fugate
Earnest Perry
Eastern Oregon Academy
Echo Terry
Ed Cargill
Ed Murray
Ed Sterling
Eddie Byrd
Eddie Davis
Eddie Thomas
Eddie Vera
Eddie Wormwood
Edelwina Leschinsky
Edelyn Yhip
Edgar Geraldo Guzman Perez
Edgar Morey
Edgar R. Torrance
Edgewood Center for Child & Fam
Edmond Gonzales
Edmund Trent
Education Reform
Edward Anand
Edward and Elizabeth Holmes
Edward Avery
Edward Berry
Edward Bryant
Edward Drones
Edward Dylan Bryant
Edward Foulk Jr
Edward Hancox
Edward Hayes
Edward John Holmes
Edward Kulik Jr
Edward Lawrence Kerin
Edward Necco
Edward Smith
Edward Stanley Kramarczyk
Edward Wiseman
Edwin and Jennifer Havrilesko
Edwin and Linda Shaar
Edwin Gonzales
Edwin Gould Srv for Child. & Fam
Efrain Gonzalez
Egan Miller-Baker
El Pueblo Boys & Girls Ranch
El Salvador
El Shaddai Family Ranch
Eleanor Handler
Elena Janelle Rendell
Elijah “Eli” Jack Oberdier
Elijah Allen
Elijah and Adam Tuma
Elijah Goldman
Elijah P. Williams
Elisandro Mireles
Elisha Christopher
Elizabeth Bartholet
Elizabeth Dawn Stone
Elizabeth Henson
Elizabeth Holder
Elizabeth Johnson
Elizabeth Jones
Elizabeth Mary Mills
Elizabeth Osei
Elizabeth Perry
Elizabeth Ridener
Elizabeth Sanders
Elizabeth Schatz
Elizabeth Williams
Elle Vaughan
Ellie Mae Johnson
Elmouatamid Abdullah
Elord Revolte
Elsa Cuellar and Miguel Alvarado
Elsie Hicks
Elsie May Taylor
Elspeth Margaret Cromar
Emandalee Whitcomb
Emanuel Burrowes
EmberHope Youthville
Embrace Family
Embraced by Grace
Embryo adoption
Emerald Herriet
Emilie Grace Olsen
Emily Kruse
Emily Mays
Emily Meno
Emily Pike
Emma Boafo
Emma Boafo Yeboah
Emma Bowser
Emma Salinas
EMQ FamiliesFirst
Encarnacion Bail Romero
Ends Justifying Means
Engeline Margret Megawe
Enna Barreto
Ennis Center for Children
Enrique Fabregas
Enrique Palomino
Enrique Thomas Murphy
Enterphase Child & Family Services
Epuni Boys Home
Epworth Village
Eraca Dwan Craig
Eric and Angela Corcoran
Eric Cameron Francis
Eric Caverly
Eric Eugene Ledsome
Eric George Earle
Eric Hopkins
Eric Nichols
Eric Schrecengost
Eric Usher
Eric Walston
Eric Woods
Erica Dorsch
Erica Lynn Parsons
Erica Weary
Erich and Tammy Longie
Erie OCY
Erik Pek
Erik Sean-Michael Spaziani
Erik Thomas Deemer
Erika Hill
Erika Tomassian
Erin and Betsy Davies
Erin Gray
Erin James Pickel
Ernest Bruno
Ernest Keith
Ernest Willis
Errol Wright
Esther Grace
Eternal World Trust Orphanage
Ethan Hauschultz
Ethan Kleinhans
Ethan Okula
Ethmonia Korlu Barclay
Eugene Charles Hastings
Eugene Emo
Eugene Gallegos
Eugene Parker Jr
Eunice and Steven Towns
Eunice Spry
Eunice Wudrich
European Union
European Union Adoption
Eusebio Castillo Jr
Eutha Nicole Oliver
Evander Lee Daniels
Evangelical Adoption and Family Svc
Evelen Miranda
Everlyse Cabrera
Evolve Adoptions
Ex Gratia Payments
Extended Family Services
Eye on Adoption Agency Programs
Ezra Monroe
Fabian Garcia
FacePalm Friday
Fahad Mir
Fairwinds Christian School
Faith International
Faith Ray
Faith Saucier
Faith Seaman
Falemao and Norma Pili
Fam. Connect. Christ. Adoptions
Families for Children
Family Adoption Services
Family Alternatives
Family Focus
Family History
Family Hope
Family Preservation
Family Resource Center
Family Services of Greater Vancouver
Family Support Services of N. Fl.
Family Tapestry
Fantasia Franklin
Farah Marlin and Yrose Pressoir
Fastrack International
Father Brendan Smyth
Father’s Rights
Faye Lin Cannon
Felicity and Barrett Kreb
Felipe Hernandez
Felipe Montes
Fessenden School
Filberto Valencia
Fiona Doheny
First Coast Adoption Professionals
First Star
First Step Living Center
Flordelino T. Tadeo
Florence Crittendon Agency
Florentino Rios
Florida Industrial School for Boys
Florida Lutheran Services
Florida United Methodist Children’s Home
Floyd W. Hardin Jr
Focus on Children
Foday Mansaray
Foo Khong Heow
Food Abuse
Forever Families Through Adoption
Forgotten Angels
Fortunato Jinon
Foster 360
Foster Care
Foster Care Reform
Foster Care Resources
Foster Care statistics
Foster Care Stories
Foster Care Youth Ind. Ctr of WI
Foster Children Safe Haven
Foster Grandparent Program
Foster Parent
Foster Youth Fin. Security Act
Fouad Joseph Helou and Aziz Samaha
Foyer Notre Dame de la Nativite
Franchesia Parrish
Francis Brent Mallon
Francis Caceres
Francis Zwolinski
Francisco Herrera and Betty Rayas
Francisco Medina
Frank Adoption Center
Frank and Cindy Knowles
Frank and Martha Hartley
Frank Brenemen
Fred Slota
Freda Ens
Frederick Cranston
Frederick Peaster
Frednel Lambert
G Devapitchai
Gabe Deely
Gabe Proctor
Gabriel ‘Tokkie’ du Preez
Gabriel and Eric Rodriguez
Gabriel David Wallis
Gabriel Fernandez
Gabriel Hall
Gabriel Johnson
Gabriel Myers
Gabriel Reyes-Villa
Gabriel Trujillo
Gabriel Zumiga
Gabriela Casarez
Gabrielle P
Galen Stevenson
Galveston Multicultural Institute
Ganiyu Ibrahim
Gap Ministries
Garden Hill First Nation
Garden of Hope
Garfield Park Hospital
Garren Dodd & Shelley Lanette McDonald
Garret Dye
Garry Prokopishin
Gary Adams
Gary and Meaghan Wiggins
Gary and Michele Reitnauer
Gary Dunham
Gary Erickson
Gary Eugene Smith
Gary Foster
Gary Gates
Gary Hankins
Gary Kitchings
Gary M. Reed
Gary McNerney
Gary O’Neil Batchelor
Gary Parker and Wendy Szanyi
Gary Paul Smith
Gary Schultz
Gary Teague
Gateway Christian Military Academy
Gateway Woods
Gauthier Mukoko
Gaylord Keith Lane
Gazillion Voices
Geanna Bradley
Gebah Kamara
Genelle Conway-Allen
Genesis Monge
Genesis Vandell Parenteau-Dillon
Genetic Sexual Attraction
Genne and Theresa Nolin
Geoffrey Bryan Prout
Geoffrey Thomas
George Alexis Theros
George and Bette McFetridge
George and Nancie Barnes
George and Noreen Stohrer
George Anderson
George Bennet Donald
George Bernard Lacy
George Dean
George DelPrete
George Forte
George Harasz
George Hibbert
George Joseph England
George Leonard Frye
George Little
George Owen Smith
George Steen
George Stevenson
George Stone
George Thomas
George Videla
George Williams
Georgia Tann
Georgina Latshaw
Gerald Campbell
Geralyn Graham
Gerard Mulvale
Gerardo Joannon
Gerry Jacobsen
Gilberto Rios
Gillian Morse
Gina Emmanuel
Gina Presley
Giocosa Foundation
Giulianna Ramos Bermudez
Give Us This Day Foster Srv
Gizzell Ford
Glade Run Lutheran Services
Gladys Effa-Heap
Glen Mills Schools
Glenda and Stacy Griffin
Glenda Lea Dutro
Glenn Home orphanage
Glenn McLean
Glenn Ray Auldridge
Global Adoption Services
Global Orphan Outreach
Globe Intl Ministries
Gloria Grayson
Gloria Huang
Gloria Jones
Gloria Joya
Golden Cradle Adoption
Golden Girls group home
Gonzalo Curiel
Good Shepherd Children & Fam Svc
Good Shepherd Services
Gopal Ajani
Gopal Anjani
Gopal Sejani
Gordon Attrill
Gordon Hill
Government lawsuits
Grace and Matthew Huang
Grace International
Grace Mutchie
Grace Packer
Graciano Lopez
Gracie’s Tender Loving Care
Grafton Close Children’s Home
Graham Bessermin
Grandfather Home for Children
Grandparents Rights
Grant Claycomb
Great Circle
Greater Valley Foster Care Agency
Green River Boys Camp
Greenfield House Convent
Greg Johns
Greg Simard
Gregg Alan Larsen
Gregg Martin
Gregory and Javonna Miller
Gregory Beauchamp
Gregory Bunkley
Gregory Robey
Gregory Stanley Tolson
Gregory Wilson
Gretchen Denny
Griselda Badilla
Group Homes
Gujral Trust i
Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services
Gurjant Singh
Guy Platt
Gwanda Tribett
Gwen and Kelvin Lewis
Gwendolyn Mette
Gynnya McMillen
Haeli Hamrick
Hague Convention
Hailynn Volpatti
Haley Maher
Han Ho-gyu
Hana Williams
Hand in Hand Adoptions
Hang Vibol
Hanna Dickerson
Hannah Hoag
Hannah Overton
Hannah Seekins
Hannah Thomas
Happiness Hill Christian Home
Happy Home
Harold Horton
Harold Mordh
Harriet Lauer
Harrietta Kanda
Harry Aspley
Harry Clark
Harry G. Forgue
Harry Wayne Pitcock
Haruka Weiser
Hassani Campbell
Hatfield Christian Church
Hayum Nissim Cohen
Health Reform
Health Studies
Heart and Soul Adoption
Hearts with Haiti
HeartShare Human svc of NY
HeartShare/St. Vincent
Heather and Ernest Franklin
Heather Curtis
Heather Dawn Taylor
Heather E. Savage
Heather Hill
Heather Kaminskey
Heather Lamie
Heather McLogan
Heather Valentine Adams
Heather Whelan
Hector Garza RTC
Hector Gonzalez
Heide Fromme Kaye
Heidi Dutton
Heidi Rauha
Heidi Robinson
Heidi Shinn
Heidi Singh
Helaman Hansen
Helen Ford
Helen Smith
Helene Richardson
Helmut Kentler
Helping Hand Home
Helping Hands
Helpings Hands
Henrique Cruz
Henry Cadle
Henry Lawson III
Herbert Desmond
Herbert King
Herbert Robert Keith Moss
Heritage House
Herminia Mitchell
Hester Elizabeth van Schalkwyk
Hilary Neiman
Hill End Hospital
Hillary Adams
Hillcrest Family Services
Hillcrest School
Hillsborough Kids Inc.
His Loving Hands Home Childcare
Hoang Thanh Hang
Holden Young
Holly Marie Estes
Home At Last
Homer Clark
Homer G. Phillips Hospital
Homes of Hope Foster Family Agency
Homestudy reform
Honest Representation
Honey Rodd
Hong Kong
Hope Adoption Agency
Hope Children’s Home
Hope Graciano
Hope Hoth
Hope House
Hope Jones
Hope Perdue
Hope Tomahawk Whiteshield
Hope Transitions orphanage
Hopes Promise
Horace Buckingham
Horacio Johnson
Hosting Program
Hotchkiss School
House of Good Shepherd
House of the Big Family Orphanage
How could you? Hall of Shame
Howard and Amanda Smith
Howard Earl Clemens
Howard Smith
Howard Wayne Jones
Howard Wiley
HRDI of Alabama
Human Rights
Huminska’s Anioly
Hunter Payton
Hyacinth Ford-Dryden
Hyunsu O’Callaghan
Ian Rabb
Ibrahim Kamara
Ibrahima Eli
Identity Theft
Iesha M. Greene
Ieshia Hicks Watkins
Iheanyi Ezuma Foundation
Ija Hall
Ike Andon Elickios
Iliana Archuleta
Illegal Adoption
Illien Adoption Services
Ilya Kitching
Imagine Adoption
Immanuel Williams
In His Father’s Hands Child. Home
India Hicks
Indiana United Methodist Children’s Home
Ingrid Brewer
Inn Home for Boys
Innovative Child Welfare Programs
Institute for Child and Family Health
Institute For Child and Fmy Heatlh
Intercountry Adoption Support Service
Interim Care Foster Family
International Adoption
International Adoption Registries
International Adoption Services
International Adoptions
International Assistance Group
International Families
International Families inc.
International Foundation
International Surrogacy
Iowa Kids Net
Iris Botros
Irma P. Allen
Irving Eugene Patrick
Irwin Dewberry
Isaac Greenwood
Isaac Jonathan Dykstra
Isabel Reyes
Isabella “Ariel” Kalua
Isabella Lee Gamez
Isabella Rios
Isabella Wiens
Isaiah 117 House
Isaiah Blanco
Isaiah Joel
Isaiah Shane
Isaiah’s Place
Italian Home for Children
Ivan Chambers
Ivy House
Iya Anu
J Bar D Boys Ranch
Ja’Ceon Terry
Jabeth Moye
Jace Burgess
Jack and Karen Lynn High
Jackie Davies
Jackie Lee Pittman
Jackie Zudis
Jacklyn and Jerold Logemann
Jacky Scott Garrett
Jacob and Lauren Maloberti
Jacob Bailey Mutis
Jacob Brooks
Jacob Hine
Jacob Redfearn
Jacob Salas
Jacob Sullivan
Jacob Thomas
Jacob Wilcoxen
Jacobs Mission Community Center
Jacorri Howard
Jacquelin McMiller
Jacqueline Ferguson
Jacqueline Lynch
Jacqueline Winbush
Jacquelynn Schmidt
Jacques Edwards
Jacques Johns Jr
Jacques Laporte
Jadiel Velesquez
Jaedyn Ellington
Jaeluv Smith
Jaga Hembram
Jaime Suzanne Ritchhart
Jakadrien Turner
Jake Strickland
Jama Hedgecoth
James “Wes” Weston Goswick
James A. Houston
James and Ashley Hilger
James and Barbara Gollnow
James and Cristy Hollifield
James and Jerome Taafulisia
James and Myka Stauffer
James and Penny Hafer
James and Sherron Bailey
James Antony Arrowsmith
James Bradley
James Charles Webb
James Christopher Contreras
James Coonrod
James Corrigan Clay
James Crawford
James D. Moore
James Davis & Justin Serak
James Dickerson
James Dunn
James Earl Mooney
James Eldon Mobley
James Feeley
James Fletcher Thompson LLC
James Fofanah
James Gamez
James Harding
James Hinson
James Hodgkinson
James Holmes
James Horton
James Howell
James Jennings
James Levi Caldwell
James Ly Tran
James M Burton
James M. Layne
James McCourt
James McCurdy
James Middleton
James Norquay
James Peter Gavin
James R. Vavrinak
James Rapp
James Reese Jr
James Richard “Rick” Hazel
James Robert Gonzales
James Strawder
James Terrell Austin
James Towns
James Woodlock
James Yhip
Jami Littlefield
Jamiah Batts
Jamie J. Hernandez-Zubia
Jamie L. Bishop
Jamie Lee Meadows
Jamie Lee Passmore
Jamie Lee Schreiner
Jamie Lynne Jackson
Jamie Reitnauer
Jamie Sena
Jamie Whittington
Jamila S. Hodge
Jammy Stacy
Jan Carpenter
Jana Jackson
Janae Marie Bates
Jane and Kenneth Young
Jane Howard
Jane Jeong Trenka
Jane Olrun
Jane Riches
Janet Foster
Janet Lowe
Janet Solander
Janet Turner Holm
Janice Elaine Haye
Janice Robbins
Janie and Michael Young
Janie Unique Buelna
Jaqueline Lewis
Jared and Kristi Freis
Jared White
Jaren Wayne Blacksmith
Jarod Condit
Jarrett Gage Vargas
Jasmine Boyd
Jasmine Lane
Jason Dewayne Wlels
Jason Doan
Jason Goodman
Jason Hatfield
Jason Hignight
Jason K. Flowers
Jason M. Harrod, sgt
Jason Madison
Jason Mason
Jason Morgan
Jason Murray
Jason Oland
Jason Rios
Jason Robert Betlach
Jason Vaughn
Jason Wayne Carlile
Jason Winskill and Jamie Chapman
Jason Zeak
Jasper Henderling-Warner
Jaswanti Narwal
Jathan Lee Patterson
Javier Bolden
Javon Rashawn Henson
Jaxon Abalahin
Jay McLaughlin
Jay Ram
Jayden Alexis Frisbee
Jayden Clark
Jayden Huller
Jayden Lee Green
Jayden Matthew Villarreal
Jayla Beckley
Jayla Haag
Jaymar Gilbert
Jayme Kushman
Jaythan Lee Patterson
Jayvid Waa-Ili
Jayvon Mulzac
Jazzmin Davis
Jazzmyne Holden
Jean LaCroix
Jean Paul Kruse
Jean-Claude Toviave
Jean-Jacques Haye
Jeanette Maples
Jeanette Medleycott-Lopez
Jeanette Nicole Hunsberger
Jeanne Whitefeather
Jeannette de Geus
Jeff Allen Woodring
Jeff and Kimberly Frisbie
Jeff and Nicki Swindle
Jeff and Tammy Sawtelle
Jeff Castillo
Jeff Ownby
Jeff Simpson
Jeffrey and Barbara Barrett
Jeffrey and Carol Munson
Jeffrey and Margaret Schobert
Jeffrey Buskey and Steven Murphy
Jeffrey Darrin Ward
Jeffrey Franklin
Jeffrey Guiliano
Jeffrey Marchione
Jeffrey Parfitt
Jeffrey Sandusky
Jeffrey Schare
Jeffrey Sliker
Jeffrey Trebilcock
Jeffrey Weller
Jemaine and Tiffany Thomas
Jemel Johnson
Jendayi Mawusi
Jenica Randazzo
Jennifer and Richard Ryan
Jennifer and Sarah Hart
Jennifer Emali
Jennifer Haynes
Jennifer Kay Pickel
Jennifer L. Chambers
Jennifer Long
Jennifer Louise Barnes
Jennifer Prinder
Jennifer Rodrigeuz
Jennifer Rosenbaum
Jennifer Silva Guerrero
Jennifer Watson
Jennifer Wilson
Jenny-Lee Hemara
Jeraldine Brockington
Jere Clark
Jeremiah Lovato
Jeremiah Moore
Jeremiah Sampson
Jeremiah Thompson
Jeremiah Thyne & Julian Christian Mercado
Jeremy and Jamiee Brown
Jeremy and Jen Ruble
Jeremy Cecil
Jeremy Chesser
Jeremy Clark
Jeremy Goodwin
Jeremy Hall
Jeremy Kindle
Jeremy Simmons
Jeremy Thompson
Jeremyah Mustafa
Jermaine St John
Jermarro Dantzler
Jerod Marquee Beaulieu
Jerome Mitchell
Jerrett Hetrick
Jerrini Virgin
Jerry Dean Matthews
Jerry Harris
Jerry Oubre
Jerry Sandusky
Jesse Allard
Jesse and Cristy Dourados
Jesse and Jordan and Joey and Toby
Jesse Aranda
Jesse Blackburn
Jesse Costillo and Felicia Adams Franks
Jesse Hutchinson
Jesse Lewis Smith Jr
Jesse Wilson
Jessica A. Jones
Jessica Beagley
Jessica Dawn Hewitt
Jessica Duff
Jessica Felder
Jessica Gray
Jessica Hailee Devorak
Jessica Jo Lindberg
Jessica Lea Metcalf
Jessica Newhard
Jessica Torres
Jessica Wilbur Coronado
Jessy Samuel
Jesus Mata
Jesus Ramirez
Jesus Silva
Jewish Board of Fam. & Chil. Svc
Jewish Fam & Childn’s Svc of Gr. Phil.
Jiang Kaizhi
Jill Ann Rader
Jill Newcombe-Buley
Jim and Paige Nachtigal
Jimariya Davidson
Jimmie Sturgill
Jimmy Haynes
Jimmy Mao
Jimmy McDonnell
Joan Colbert
Joan Forsmark
Joana Delacruz Huerta
Joao Teixeira de Faria
Joaquin Juarez-Paez
Jodi Kilpatrick/Glascoe
Jody Hall
Joe Albert Raygosa
Joe Buerckley
Joe Gilbert
Joe Holm
Joel and Tammy Brown
Joel Koskan
Joel Longshore
Joel Ricky Lutz
Joelle M. Barozzini
Joey Jackson
Johann Jorg
John Allen
John and Alma Cassidy
John and Georgiana Tufts
John and Katherine Snyder
John and Margaret Cantrell
John and Nathan Williams
John Archibald Connolly
John Bennett
John Bowden
John Cogan
John Cox
John David Yoder
John Dilley
John E. Jackson
John Edward Beaver
John Edward Ian Martin
John Elmer and Joyce Marie Bell
John Forsberg Jr.
John Gould
John Grant
John Hanley
John Henderson
John Hintz
John Jury
John Kelley
John Kimble
John Kincheloe
John Kluth
John Laister
John Lee
John Lusk
John Mack
John Mayes
John McCaul
John Michael Allen
John Michael Evans
John Michael McDowell
John Michael McGuigan
John Michell
John Olson
John Phillips
John R. and Colleen Huthmaker
John Reynolds Home
John Robert Lohr
John Stanley Reece
John Thomas Lawrence
John Thomas Lawson
John White
John Williams
John Wyatt
Johnathan Stavou
Johnnie Jim Berry Jr
Johnny Lee Summers
Johnny Paddock
Joleen Anderson
Jolyn Kipapa
Jon and Anne Peters
Jon Demers
Jonah Min Hwang
Jonas Stadden
Jonathan and Allison Schumm
Jonathan and Debra Hay
Jonathan and Jennifer Hodge
Jonathan and Sumitra Stolp
Jonathan and Sumitra Stulp
Jonathan Davis
Jonathan Earl Savage
Jonathan Gray
Jonathan Irizarry
Jonathan Jones
Jonathan Lambert
Jonathan Robert Sandoval
Jonathan Saavedra Dean
Jonathon Outlaw
Joniequa Macklin
Jordan Arce
Jordan Arwood
Jordan Dorsey
Jordan Gorman
Jordan Lamar McClain
Jordan Marin-Doan
Jordan Martin
Jordan Ridener
Jorge Alcon
Jorge and Carolyn Raygoza
Jorge Barahona
Jorge Rafael Videla
Jorge Santiago
Jose and Gina Centeno
Jose Cortez
Jose Egurolla
Jose Egurrola
Jose Gonzales
Jose Lorenzo Ramirez
Jose Luis Cazares
Jose Miranda
Jose Rostro
Jose Ruiz-Cuadros
Jose Salinas
Joseph and Jennifer Wolfthal
Joseph and Jodi Wilson
Joseph Archibeque
Joseph Chacon
Joseph Charles Todd Dunn
Joseph Gorham
Joseph Horvath
Joseph Kangari
Joseph Larson
Joseph Lee Niemeyer
Joseph Lewellyn
Joseph M. Delancy II
Joseph Maoping Adams
Joseph Mayotte
Joseph Monroe Wilson
Joseph Rosenbaum
Joseph Saimon
Joseph Salmon
Joseph Van Wert and Randy Lambach
Joseph Wayne Cook Goswick
Joseph William Sickler
Josh McCaul
Josh Oaks Churchwell
Josh Powell
Joshlyn Marie James Johnson
Joshua Alexander Salotti
Joshua and Brandi Weyant
Joshua and Emilee Ridener
Joshua and Stephanie Mast
Joshua Craig Cornish
Joshua David Brooks
Joshua Drabek
Joshua Gouker
Joshua Home
Joshua Howard
Joshua Jackson
Joshua JJ Vallow
Joshua Ketchum
Joshua Martin
Joshua Mast
Joshua Matthews
Joshua Moore
Joshua Rukovishnikoff
Joshua Saavedra
Joshua Tree Adoptions
Joshua Waxler
Joshua Young
Josiah R. Winfrey
Josie Ann Abney
Journeys of the Heart
Jovannee Reynolds
Jovonne Gorham
Joy Heaven
Joy King-Castro
Joy Spencer-Austin
Joyce Prince
Joyce Sterkel
Joyell Marks
Jozi Woodall
Juan Antonio Esparza
Juan Antonio Rivera
Juan Lozano Ortega
Juan Sanchez Moreno
Juanita Miranda
Juanita Rodriguez
Juanita Shorty
Judge James Payne
Judge Judy A. Hartsfield
Judge Rotenberg Center
Judge William Adams
Judith Hawkey
Judith Leekin
Judson Center
Jules Cuneo
Julian Ramos
Juliana Gerena
Julie and Rich Hehn
Julie Harshaw
Julie McCormick
Julie Towson
Jumoke Johnson
June Goforth
Justice Bishop
Justice Hull
Justin Aine
Justin Bailey
Justin Bradley
Justin Cook
Justin Dale Ray
Justin Dwayne Johnson
Justin Hamrick
Justin Hansen
Justin Harris
Justin Mefford
Justin Sangiuliano
Justina Pelletier
Justine Kersey
Juvenile Justice
Juwan “Chico” Tavarez
Ka’ron Mason
Ka’misha Crittendon
Kaanoi Kipapa
Kachua Mian
Kadiedra Shontell Speed
Kairi Shepherd
Kairissa XingJing Mark
Kaiti Tidwell
Kala Golden
Kaleab Schmidt
Kalem Guinn
Kalisha Hill
Kallee Diggs
Kamil Pennington
Kamloops Indian Residential School
Kamryn Arnold-Garrett
Kandie Meinhart and Maurice Rice
Kandyce Downer
Kane Blacque
Kane Grzebielski
Kaniiyah Easley
Kanina Sue Turtle
Kara Brumley
Karen Abigail
Karen and Marshall Burkhart
Karen Banks
Karen Castleberry
Karen Johnston
Karen King
Karen Tolin and Timothy Tolin
Karina Moore
Karla Vargas
Karmah Jayne Hall
Karreon Franks
Kassondra Martinson
Kassy Finbow
Katelynn Sampson
Katera Barker
Kathaleen Prince
Katherine “Kate” Parker
Katherine Fitzpatrick
Katherine Lynn Estep
Katherine Sticklin
Kathia Casseus
Kathleen Ganiere
Kathleen Jackson
Kathleen Lyman
Kathleen O’Brien
Kathleene Mary Schattilly
Kathlyn Anthony
Kathryn Kreier
Kathy Ann Smith
Kathy Ryan
Kathy Woodring
Katie Miller
Katie Pladl
Katie Tidmarsh
Katie-Anne Warman
Katlyn Coones
Katrina Darlene DIllon
Katrular Buchanan
Kawliga Potts
Kaya Centeno
Kayima John
Kayla Thompson
Kaylee Nielsen
Kayleigh Watts
Kayline Campbell
Keith Allen McMullin
Keith Burke
Keith LaFlam
Keith Marcum
Keith Savage
Keith Waters
Keith Watts
Keith William Shirey
Kelley Grant
Kelley Gunter
Kelli Register
Kelli Yanuzzi
Kellie Jo Anderson
Kelly and Genna McCoy
Kelly and Steven Selby
Kelly Ann and John Thomas Filson
Kelly Lau
Kelly Morris
Kelly Nguyen
Kelly O’Brien
Kelly Skillings
Kelly Zawodniak
Kelsey and Glen Seaman
Kelsey McCarter
Kelvin Perry
Kelvin Powell
Kemont Bowie and Ricky Wallace
Kencia Durat
Kendall Chick
Kendall Graham
Kendall Louise Jackson
Kendall Marquese Smith
Kendall Oates
Kendra Bey and Samaria Williams
Kendra Czekaj
Kendra Grant
Kendrea Johnson
Kenia Quiala Bosque
Kennedy Jean Schroer
Kenneth Adams
Kenneth Barkley
Kenneth Brandt
Kenneth Edwards
Kenneth Gilliland
Kenneth Glenn Randolph
Kenneth James Vester
Kenneth Kirchner
Kenneth Kreier
Kenneth Ofigho
Kenneth Robinson
Kenneth Rummel
Kenneth S. Conrad
Kenneth Schulz
Kenneth Vernon Williams
Kenny and Kelly Fry
Kenny Bryan
Kent and Robin Taylor
Kent Faulkner
Kentae Williams
Kenya Marshall
Kenyata Manning
Kenyeta Tondorria Murray
Kenyon Slacks
Kern Bridges Youth Home
Kerry Allison Knutson
Kesia Grant
Kevin Adams
Kevin Barker
Kevin Chandler
Kevin Fanning
Kevin Gillan
Kevin John Rose
Kevin Knoefel
Kevin Michael King
Kevin Schatz
Kevin Scott Thibault
Kevin Scott Thorpe
Kevin Thompson
Keyiro Fuentes
Keyonte Poole
Khailaysha Bunch
Khaleel Begum
Khalil Todd
Khalil Wimes
Khandu Kasbe
Kiana Barker
Kiana Casey
Kianna Rudesill
Kiara Citizen-Williams
Kids Central Inc
Kids in Distress
Kids Matter
Kids to Adopt
Kidz Ark
Kim and David Hodgin
Kim Carrera
Kim Malpass
Kimber Hobbs
Kimberly and Cory Blakley
Kimberly D. Lee
Kimberly Deaton
Kimberly Durlin
Kimberly Dye
Kimberly Michelle Leinenweaver
Kimberly Miniea
Kimberly Monique Smith
Kimberly Reitnauer
Kimberly Vollmer
Kimery Jorg
Kincora Boys Home
Kingdom Kids
Kinship Adoption
Kinship Care
Kira Friedman
Kirill Kuzmin
Kirk and Beth Schield
Kirk Sharpe
Kiwanis International
Kiwanis Vocational Home
Kiyoshi Yu
Kourtney Jorg
Koystya Thyssen
Kraekwon Pierce
Kris and Alan Jones
Krista Hudson
Krista Parker
Kristen Barbour
Kristen Carter (Nelson)
Kristen Horton
Kristin Stringer
Kristina Mowery
Kristina Singleton
Kristoff Zenopolous
Kristopher Sharp
Kristy Gesse
Krystal Paredes
Krystle Tanner
Ksenia Antonova
Kurk MacKay
KVC Kansas
Kwon Mcgee
Ky-lea & Shaeleen Fitch-Fortner
Kyle Birchall
Kyle Doe
Kyle Macias
Kyle Maskell
Kyle McElravy
Kyle Rice
Kyle Wohlers and Matthew Willis
Kyleigh Crier
Kyler Opstrup-Williams
Kymell Oram
Kyra Zubah
Kysheen Oliver
L’Amryllis Home
La Familia Inc
La Familia-Namaste
La’Marion Jordan
Lacchin Gale
Lachlan Leslie
Lack of Medical Coverage
Lady Hochoy Home
Ladybird Powell
Laila Marie Daniel
Lailla Sara Ann Jensen
Lakeisha Mitchell
Lakeside Academy
Lakisha Nicole McKnight
Lalita Tonde
Lamont Wilder
Lan Le
Lanark Orphanage
Lancaster County Children and Youth
Lance Jackson
Lance Tiernan
Landis Wordly
Landon Maloberti
Language Learning
LaQuron D. McLean Lacy
Lara Corey
Laronna Bourne
Larquisha Davis
Larry Daniel Hammack
Larry Darnell O’Neil
Larry Drommerhausen
Larry Gowan
Larry Jenkins
Larry Robert Morgan
Larry Williams
Lasana Karva
Lashauna Eskeets
LaShawn Jennings
Lasonya Poindexter
Last Chance Farm
Latamara Stackhouse Flythe
LaTarndra Strong
Latasha Norman
Latoya Patterson
Latricia Marquez
Lau Lo-ki
Laura Ard
Laura Castle
Laura Cheatham and Daryl Head
Laura Cossey
Laura Davis
Laura Duarte
Laura Lynn Cross
Laura Silsby
Laura Starnes-Wells
Laura Wiley-Drones
Lauren Michelle Myres
Lauren Powless and Madeline Jackson
Lauren Rose Cavness
Laurne E. Clark
Lauryn Galindo
Lauryn Martin-Everett
Laurynn Whiteshield
Lavandis Hudson
Laverne Coggins
Lavonda Gladney
Lavonna Bird
Lawrence and Latrice Johnson
Lawrence D. Oxton
Lawrence Lauer
Lawrence Minor
Lawrence Murphy
Lawrence Williams
Laxmi Shrestha
Layla Bacon
Layla Mary Ann Jackson
Lazarus Rougier
LDS Services
Leah Marie Aguirre
Leah Ottman
Leakes & Watts RTC
Leandro Gomes
Leanne Hestelow
Learning Disabilities
Lee Alex Snyder
Lee and Kalehua Wiggins
Lee Anne Henry
Lee Bonneau
Lee Dunbar Sr
Legacy Treatment Services
Legend and Sincere Robinson-Strong
Lehua and Isaac Kalua
Leif Thorne-Thomsen
Leiland-James Corkill
Lekesha and Chamille Atkinson
Len Schneider
Lenora Harrell
Leon H. Williams
Leon Mengine
Leon Robinson
Leonie Kennedy
Leroy Harlem Jr
Leroy Mitchell
Les Enfants du Soleil
Leshia Green
Leslie Boyd Hayden
Leslie Bryan
Leslie Erickson
Leslie Lane Group Home
Leslie Sullivan
Leslie Tiesler
Leslie Yerger
Lester Drappeaux
Let’s Get Real
Leticia McCormack
Lev Dzyuba
Lev Tahor
Levi Goss
Leviticus Kuchta
Lewistown Group Home
Li Zhengqin
Li’aziah Thomas
Lia Lin and Kaileigh Lin
Liam Doheny
Liana Brown
Librada Moran
Life Adoptions Services
Lifeline Children Services
LifeLine Inc
LifeLong Adoptions
Lifestream Behavioral Services
Lifeway Youth
Light of Hope Orphanage
Lighthouse Adoptions
Lillian Manning
Lillian Manning-Horvath
Lillian Veronica Turner
Lillian Yun
Lillianna Burt
Lily Baretto
Lily Choy
Lily Marie Brown
Lily Masterson
Linda and Samuel Hopkins
Linda Bliss
Linda Brisport
Linda Bryant
Linda Damm
Linda Gillen
Linda Mayotte
Linda Smith
Lindsay Johnson
Lionel Norman McCullough
Lisa Archer
Lisa Belk
Lisa Jo Vanderlinden
Lisa Knoefel
Lisa LaForme
Lisa Oates
Lisa Wilson
Lisa Wolfe
Little Angels Adoption Agency
Little Miracles
Little Pearls
Little People’s World
Lives Under Construction Boys Ranch
Living Hope
Lizette and James Eckert
Logan and Ryan Hackney
Logan Dollison
Logan Garrett
Logan Marr
Logan McQueary
Loikalan Kartano
Lois Janish
Lois Saitta
Lon Kennard
Long Creek Yth Dev Ctr
Lonnie Fresquez
Lonnie Ostrup
Lonny Lee Remmers
Lopez Island Schools
Lora Loethen
Lora Thomas
Lord Tonypandy
Lords Ranch
Loreaca Ferguson
Loretta Brett
Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell
Lorna and Timothy Bankston
Lorraine Dusky
Lorraine Sue Garza
Los Angeles DCFS
Louis “Skip ReVille
Louis A. Martinez
Louis Andros
Louis Chao Chen
Louis Charles Chandler
Louis Ray Coleman
Louise Fielden
Louise Hunter
Love Basket
Love In Action
Love Without Boundaries
Lowell A. Johnson
Loysville Youth Development Center
LSS of South
LSS South Texas
Lucas Birchim
Lucas Call
Lucas County Children Services
Lucas Paolo
Luella Mengine
Luis Baez
Luis Gonzalez
Luis Rivas-Vasquez
Luis Torres-Serrano
LUK inc
Luke Borusiewicz
Luke Glenn
Lulu Richardson
Lutheran Child & Fam Serv IL
Lutheran of New York
Lutheran Soc Serv of Wisc & U. Mich
Lutheran Social Services
Luzerne County Child. &Youth Svc
Lydia Schatz
Lyle Aaron Bear
Lyle Craig Kennobie
Lynette and Claud Atkins
Lynn Marie Smith
Lynn Paddock
Lynwood Jennet
M Kala
Ma’Khia Bryant
Mable Peters
Mac Bool Hassan
Macdilo Sparkman
Macey Wilson
Machelle Hackney
Mack and Jaycee Doak
Mackenzie Fewox
Mackenzie Leing Mathias and Nicholas Spencer
MacLaren Children’s Center
Madan Lal
Maddie Hoffman
Madison Adoption Associates
Madison Parrott
Magdalena Matias-Pedro
Magellan Health Services
Magnolia Academy
Mahesh and Mehboob Shariff
Mai-ly La Trace
Main Street Adoptions
Maksim Kuzmin
Malachi Ganteaume
Malaika Babies Home
Malayia Knapp
Malaysian Social Services
Malik Crosby and Yusuf Shepard
Mallory and Peter Krajian
Mame-Neta Attocknie
Mamie Chess
Mandie Miller
Mandisa Sizemore
Manguri Residential Cottages
Manish Rajput
Manor Group Home
Manuel and Sarita Rivera
Manuel Carrascal
Manuel Preciado
Manuel Sedillo-Messer
Maqkwone Jones
Maqsood Ansari
Marainna Torres
Marcelino and Rosa Olguin
Marcelo Cristian Pastor
Marchella Brett-Pierce
Marcia Brown
Marcos Gomez
Marcos Salcedo Jr
Marcus Brooks and Taylor Stoughton
Marcus Fiesel
Marcus L. McKinstry
Marcus Wallace
Marcus Yoder
Margaret Bottone
Margaret Cole
Margaret Eichhorst
Margaret McCalman
Margaret Murphy
Margaret Wagner
Margriet Megawe
Maria Alvarez
Maria Delores Gonzalez
Maria Esther Hernandez
Maria Gonzales Esquivel
Maria Moore
Mariah Mustafa
Marianvale Mother and Baby Home
Mariasia Thomas
Mariata Theron
Marie Garza
Marie Handy and Michael Connor
Marie La Trace
Marie Sadlyne B. Pierre
Marilu Munoz
Mario Leone
Marissa Ann Groves
Marissa Salas and Thomas Torres
Mark Alexander Tabor
Mark Allen Hooper
Mark and Melissa McGregor
Mark D OBrien
Mark Edward Anthony
Mark J. Newton
Mark Johnson
Mark Kavanah
Mark Laverdure
Mark Lee
Mark Martinez
Mark Randall Beasley
Mark Rorher
Mark Sorensen
Mark Wills
Markeem Chaplin
Markel Collins
Markie Moon
Markis and Jeremiah Hart
Markus Min Ho Kim
Marlene and Harold Meadows
Marlin Dean
Marsha and Suzanna Gray
Marshall Islands
Marta Blanford
Martha Kiel Whitaker
Martin and Tracey Stewart
Martin Daniel Perez
Martin Lopez
Martin MacNeill
Martin O’Brien
Martin Thomas Passey
Marvell Johnson
Marvie Hill
Marvin and Lena Plett
Marvin Bran
Mary Ann and Stuart Hagerty
Mary Ayala
Mary Beth Jennewein
Mary E. Diehl
Mary Enzenbacher
Mary Holden
Mary Kennerson
Mary Landrieu
Mary Matthew
Mary Matthews
Mary Mazalic
Mary McClellan Laughinghouse
Mary Monaghan
Mary Mooney
Mary Roelofs
Mary Sifuentes
Mary Whitehead & Michael Frisbee Miles
Maryanne Godboldo
Masha Allen
Mason John and Brooklyn Paige Posey Grimes
Massimo Maravalle
Masterino Machuo
Mathar Road
Mathew Legrand Arrington IV
Matilda Almaraz
Matilda Gardner
Matilda Gilbert Omiecinski
Matt and Melanie Capobianco
Matt Barker
Matt Bevin
Matt Brown
Matt Schembechler
Matthew & Diane Waldmiller
Matthew and Aimee Lund
Matthew and Cassandra Tucker
Matthew Andrew Carter
Matthew Cable
Matthew Cox
Matthew Dumont
Matthew Durham
Matthew Eliington
Matthew Grasser
Matthew Gunter
Matthew Harland
Matthew Hollifield
Matthew Mancuso
Matthew McCague
Matthew Oscar Aranda
Matthew Pittman
Matthew Scully-Hicks
Matthew Smith and Ramon Betsuii
Matthew Sweeney
Matthew Whitehair
Matthew Zamora
Mattie Brooks
Mattie Denise Griffin
Mauldene Boger
Maureen Flately
Maurice Benjamin Martinez
Maurice Cosme
Maurice Lavigueur
Maurice Martinez
Max Shatto
Maxim Babayev
Maxim Maravalle
Maxwell Eyers
McKenzie and Corey Morris
Meagan B. Stadelmaier
Medical experimentation
Medical Visa
Meechaiel Criner
Meelah Miller
Megan M. Blanchette
Megan McCullar
Megan Ralston
Megan Wolfe
Meghan Hargress
Melanie Gabari
Melanie Ochs
Melinda Drabek-Chritton
Melinda Everett
Melinda Lockhart
Melissa and Jonathan Masser
Melissa Ann Miles
Melissa Anne Sondrol
Melissa Gates
Melissa M. Dumont
Melissa Smith
Melody Velasquez
Melvalena Grant
Melvin and Kenya Bloomingburg
Mental Health
Mentor Georgia
Mentor Maryland
Mentor Massachusetts
Mentor Missouri
Mentor Texas
Merakey USA’s Northwestern Academy
Mercy First
Merice Perez Colon
Merlinda Avalos
Mervin Scofield junior
Meryann Lomae and Angela Emos
Mesilla Valley Ther. Foster Care
Messiah Diaz
Mez Pierre
Mia Henry
Mia Teaff
Micah Taylor
Michael A. Phelps
Michael Aikman
Michael and Charlotte Taylor
Michael and Jennifer Thalmann
Michael and Olivia Rivera
Michael and Penny Deckert
Michael Anthony Gray Sr
Michael Anthony Lee
Michael Beer
Michael Boland
Michael Cash
Michael Chinn
Michael Citron
Michael Coney Jr
Michael Craver
Michael Dean Redden
Michael Diaz
Michael Felch
Michael Fleming
Michael Geilenfeld
Michael Gonzales
Michael Gravelle
Michael Gregory Oakleaf
Michael Griffin
Michael Grismore
Michael Hadden
Michael Hendricks and Maggie Ybarra
Michael J. Tauschek
Michael Jarome Hayes
Michael John Sharman
Michael Joseph Hellen
Michael Laing
Michael Lang
Michael Mallett
Michael Mann
Michael Mosley
Michael Newson
Michael Overby
Michael Patterson
Michael Paul and Jennifer Nicole Magill
Michael Pfleger
Michael Piete
Michael Priest
Michael R. Rice
Michael Ramos
Michael Sanchez
Michael Schumacher
Michael Shore
Michael Shorstein
Michael Smith
Michael Snyder
Michael Terpening
Michael Thomas Bradley
Michael Tomassian
Michael Turney
Michael Vargas
Michael Weis
Michael Wenger
Michael Wheatley
Michael William Lutts
Michele “Mike” Dean Michel
Michele Andi Stein
Michele MacNeill
Micheline Laporte Charland
Michell Momox-Caselis
Michelle Dosdall
Michelle Fausett
Michelle Greenberg
Michelle Hebert Young
Michelle Isham
Michelle Lee Hayes
Michelle Louis Morris-Kerin
Michelle Morris
Michelle Rothgeb
Midwest Academy
Miesha Huddleston
Mieya Daniel
migrant children
Miguel Angel Bautista-Ramirez
Miguel Bravo Mejia
Miguel Briseno
Miguel Fawcett
Miguel Garrido
Miguel Morin
Mikayla Tabin
Mikhail Young
Miles Aiden Zane Stead
Miley and Jace Huey
Millcreek Behavioral Health
Millie Place
Mindy Dawn Knapp
Miracle Collins
Miracle Hill Boy’s Shelter
Miracle House
Miracle Jackson
Mirah Riben
Miranda Henry
Mirko and Regina Ceska
Misty and Marc Ray
Misty and Tim Aliff
Mitchell Steinburg
Mixed Root Foundation
Moideen TK
Mollie E. Sliker
Mollie Ragonesi
Mon Savuth
Monajonida Mall
Monique Williams
Mont D’Youville
Montana Lopez
Moore’s Cottage
Morning Star
Morning Star Baptist Church
Morris Leroi Brinker
Morris Nickels
Moses Gilbert
Moses Kamba Ndanji
Moses Kamin
Mother and Baby Homes
Moulay Alex Elmessaoudi
Mounir and Rebecca El-Rhazouani
Mount Pleasant Academy
Mountain Home
Movement For An Adopt. Apology
Movies , TV, and Plays
Mozella McIntyre
Mr and Mrs Allison
Mr and Mrs Blakely
Mudassar Khan
Musa Turay
Muzaffarpur Home
Myles Clevenger
Myriam Bamkin
Nadia Pudely
Najah Ferrell
Najir W. Diehl
Nakia Brice
Nakia Venant
Nanabhau Karanjule
Nancy Bailey
Nancy Baney
Nancy Cusson
Nancy Thomas
Nanette Craver
Naomi Whitecrow
Narda and Michael Wallace
Natalia Barnett
Natalie Finn
Natalie Parker
Natalie Reynolds
Natasha Armes
Natasha Hill
Nathan Daniel Jackson Sr.
Nathan Fassnacht
Nathan James Rust
Nathan Ryan
Nathan Sutherland
Nathan Williams
Nathaniel Craver
Nathaniel Davonte Lopez
Nathaniel Gard
National Adoption Month
National Deaf Academy
National Embryo Donation Center
National Youth Advocate Program
Natisha Schlabach
Native American Youth & Family Center
Native Americans/ First Nations
Nautica Carter
Navjot Singh
Nawab Wilson
Nazareth Child Care and Boarding School
Nazareth House
Neal Taylor
Neil Stonechild
Nelly Masangu
Nephra Payne
Nevada House
Nevada Youth Training Facility
Nevaeh Genna
Nevaeh Michaud
Neveah Gerrior
Neville Husband
New Beginnings
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Disability Rights
New Hope Carolinas
New Hope Christian Services
New Horizons
New Horizons Adoption Agency
New Jersey
New Jersey Mentor
New Life
New Mexico
New Mexico Boys Ranch
New Place Inc
New Star Kafala
New York
New York Study Service
New Zealand
Next Generation Guatemala
Neyali Perez
Ngozi Ezuma
Nguyen Thi Phuong
Nguyen Thi Thanh Trang
Nicholas Allen
Nicholas Braman
Nicholas Grant
Nicholas James Craig
Nicholas Lowe and Isaiah Young
Nicholas Patrick Griffin
Nicholas Santos
Nichole gomez
Nicky Chan
Nicole and Calvin Eason
Nicole and Joseph Finn
Nicole Jackson
Nicole Jones
Nicole Lynn Walter
Nicole Michelle Johnson
Nicole Simon
Nightlight Christian Adoptions
Nikima Wilson
Nikki and Larry Russell
Nikolas Cruz
Niles Home for Children
Nina Shepherd and Thomas Burch
Nirmal Hriday home
Nitin Verma
Noah Bond
Noah McCoy
Noah Pryce
Noah’s Ark Children’s Care
Noel Buhay
Noelle Wolak
Nola Fortine
Nolan Bradly
Nomvula Ramonotsi
Nona Belle Strickland
Noor Sofia Syaqira
Norbert Manalisay Cruz
Norberto Velasquez
Noreen Mulzac
Norma Bell
Norman Standish
Norman Yamson
North Carolina
North Central Secure Treatment Unit
North Dakota
North Homes Chn and Fam Ser
North Korea
Northeast Treatment Center
Northern Childrens Services
Northern Rivers Family of Services
Northern Rivers Family Services
Northwood Children’s Services
Nova Bryant
Nova Scotia Home/Colored Children
Nubia Barahona
Nykedrial Dashawn French
OCarroll Homes
Odice and Tanda Marsh-Smith
Offensive Adoption Merchandise
Official Visits
Ogilvia Pineda
OHEL Children’s Home & Family & Srv
Oldy Ochoa
Oliver and Sara Marie Cole
Oliver Braman
Oliver Lynn
Oliver Ratchford
Olivia Atkocaitis
Olivia Y
Omaha Archdiocese and Wisc Prov of the Soc of Jesus
Omarion “Mars” Humphrey
Omni Vision
Omni Visions
Omni Visions Incorporated
One Hope United
One Way Farm
One World Adoption Services
Onion Lake Child & Family svc
Onyeka Lucy Asonye
Open Adoption
Open International Adoption
Open Line Group Home
Open records
Open Seas Adoption Services
Operation Underground Railroad (OUR)
Options for Families and Youth
Oranga Tamariki
Oregon DHS
Original Birth Certificate
Orion Hamilton
Orlando James Roberts
Orphan Care
Orphan statistics
Orphan Train
Orphanage Tourism
Orrin and Orson West
Orson Mozes
Osanna Bravo
Osbaldo Sanchez
Ottilia Piros
Our Children’s Homestead
Our Home Orphanage
Our Kids
Ovzie Cannon
Owen Melvin Miller
Ozanam Pathways
P.O.W.E.R. House Youth Facility
Paige and James Ridener
Paige Brown
Palmetto Place child & youth svc
Palwinder Singh
Pam Hardy
Pam Pertl
Pamela Ann Fahy
Pamela Graham
Pamela Masser
Pammy Maye
Panache Petry
Panama Youth Services
Parental Right Termination
Paris Ashton Mayes
Paris Bena Hall
Parmadale Family Services
Parramatta Girls Training School
Parveen Banu
Pashia Henderson
PATH Minnesota
Patience Noskiye
Patricia and Chad Abell
Patricia Ann Moore
Patricia Hyler
Patricia Johnson
Patricia Michelle Jones
Patricia Saintizaire
Patricia Taylor
Patricia Vanderwagen
Patrick Alford
Patrick and Crystal Johnson
Patrick Biggs-Davison
Patrick Clyne
Patrick Gallagher
Patrick Guske
Patrick Kennedy
Patrick Mays
Patrick Michael Anderson
Patrick Shufflebeam
Patrick Streeter
Patsy and James Wyres
Pattrick Henderson
Patty and Larry Harvey
Paul and Amanda Lavoe
Paul and Amy Sanders
Paul and Bonnie Bryan
Paul and JoAnn Drake
Paul and Yvonne Caitano
Paul Barber
Paul Belk
Paul Bruce and Lucy Harper
Paul Endrei
Paul Fiske
Paul Foster
Paul Martin Home for Boys
Paul Monteiro
Paul Peterson
Paul Robertson
Paul Teldeschi
Paul Worman
Paula Sinclair
Pauline Randol
Pawan Kumar
Payton Shires
Peak Group Home
Pedro Guzman
Pedro Manzo
Pee Dee Regional Center
Peel CAS
Peggy Freitag
Peggy Louise Atkins
Penny West
Permanent Family Solutions Network
Perry Buco
Pete and Laura Lupo
Peter Brackett
Peter Crane
Peter Gable
Peter Gott
Peter John Henry
Peter Nelson
Peter Nygard
Peter Tony
Peter Truong
Peter Tsetsilas
Pham Thanh Thuy
Pham Thi Nguyet
Phil and Kimberly Loesch
Philip Gregory
Philip Paquette
Philip Temple
Philip Wood
Phillip Clay
Phillip J. James
Phillip Payne
Phillip Robey
Phillip Rumley
Phillip Saunders
Phoenix Sinclair
Pierre Larson
Pine Ridge and Sprucedale
Pinelands Group Homes
Place of Hope
Placement Practices
Pleasant Plains Shelter
Pleasantville Cottage School
Pornchai Promsrichan
Porscha Echols
Posiedon Quinones
Post Adoption Depression
Post-Adoption Reporting
PostAdoption Resources
Powerhouse Youth Facility
Prairie Harbor Residential Center
Precious Michael
Preet Mandir
Premier Adoption Agency
Presbyterian Children’s Villge
Presbyterian Church
Preston King
Preston Lane
Preston Lewis
Prince Edward Cty Child. Aid Soc.
Prince McLeod Rams
Prince Thurman Billings
Priscilla and David Morse
Priscilla Morris
Pritam Singh
Probation officer
Progressive Life Center
Promise Breakers
Promise Waggoner
Prospective Adoptive Parent
Protect Privacy
Providence Kids
Providence Place
Prudence Shivers
Pueblo Regional Center
Puerto Rico
Pundalik Ghole
Quality Care Developmental Services
Quality Care Residential Homes
Quanisha Brown
Quentin Price
Quentrell Whitsell
Quinn and Tory Carlson
Quinn Robinett
Rabin Chalise
Rabin Shrestha
Racheal Marsh
Rachel D. Abner and Jamie Stamper
Rachel Qualls and Paul Kim Myers
Rachel Tipton
Radhames Oropeza
Raechyl Spooner
Raelynn and Payton Keyes
Rafael and Maribel Loera
Rafael Pearson
Rajesh & Bebi Sengar
Rakecia Matrese Brame
Rally’s Commentary
Ralph and Caroline Flynn
Ralph White
Ramchandra Karanjule
Ramiro Recio
Ramon and Janet Barreto
Ramondo Jones
Ramsey Shaud
Rana Cooper
Ranch for Kids
Randal Arnold
Randall Lee and Susan Abney
Randall Pruitt
Randall West
Randell Stevens
Randy and Carissa Jones
Randy August Johnson
Randy Gardner
Randy Jay Galyean
Randy Louis Roe
Ranjeeta Bhasin
Rashadul Islam
Rashaun Davis
Rasheed P
Raven Thompson
Raymond and Moira Curatolo
Raymond and Roberts Grabrowski
Raymond Blouin
Raymond Day
Raymond Gilbert
Raymond Hernandez
Raymond Palmer
Realation Comm Serv of Oklahoma
Realations Comm. Svc of OK
Rebecca Cotes
Rebecca Harris
Rebecca Johnson
Rebecca Morlock
Rebecca Ruud
Rebecca Trebilcock
Rebecka Saudamini Arnes
Rebeckah Saudamini Arnes
Rebekah Ross
Red Flags
Red Rock Canyon School
Reece’s Rainbow
Reed and Georgianna Karriker
Refoela Refalope
REFORM Animation Studios
REFORM Studios
REFORM Talk Awards
REFORM Talk Notice
Reformatina’s Hope
Regina Marquez
Reginald Jackson
Reginald Patton and James Phillips
Reginald Tanubagijo
Rehab Amer
Rehab Jokna
Relative Adoption
REM Iowa
Renee Bach
Renee Gilyard
Republic of Georgia
Rescue Childhood Association
Residential Treatment Centers
Resource Residential Treatment Facility
Resources for Life
Respite Care
Retta Dixon home
Rev. Austin Hanna
Rev. Ival Lane
Rev. John Morse
Reverand Roy Cotton
Reverend Joseph Maurizio jr
Rex and Kevin Wade
Rex and Rebecca Clark
Rex Case
Rex Lawrence Wilson
Reyna del Sol Flores
Reynaldo Bignone
Reysean Williams
Rhett Tison
Rhode Island
Rhonda Eastham
Rhydd School
Riana Johnson
Richard and Cynthia Kelly
Richard and Julene Thorburn
Richard and Martha Roesch
Richard and Patricia Heitz
Richard Batson
Richard Boothby
Richard Feinberg
Richard Fildey
Richard Glascoe
Richard Isenberg
Richard Jay Dewhirst
Richard Keith Orsten
Richard Koca Sr
Richard Ludwig
Richard Mette
Richard Tracey
Richard Vernell Heath
Richie Spencer Earl McKenzie-Black
Rick Adams
Rick and Evelyn Jackson
Rick Harrison
Rick Hayhaw
Rick Murphy
Rick Roeber
Ricky Leland Wirz
Ricky Nicole Tubbs
RieLee Lovell
Rights of Passage Living Center
Rikki Salzman
Riley and Jenetta Smith
Riley Crawford
Rilya Wilson
River View Academy
RiverKids Project
Rob and Marie Johnson
Rob Bucy
Rob Lackie
Rob Manzaneres
Robert “LaVoy” and Jeanette Finicum
Robert Akens
Robert Allen Shirley
Robert and Emily Ismael
Robert and Sheri Leason
Robert Andrews
Robert Breininger
Robert Buechner
Robert Byrd
Robert Caples
Robert Carroll Bonebrake Jr
Robert Cipriano
Robert E. Anderson
Robert F. McFee
Robert Felix Gonzales
Robert Gaskill
Robert Geniesse
Robert Golden Boren
Robert Hill
Robert Horsburgh
Robert John Bergner
Robert Jordan
Robert Koenig
Robert Lawrence Parrish
Robert Martin
Robert McElvain & Felecia Polk
Robert Meeks
Robert Mendoza
Robert Metzner
Robert Pierre Duncan
Robert Riley Saunders
Robert Stephens III
Robert Thomas Milbridge-Scott
Robert William Mulkern
Roberto Aguilar-Ramirez
Robin Bardin
Robin Clark Harris
Robin Kraemer
Robin Longoria
Rock River Academy & Res Ctr
Roderick Alexander Finch
Roderick Blacksmith
Roderick Knox
Rodger Hartwig
Rodney Hamilton
Rodney Johnson
Rodney Rodriguze Jaqun Smith
Rodolfo De Leon
Rogelio Archuleta
Roger and Carmela Johnson
Roger and Melissa Bruml
Roger Ball
Roger Barriault
Roger David Sierra
Roger Decoteau
Roger Eugene Benson
Roger Ham
Roger Stifflemire
Roksana Sikorski
Roman Bravo
Romer and Jayson De Los Santos
Ronald Anthony Sawa
Ronald Carlson
Ronald Francis Willoughby
Ronald Gene Graham Jr.
Ronald Hoyt
Ronald Jay Green II
Ronald Oshensky
Ronald Slatter
Ronald White
Ronald Wilson
Ronald Witmer
Rondal Hale
Roneicka Shantae Bonner
Ronin Bradley
Ronkeia Harper
Ronnie and Ashley Neal
Ronnie and Jamee Baker
Ronshai Jenefor
Roqia and Jan Gholami
Rosa del Carmen Verduzco
Rosario Porto
Rose Faucett
Rose Nwachukwu
Roseanne Kincheloe
Rosemary McClearen
Roshanda Washington
Rotchana Madera
Rotherham CPS
Roxanne Janel Jones
Roxie Huffman
Roy and Darren Darvill
Roy Dean Pruett
Roy Franklyn Newcombe
Roy Minister
Roy Roger Pittman
Roy W. Johnson Jr
Rozhyshche Orphanage
Rubane House
Ruben Alonso Herrera
Ruben Leavell
Ruby Thompson
Ruiz John Morgan III
Runi Sethi
Ruslan and Elijah Stubbs
Russell and Mona Hauer
Russell Bayne
Russell Chapman
Russell David Greene
Russell Garner
Russell Handler
Russell Kennedy
Russell Moore
Russell S. Morstorf
Ruth Golder
Ruth Johnston
Ruthann Gneiser
Ryan A Reynolds
Ryan Carter
Ryan Frodsham
Ryan Joshua Cruz
Ryan Masoner
S.R. Sharpe
Sabrena Carter
Sabrina Ray
Sabrina Zunich
Safe Families For Children
Safe Haven Laws
Sagamore Farm
Sahara Boyd
Sahara Palmer
Saharah Weatherspoon
Sahid Bandana Mahila Smriti Abash
Saint Dominic’s Home
Saint Francis Comm Srv of Salina
Saint Mary International Adoption
Saint Mary’s International Adoptions
Saint Stephen Charity Foundation
Saio Barzee
Sally Ann Schofield
Sam Edwards
Sam Mercer
Samantha Ellis
Samantha Foster
Samantha Leigh West
Samantha Martin
Samantha Osteraas
Samantha Renee Headcarrier
Samantha Tomasini
Samaritan’s Purse
Samayah Anne Emmanuel
Samer Temraz
Samilya Brown
Sammantha Allen
Sammy Nikolayev
Samora Cousin
Samuel A Evans
Samuel and Brandi Hollie
Samuel and Diana Franklin
Samuel Brummett Jr
Samuel Hopkins Junior
Samuel Hudson
Samuel Joseph Hicks
Samuel Masih
Samuel Matthew Adams
Samuel’s Home
San Bernardino County Child and Family Services
Sanat Asliev
Sandra and Antonio Huerta
Sandra Bussey
Sandra Cara-Veo
Sandra Clayton
Sandra Forcier
Sandra Lowe
Sandra Weller
Sanquia Jacobs
Sara Packer
Sarah and Paul Finn
Sarah Berry
Sarah Carter
Saskatchewan Boys’ School
Saudi Arabia
Savannah Leckie
Savin Grace
Savinderpal Singh & Balbir Kaur
Savio House
Schitara Page
Schloss Wilhelminenberg home
SCO Family of Services
Scorpio Sharp
Scott Alan Hoover
Scott Banks
Scott Burow
Scott Clifford(Bridgeham)
Scott David Todd
Scott Dean
Scott Favreau
Scott G. Henry
Scott Hamrick
Scott Lindsay
Scott Morey
Scott Narvell and Debbie Meck
Scott R. Hall and Crystal L.Chamings
Scott Steffes
Scott Thomas
Scott Thomas Smith
Scotts Valley School
Seamans Society For Cdn &Fam.
Sean Birdsong
Sean Brooks
Sean Justice
Sean McIntosh
Sean Paddock
Sean Patrick Murphy
Seattle International Adoptions
Second Chance Adoptions
Second Mile
Seeds of Life
Seeds of Love
Selah Clanton
Selah Kaden
Selena Marie Baxter
Selina Garcia
Semillas de Amor
Senechal Laurence
Sequel Youth and Family Services
Sequoyah House
Seren Bernard
Serena Carol Mathews
Serenity Deal
Serenity Gandara
Serenity Nickelberry
Serhii Safronenko
Servando Barriga
Serving His Children
Seth Ireland
Seth Johnson
Seth M Jackson
Settlement Home
Settlement Home for Children
Sevedeo Lujan
Sexual Abuse
Seymour Fenichel
Shad & Christy Traylor
Shaina Hollingsworth
Shakur Knight
Shalize Carter Clarke
Shamika Ramos
Shamonica Page
Shanda Lou Yenglin
Shane and Judy Huxoll
Shane Michael Mehaffie
Shane Rose
Shane Thomas Anderson
Shanel Nadal
Shanise and Jeremiah Myers
Shanna Mitchell
Shannon Aumuck
Shannon Becktold
Shannon Carter
Shannon Dickinson
Shannon McCoole
Shao Zhongyuan
Shaquan Allen
Shaquil Roland
Shara Foster
Sharanda Hammock
Shared Hope International
Sharice Mitchell
Sharlotte Sutton
Sharon Angela Cooper
Sharon Gravelle
Sharon L. North
Sharon Lambert
Sharon Leonard
Sharon Lippett
Sharon Lynn Group Home
Sharon Whitecloud
Sharon Wilkerson
Sharonika Wesby Wimberly
Sharra Blakemore
Shaud Howell
Shawanda Lucas
Shawn and Dawn McClain
Shawn and Stephani Stovall
Shawn Carter
Shawn Ford
Shawn Richard
Shawna Gatto
Shawna Nacke
Sheila and Wyatt Clark
Sheila Ann Choice
Sheila Evans
Sheila Lepley
Sheila Noelle Scharber/Sheila Bower
Shejar Chaya
Shelby Wilson
Shelley and David Noreika
Shelley Blair
Shelly Renee Henson
Shelly Richardson
Sheltering Arms Child & Fam SVC
Shemeeka Davis
Shepherd Care Ministries
Sherika Hamilton
Sherilee Slatter
Sherill Small
Sherin Mathews
Sherrie and Bryce Dirk
Sherrie Beckering
Sherry Jo Wilkes
Shi-Anne (Keegan) Downer
Shiretta Edward
Shirley Ann Gray
Shirley Oaks
Shirley Verneus
Shishu Bhavan
Shishu Sadan
Shobha Gupta
Shon Christopher Holton
Shonda Elrod & Jennifer Mellon
Shri Ram Audyogik Orphanage
Shureka Weaver
Shyamal and Sandhya Sen
Shymal and Sandya Sen
Sierra Leone
Simon Chavez
Simon Harris
Simon Heap
Simon Jasper McCarty
Simon Magana Chavez
Simon Wood
Simone Swenson
Singles adoption
Sister Isobel O’Brien
Sister Kate’s Children’s Home
Sister Mary Clare
Sister Mary Conleth
Sitlalli Avelar and Kamryn Meyers
Sivam Lekh
Sklya Giller
Sky Lhamon
Sky Thaddeus Cutler
Skyler Cox
Skyler Dunn
Skyler Eugene Hartsough
Skyler Evans
Skyler Wilson
Slavik Sinchuk
Small World
Smoky Mountain Children’s Home
Smyllum Park Orphanage
Social Workers
Society for the Protection of Children
Soft referrals
Sol and Christine Moghadam
Soledad Smith
Solomon James
Somerset Social Service
Something God Made Ministries
Somora Smith
Son of God Orphanage
Sonja and Brian Stafford
Sonja Kluth
Sonya McCaul
Sonya Spoon
Sophia and Princess Calazaire
Sophia Grace Hope Merrill
Sophia Negroponte
Sophie and Elianna Toth
Sophie Fitzpatrick
Sophie Hartman
Sophie Heather Gray
Sophie Myers-Melovidov
Sound Mental Health
South Africa
South Carolina
South Dakota
South Mountain Children & Fam Svc
South Mountain Secure Treatment Unit
South Vale Assessment Centre
Sovereign Grace Ministry
Spaulding Youth Center
Special Needs
Specks Home For Boys
Speech Therapy
Spencer D. Lance
Spirit Lakes Tribal SS
Spirit Rising House
Spohn Avenue House for Girls
Sri Lanka
St Joseph Svc for Child. & Fam.
St Ninian
St Patrick’s Guild
St Philomena
St. Anthony’s School for Boys
St. Christopher Otillie
St. Joseph Villa
St. Joseph’s Orphanage
St. Joseph’s Home for Boys
St. Jude Ranch for Children
St. Kitts and Nevis
St. Mary’s International Adoptions
St. Mary’s Mission School
St. Marys Children Home
St. Michael’s Home for Children
St. Nicholas of Myra
St. Thomas
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Stacey Garrett Begay
Staci Craney
Stacy Beckman
Stacy Bohun
Stacy Clubb
Stacy Lynn Tharpe
Stacy Sorensen
Standing Rock Reservation Home
Stanley and Adella Tom
Stanley Dorozynski
Stanley Fairbairn
Stanley Thomas
Starr Commonwealth
State Training School for Boys
Stef Benson
Stella Maris Orphanage
Stephan Hansen
Stephanie and Gerald Locker
Stephanie and Robert Duncan
Stephanie Bigbee Davis
Stephanie Christine Redus
Stephanie Cowan
Stephanie Crownover
Stephanie Fleming
Stephanie Hauck
Stephanie Monique Walker
Stephanie Olrun
Stephanie Piper
Stephanie Pudlowski
Stephayne and Michael Potts
Stephen Bauer & Megan Finlan
Stephen Burley
Stephen Calderon
Stephen Darrell Taylor
Stephen DeProspero
Stephen Dillard
Stephen H. Schaffner
Stephen Jerome Atkinson
Stephen Lee Hurley
Stephen Lynch
Stephen Melinger
Stephen Merritt
Stephen Nicholas Broderick
Stephen Parsons
Stepping Stone
Stepping Stones
Steve and Joetta Sells
Steve Gerecke
Steve Leschinsky
Steve Marler
Steve Smith
Steven Andrew Larkins
Steven Bradford
Steven Bruno
Steven Bryan Smith
Steven D.Thompson
Steven Donaldson
Steven Joseph Holland
Steven L. Pyle
Steven Lepley
Steven Litz
Steven Mark
Steven Melovidov
Steven Morin
Steven Nevitt
Steven Orloff
Steven Pladl
Steven Unangst
Steven Walker
Steven Wayne Anglin
Steven Weissman
Steven Wells
Street Children
Stuart Thornton
Su’Layah Williams
Successful Dreams
Sue Ann Sheets
Sue Day
Sulaiman PM
Summer and Rusty Page
Sun Light Orphanage
Sunday Procter and Aleya Forsee
Suneet and Martha Agarwal
Sunny Ketchum
Sunny Ridge Family Center
Sununu Youth Services Center
Supply and Demand
Supreme Court
Suresh Kumar
Surrogate Mothers Inc.
Susan Aileen Hooper
Susan Blouin
Susan Elizabeth MacDonnell
Susan Gale
Susan Hayhaw
Susan Jacobs
Susan Lee
Susan Lizzul
Susan Orendorf
Susana Luarca
Suzanna and Robbie
Suzanne ReKow
Suzanne Tyler
Svetlana and Andrey Schavelev
Svitanok (Sunrise) Orphanage
Svitlana Cheshenchuk
Swan Homes Orphanage
Swaylands School
Sydney Danielle White
Sydney Rhees
Syed Waheed
Syeisha Nicolas
Sylvia Luckett
Sylvia Vasquez
Sylvia Wenger
Synergy Youth Treatment
T J George
T’revonsay Sales
Tabitha Dunn
Tajiere Goldsmith
Talen Clark Barton
Taliaferro Buckingham
Tallapoosa County Girls Ranch
Tallgrass Family Services
Tamal and Jerry Flore
Tamara DeMaris
Tamara Ely
Tamara Gable
Tamara Lee Hemara
Tameca Cargile
Tami Joy Huntsman
Tamiah Hamilton
Tamie Marie Bieker
Tamiyah Audain
Tammi Peters Smith
Tammie and Lee Brady
Tammy and Kevin Goforth
Tammy Andrews
Tammy Bass-Lesure
Tammy Renee Galyean
Tammy Steidl
Tammy White
Tamryn Klapheke
Tana Perkins Reneau
TaNika Gibson
Tanner Ward & John Howard
Tannise Nawaqavou
Tanya and Alva Sammons
Tanya Galvin
Tara Lynn Lee
Tara McNeill Palajac
Tara Vereen
Tariji Gordon
Tarquin Craig Thomas
Tate and Jaelyn Survance
Tatiana McCormick
Taylin Hill
Taylor and Laurie Cournoyer
Taylor Cadle
Taylor Ray Freeman
Te Oranga
Teanna Arnold
Ted Suhl
Tedi Bear Adoptions
Teens Happy Homes
Teens in Transition group home
Teia Gallo
Telma Uribe
Tennessee Childrens Home Society
Tennyson Center For Children
Teo and Coleman Palmieri
Tequila Hall &Harmony Raffeo
Terence Heath and John Dixon
Teresa Allen
Teresa J. Potts
Teresa Jane Standridge
Teresa Lee Snyder
Teresa Robinson
Teresita and Ruben Morgan
Terral Anthony Parfait
Terri and Pamela Dennis
Terri Canady
Terri Grzebielski
Terri L. Thornhill
Terri Lynn Cronin
Terrilynn Destiny Dennis
Terry Achane
Terry and James Muller
Terry Begay
Terry Crowe
Terry E. Prouty
Terry Hackett
Teryl Veal
Tess Damm
Teton Youth and Family Services
Texas Baptist Home for Children
Teyuana Cummings
TFI Family Services
Thadd Addison Boley
Thavaru Public Charitable Trust
The Adoption Network Law Center
The Alliance for Children
The Baby Fold
The Barker Adoption Foundation
The Bridge Family Center
The Center for Family Development
The Children’s Home of Eason
The Christian Academy of Japan
The Christopher School
The Connection
The Cradle
The Datz Foundation
The Family Network Inc
The House Next Door
The Impact Project
The Joshua Home
The Journey Impact Ranch
The Kings Cleft Ministry
The Larkin Center
The Lighthouse
The Pregnancy Choices
The Refuge
The Sans Pareil Ctr -Childr & Fam Svcs
The Second Mile
The Treehouse Center
The Villages
Thelma and Darrell Duff
Thelma Belizaire
Theotis Butts
Therapeutic Family Life
Theresa Barroso
Theresa Erickson
Theresa Gooch
Theresa Jarrett
Theresa McNulty
Theresa Taylor and Anthony Mason
Theresa Tinggal
Thomas and Christina Toth
Thomas and Jennifer Stacy
Thomas Atkocaitis
Thomas Boyles
Thomas Branchflower
Thomas Cross
Thomas Donald Mark
Thomas E. Smith
Thomas Gillett Spio
Thomas H. Goodspeed
Thomas Hicks
Thomas Ivan Nieland
Thomas Jack
Thomas Lobel
Thomas Skinner
Thomas Steuart
Thomas Zarembinski
THRU Project
Tia Ann Jones
Tiahleigh Palmer
Tiara Kruta
Tiffani Mclean-Camp
Tiffany Banks Cross
Tiffany J. Jack
Tiffany Klapheke
Tiffany Lynne Jordan-Johnson
Tiffany Sue Banks
Tim Archuleta
Tim Bachman
Tim Curley
Tim Lambesis
Timothy and Sarah Johnson
Timothy Cheatwood
Timothy Dampier
Timothy Dean Krause
Timothy Hill
Timothy Hill Children’s Ranch
Timothy Johnston
Timothy Long
Timothy McKeever-Hauschultz
Timothy Montoya-Kloepfel
Timothy Mountford
Tina Anderson
Tina McKeever-Hauschultz
Tina Scee
Tinatale and April Makalea
Tinkerbelle Adoption Consultants
Tionne and Tavione Maurice Williams
Tirell Hill
TJ and Nate Frey
TMM Family Services
Today’s Family
Today’s Message
Todd Harper
Todd Mortensen
Together for Adoption
Tom Wlison
Tommy Dale Standridge
Tommy Daniels
Tommy Lynn Bailey
Tommy Musser
Tommy Pitts
Tonja J Maciolek
Tony Day
Tonya and Deborrah Winter
Toomey Res. and Comm. Svc
Torace D. Weaver
Torrance Gary
Torry Hansen
Touchstone Residential Services
Tracey Starling
Tracie Hirz and Jimmy Gray Schimke
Tracing Roots
Tracy and Henry Robinson
Tracy and Rosemary Jones
Tracy and Timothy Ferriter
Tracy Bayne
Tracy Dawn Nelson
Tracy Dossman
Tracy Gonzales
Tracy Leann Bess-Thacker
Traevon Chalifoux-Desjarlais
Trammond Roberts
Tranquility Bay
Transracial adoption
Travis A. Durrum
Travis Christian Smiegel
Travis Gallo
Travis Lanier and Amy Michele Headrick
Travis Messenger
Travis Scheerschmidt
Travis Wagner
Travis Weston
Treatment Court
Tree of Life
Trenique Faciane
Trent Allen McKenna
Trent Yates
Trenton Mathis
Trevor Emptage
Trevor Frodsham
Trey Zwicker
Trezell and Jacqueline West
Triad Family Services
Trina Mae Johnson
Trinidad and Tobago
Trinity House
Tripura Sundari
Tristan Dosdall
Tronie Foundation
Troy Gene and Mary Brewer
Troy koehler
Troy Lowell Bussey
Troy Sweeting
Trulon Henry
Trysten Eli Frank Adams
Tucker Cipriano
Tuesday Terms
Tununak v. Alaska
Turana & Winlaton Youth Training Ctrs
Turella & Rashad Forman
Turning Points for Children
Ty’ionna Barfield
Tykea Lasjara Alexander
Tylashia Grant
Tyler Emory
Tyler Griffin-Huston
Tyler Groner
Tyler Guiliano
Tyler Quinn Heilbult
Tyler Trevino
Tyler Walter
Tyra Williams-Dorey
Tyrece L. Owens
Tyrell Dashanda Smith
Tyrese Sutherland
Ujjwal Niketan orphanage
Unauthorized orphanage
Unethical behavior
Union Gospel Mission
Unique Adoptions
United Methodist Children’s Home
Unity Family Services
Unity House
Universal Health Services
Universal Health Services Inc.
US Adoption Legislation
US Citizenship
US Embassy Cables
Usifu Bangura
Uthavum Kaigal
Utter Pradesh Group Home
Valerie Herrman
Valerie Wilke
Valery Roseus
Valley Oak Residential Treatment Program
Valley of Hope Adoption Agency
Valley of the Moon Children’s Home
Valley Teen Ranch
Van Erick Custodio
Van Vleck House
Vanatasia Green
Vance William Baxter
Vanessa Pearce
Vaughan Gene Loader
Vaughn Cordes
Vennis McCall
Verna Kennerson
Vernon Gene Rohrer Jr
Vernon Schlabach
Veronica Brown
Veronica Dale Williams
Veronica Roach
Vhee Carrascal
Vicki Campbell-Beer
Victor Barahona
Victor Salazar
Victoria Dancy
Victoria Evans
Victoria Smith
Victory Christian Children’s Home
Vidya Bhushan Odha
Vikram Gopinath
Viktor Lishavsky
Villa Hope
Village of Hope
Villages of Indiana
Vilma Ramirez
Vincent Carter
Vincent Hill
Vincent Ray Johnson
Vinton Moton
Viola Vanclief
Violet Ramunni
Violet Ray
Virginia R. Jones
VisionQuest National
Vivant Behavioral Healthcare
Vivian Lieska Benn
Volunteers of America Massachusetts
Wade Russell
Wade Steven Wilson
Waking Bailey
Waldo and Andrea Hernandez
Walter Scott
Wanda Ashley Stock
Wanda Martin
Wanda Sue Feltner
Wanda Sue Larson & Dorian Lee Harper
Wanser Brown
Warren and Suzanne Stadler
Warren Earl Yerger Sr
Warren Frank Tuer
Warren Johnson
Washington DC
Way-J Boys Ranch
Waylen Curtis Wood
Wayne and Rosella Keeny
Wayne Rendell Bailey
Wednesday Weirdness
Well of Grace Boarding School
Wendy Hardy
Wendy Leeck
Wendy Mae George
Wesley Mathews
West Ridge Academy
West Sands Adoption
West VIrginia
What If?
What the ?
Wide Horizons for Children
Wilderness Camps
Will Earnest and Wylie Sue Cater
William Allan Butler
William and April Crisel
William and Hilja Jutila
William and Michelle Nemeth
William and Zachary Zulock
William Brenner
William Corey Forrest
William DeJesus
William Delgado Beltran
William E. Bolden
William Elliott Jr
William Fox
William Glisson & Johhny Peterson
William Green
William Harshaw
William Hook
William Hudson
William J. Foster
William John Easterling Jr
William Kent Hathaway
William Lee Simmons
William Leon Bardin
William O’Brien
William Quigg
William Robert Metcalfe
William Shaffer
William Stuart Houston
William Sweet
William Tolcher
William Turange
William Tyrell
William Wayne Jones
William Wayne Sexton
William Willingham
Willie Calvin Bivens
Willie Djuan Turner
Wilma Edwards
Wilson Lee Tubbs III
Win for Kids
Windie Perry
Wings of Hope
WinShape Homes
Wisteria Lodge
Wonda Faye Dixon
Wood County Board of Developmental Disabilities
Woodland Hills
Woodlands Boys Home
Woodsbend Boys Camp
Woodside Juvenile Rehab Ctr
Woodward Academy
Woody Allen
Woon Fui
World Events
World For Children
World Links
Wu Yongfei
Wylok “Katie” Stonebraker
Wyndham and Choice Hotels
Wyzax Surrogacy Consultancy
Xavier Brothers-Bartholomew
Xavier Johnson
Xavier Jones
Yaeli Goldamez
Yahyah Farroukh
Yakubu Abdulazeez
Yancy Miller
Yea Ping Chan
Yellow Generation Wave
Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch
Yirra House
Yoko Issac
Yolanda Clay
Yosef Rasmussen
Yossi Diamant
Your House South group home
Youth and Family Alternatives
Youth Development Center (NH)
Youth Development Ctr Manchester
Youth Health Associates
Youth Progress
Youth Quest
Youth Villages
Yvette Smithen
Yvon Guernon and Lilianne Liboiron
Yvonne Bailey
Za’Marion Wilcox
Zachariah E. Pine
Zachary Chance Hoskins
Zachary Solis
Zack Morris
Zackary Deckert
Zah-Nee Rothgeb
Zahra Gholami
Zane Thompson
Zane Wolfgang Thomas
Zariah Schatz
Zayden Lawson
Zeek Davis
Zeporia Fortenberry
Zhane Chilcott
Zion Dutro
Zoe’s Ark
Zoie Brown
Zoraida Figueroa-Norse
Zya Singleton
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Recent Comments
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Rally’s Commentary: James and Myka Stauffer
Laurie A Beck
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Shannon Moore
How Could You? Hall of Shame-Bulgaria Adoptive Parents Mark and Melissa McGregor UPDATED
Happy 4th of July!
on 7-04-2012
Rally, Reformatina and Crabbina wish you the best
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